Grassland Cowdrake

Vaccadraco legitimus


Grassland Cowdrake

“ The grass-eating drake is native to the Earth and Sawintir, as a wild ancestor of the domestic one. Stronger than their descendants, except for weight, but weight loss in nature. Despite being herbivores, we eat meat for an extra meal. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Vaccadraconidae

Genius: Vaccadraco

Species: Vaccadraco legitimus

Descendant: drakes

Named by: Jerome Milles

Year Published: 1987

Size: 28 m in length; 7.5 cm tall in height; 500 kg in weight


Title: Grassland Cow Dragon


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: n/a

Weaknesses: All

Casualties: n/a

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Grassland Cowdrake (Vaccadraco legitimus) is the fictional species of dragon was introduced in Weather Dragons of Bagani: Warriors of New Magdalenia and in Worldcraft: The Center.


The combination is named for cow and drake, a kind of dragon.

Physical Appearance

The grassland cowdrake is a large flightless dragon, and it is sexually dimorphic, with dull lime green scales, dark green scutes, yellowish underbelly scales, yellow vertical sides between underbelly and above, and even females were darker than males. The female one was shorter than the male; the male is sturdier than the female and nearly unbreaking. Both of them have hazel eyes.


Do you notice that the Grassland Cowdrake shaved 4 radii hectares of grass in a single bite? It is very rare. Produced protein and carbohydrates are in their own flesh as a result of alternate Avalonian food from the Earth subpopulation.


Out of all the known herbivores, grassland cowdrakes are generally regarded as the most prevalent and weakest. Grassland cowdrakes have been shown to be very adaptive to a variety of habitats, despite their susceptibility.

Although they are at the bottom of the food chain in each of these ecosystems, including dense tropical forests, damp swamps, and even tropical islands and plains, they continue to flourish in great numbers because of their rapid growth and reproductive rates. Cowdrakes will flee from any predatory threat, including lions, tigers, leopards, theropods, wyverns, giant snakes, humans, and others, unless they are trapped or their young

This shell plate's strength allows it to protect the animal against predatory claws and other types of attacks. Their green skin acts as camouflage, so they may fit into swampy or forested regions. Grassland cowdrakes also have a robust skull plate and fangs that can rip through leaves, which are essential for protecting the animal from danger.


The grassland cowdrake was a neutral animal and attacked at once, then fled.

Distribution and Habitat

The grassland cowdrake was native to eastern regions, including the northern regions of the western continent in Sawintir. But also found in Ascunsia in Reinachos, from plains to prairies.


Grassland cowdrakes were tranquilized by bullets, made unconscious, fed while unconscious, and used narcotics to continuously overdose. When a grassland cowdrake hatches from an egg, it is immediately domesticated because the survivor remains within 17 radii from the hatching egg. You can train Grassland Cowdrake with a whip, cabbages, pine foliage, meat wrapped in seaweed, or boiled eggs if it isn't already trained.


Bereshit - 30,000-10,000 BCE

Phanes used Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of the Aesirs or Deities to produce any creatures, including humans, monsters, and animals, for the creation of cowdrakes.

Foreign Languages

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