Velvet Worms

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Velvet worms are segmented animals with a flattened cylindrical body cross-section and rows of unstructured body appendages known as oncopods or lobopods of phylum Onychophora. Subdue their prey, they squirt a sticky, quick-hardening slime from a pair of glands on their heads.

List of Velvet Worms


There is no explicit classification for any of these velvet worms in Monster Hunter movie, Assassin's Creed series, and Rapunzel's Tangled, so they are not considered to be canonical.


The Peripatidae is a family of velvet worms. The oldest putative representatives of the family herald from Burmese amber dated to the mid-Cretaceous, around 100 million years ago, with representatives from Dominican and Baltic amber attesting to a broader distribution in the Palaeogene / Neogene; molecular variability suggests that the family's crown group may have arisen in the early Mesozoic.

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