
Pagoscoros groenlandica


A kind of suspicious worm that rebirthed as a gorgeous moth in Greenland, before Inuit and Norsemen arrived at their Ice Age, arctic moths reigned with most non-volant animals. This moth digs through the ice and snow layers in their hunting, which attacks the towns.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Lepidoptera

Superfamily: Noctuoidea

Family: Erebidae

Genius: Pagoscoros

Species: Pagoscoros groenlandica

Descendant: Arctic woolly bear

Named by: George du Philippe

Year Published: 2003

Size: see below



Pantheon: Greenlandic

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Air, ice, water

Inflicts: Freeze, snowed, bleeding, frostbite

Weaknesses: Fire, earth, electric, metal, sound

Casualties: unrecorded

Based On: Graboid and Assblaster from Tremors film, itself, Belgica antarctica

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Quvdlugiarsuaq (Pagoscoros groenlandica; pronounce: kyuf-dloo-(ja-/gya-)r-swak) is the one of the mythical creatures that introduce in Worldcraft: Crown of Drepesedio.

This Quvdlugiarsuaq insect is one of the insect guardians including Khepri, Mothsol, Samjogo, Glaze-wing, and others; notable to their Elder Dragon-Level Monsters in the series.

Quvdlugiarsuaq is an ancient moth lived thousands of years ago before both Inuit and Norsemen arrived at the same time. Akin to Mongolian death worms of Mongolia, Minhocao of Brazil, or Tlanusi of Cherokee County; Quvdlugiarsuaq is an insect, not a worm rather than caterpillar.

Physical Appearance

Quvdlugiarsuaq larvae are large (600 centimeters) and densely coated in soft hair, ranging color from brown to light yellowish; even coated in snow layers. While they are usually a distinctive tan-yellow cast, their color may vary.

They are characterized by a distinct hair tuft on their eighth abdominal segment, which has been described as "rudimentary hair". They can also be identified by the spinulose form of their hairs, which are spineless, in contrast to the finer, feather-like (plumose) hairs of their close relative, the Arctic wooly bear moths.

When the Quvdlugiarsuaq in terms of wing pattern: G. groenlandica and G. rossii lack the frost-color design in their under the wings, dark band along the edge of their hind wings that is characteristic of G. rossii. In general, Quvdlugiarsuaq also have more wing patterning than G. groenlandica and G. rossii.


Quvdlugiarsuaq was passive towards all living things, however in one year. It turns into a moth for their attack and aggression towards us. Quvdlugiarsuaq farts their abdomen as a rocket propeller mechanism, which the dry ice gas and other substances are considered flammable but not combust. Quvdlugiarsuaq flies through the air, their wings buzzing like a hummingbird and bees altogether. This creature uses their wings to make flies and swooping the enemies at their sight, straight up to the sky if missed.


Moth Form

Caterpillar Form

Weather Phenomenon


Quvdlugiarsuaq are psychrophile or cryophile species that are well-adapted to living in conditions of extreme cold in the polar regions. Due to no predators in Cordillera Walls, Northern Benjamin Hills, and Arctic circle except for bats as results of island tameness.

This creature eats ice or pagophagia, and lacks iron so Quvdlugiarsuaq crunching the ice and other glaciers, as a result of their ecological balance and negative impact on rising sea level. Quvdlugiarsuaq moths are the second top predators in Greenland at the food chain.


Quvdlugiarsuaq is a neutral creature with versatile behaviors, in moth form was generally neutral to survivors and hostile to all creatures except races. In moth form, it was a very genuine and agile moth that was always locked by rocket propelled dry ice combustion.

Distribution and Habitat

Quvdlugiarsuaq was located on three planets. Berbania was found like Drepesedio continent. Reinachos like North Jejirique; Hybornia; and Amazonia, possibly trace in Pascua Delos Desierto where they also have subspecies to survive in desert environments. in Planet Earth as their original home place, Greenland.


Moth-form Quvdlugiarsuaq was never too tamed by tranquiliser, except for "Crown of Ice'' as their command when Quvdlugiarsuaq was near death and it's now to your respect.

Only Quvdlugiarsuaq larvae will be tamed, feeding the grass; poop; ice; and kibble of leopard seal or reindeer for now tame.


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

This animal was created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own.

