White Guilapos

Leucalaopejeinos berbanica


“ An alien blind in the caves for no apparent cause. They can both hear their own beats and sense the scent. Beware of the ferocious yet eerie red-and-white alien. ”

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Class: Berbanaves

Order: Leucalaopejeinia

Family: Leucalaopejeinidae

Genius: Leucalaopejeinos

Species: Leucalaopejeinos berbanica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 2.5 m tall in height; 23 - 34 m long in length; wingspan estimate to 23 m in length; 350 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Electric, sound

Inflicts: Paralysis

Weaknesses: Fire, earth

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

White Guilapos (Leucalaopejeinos berbanica), or gilapas'ha, is one of the fictional species of aliens in Berbania, introduced in Berbania's Last War. Guilapos is considered one of the strangest members of the group. Many people in the research are Russians and Indians to get information about Guilapos as the main killing machine against conquistadors. Declare it as an endangered species.


Gilapas'ha is the Ghiwarian dialect of Dairkian for "no eye smell," because only in the chest veins and ears can one detect the environment. Another name for this species was "Ghummiû," as in onomatopoeia.

Guilapos / Gilapus is a Dairkian word via Dermochlorian for this species.

Physical Appearance

Guilapos is a blind extraterrestrial with rubbery, smooth, white, and red flabby skin that is susceptible to water and fire. Have eardrop gills as well, which are mistaken for genuine gills, and the six smaller gills on the abdomen.

Guilapos can glide and fly over short distances because of their forelimbs' two fingers and wings. The back limbs are thought to resemble Durokkl in appearance. Their tail has a unique opening that enables them to cling to cave ceilings and attach to the ground during attacks. Guilapos have neck markings that glow a light blue color. These animals are hermaphrodites, which means a person may unintentionally be both male and female.


Guilapos control sound and electric magic with their own special elemental sacs. Taking into account that this species is hermaphrodite and capable of producing up to three children, this extraterrestrial is highly tolerant of paralysis and electrified; a five-second stun will only last on it. Guilapos can absorb electrified wounds and paralysis to gain more power. The strong acidic properties of gulapos can melt cave floors and render survivors and other creatures unconscious.


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Although these aliens are cave dwellers, they go out when they please or when food inside grows too scarce. While Guilapos outside a cave are vulnerable to larger predators, both animals and extraterrestrials, Their aggressiveness is closely tied to their senses. If the wyvern cannot detect prey, it will quite literally remain blind to their presence. Guilaposes are ambush predators, lying in wait near underground water sources or cave entrances, waiting for unwary prey to enter their domain.

Distribution and Habitat

The habitat of Guilapos is often found in subterranean tunnels that lead to temperate and tropical woodlands that are adjacent to flowing waterways. The beast's oily skin might need the moisture found in a cave with a water supply. The Dirthsao continent in Berberia is where this animal first appeared.


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Foreign Languages

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