Juhani Otso Berg


Juhani Otso Berg

Modern-day Assassins, Templars, and Hunters are weak. It is only a matter of time before I catch the last of them and kill them. But it was not enough for them to die, and I killed my wife for Abstergo. I want them to know how weak they truly are, and I want everyone to see them suffer. So on the day they finally meet me, they will welcome the death I offer them. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Juhani Otso Berg, Lord of Borja

Other Names: 

Born: December 28 1985, at Mikkeli, Finland (part of Slaughter of the Innocents)

Died: ???

Species: Terran Human


Age: 39

Gender: Male


Language Spoken: 

Alignment: Bad

Paraphernalia: coming soon

Powers and Abilities: coming soon




Likes: none

Dislikes: none

Inspiration: Himself

Conservation Status: Alive

Juhani ® - This species is a registered trademark of Ubisolf, and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Juhani Otso Berg (born 1985) is a former member of the Finnish Special Forces and a high-ranking agent of the Operations Division of Abstergo Industries, as well as the leader of Sigma Team.

Juhani is the last lineage of Cesare Borgia and a nemesis of the Conservationist Hunter Queen Arianna. He was later inducted into the Abstergo Inner Perpetual of the Abstergo Enterprise and became the director of Abstergo Medical, and the nemesis of the Templars, Assassins, Hunters, and Queen Arianna's descendants. In 2016, he took on the mantle of the Abstergo Black Cross Killer, believing the position had become necessary forever.


Juhani is a Finnish cognate of the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning "God is merciful." The name Otso is also Finnish, though archaic, meaning "bear." His last name, Berg, means "mountain" in several Germanic languages. Finnish is one of the three Uralic languages and not Germanic.

It is likely he is of Germanic ancestry (possibly Swedish or German), as Finland was not of Viking origin or part of proper Scandinavia. Coming from southern Finland, he is more likely to be a Finno-Swede, with descendants coming from Sweden, possibly in the 1200s. Ethnic Finns lived in tribes throughout Finland, Estonia, and Northwestern Russia from Western Siberia. Norse sagas have recorded Finnic peoples, but with very little contact. In Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Juhani was considered mostly Finnish and Germanic with less Italian and Spanish origin. To begin, his father was a descendant of Cesare Borgia, and his descendant was Johannes Bortja-Berg, the murderer of King Frederic of Corona Kingdom, as a result of the Second Purge of Assassins and Hunters.

Physical Appearance

As Juhani kills the animal that his former wife caused, Zinogre can now enhance its physical strikes with explosive bursts of sparks and lightning, leaving Juhani's right arm scarred from Zinogre's attacks.


Juhani has virtually incalculable strength, due to his Cain's deity heritage, and shared with Borgias. He possesses supernatural strength to the point where Juhani can punch through stone with little effort and overpower demons and powerful creatures much larger than him.

Created to hunt down Assassins, Templars, and Hunters who had survived the Great Extinction or Great Purge, Sigma Team was originally led by the Master Abstergo Juhani Otso Berg but has since gone on to function as Abstergo's general kill-squad, with operations in a number of different theaters.

Due to his martial arts training, Juhani, a former member of the Finnish Special Forces, has a broad understanding of both melee and ranged fighting. Because of his superior assassin skills, he is able to track down even the most formidable assassins, such as William Miles. He spearheaded the operation to apprehend Assassin Mentor William Miles and Grand Master of Templar Quirin Stearns in Cairo, and he was proficient enough to defeat another Master Templar, Daniel Cross, who had been taught by the Assassins at first.

Juhani was able to engage Galina Voronina in hand-to-hand combat, but the Master Assassin ultimately had the upper hand. Juhani has the ability to incapacitate three attackers who were trying to ambush him by jumping through the window of a moving car. He clearly has a high pain threshold because when a throwing knife was stuck in his hand, he just yanked it out and started fighting hands-to-hand without even flinching. Juhani was incredibly resilient, even after suffering severe injuries, killing five skilled Instruments of the First Will with his own hands. One of his hits during his battle with Galina unintentionally broke a portion of a brick wall.

Berg wears a specially created clothing from André Bolden for his role as the Black Cross. It contains Abstergo's hidden blade, a force shield gauntlet, and a red Templar cross on the breast, coupled with a cap and a thick red scarf. The outfit has grappling hook-equipped gauntlets that can be utilized for climbing. Berg also included a pair of military goggles that were prototypes from the Abstergo Skunkworks branch.


Juhani Otso Berg proved to be a hardened individual, ensuring operations proceeded efficiently for Abstergo, not Templar. After being recruited by Warren Vidic, he became a strong believer in the Ex-Templar Abstergo cause and ideology, seeing it as a righteous cause for a better future. He showed respect for the Assassins, Hunters, Templars, and his fellow Abstergo members, as shown in a series of logs regarding certain figures from four factions across the ages who had inspired Berg in certain ways, and he restored the Borgia family. However, he did possess a strong determination when fighting against the Assassins, Templars, Hunters, animals, and even a streak of cruelty, shown through his desire to see their mind and spirit broken, before allowing them to die by his hands.

Al Mualim, Julius Cesar, Haras, Haytham Kenway, Duncan Walpole, Baptiste, Arno Dorian, Elise de la Serre, Connor Kenway, Vali cel Tradat, Shay Cormac, Lucy Stillman, William Miles, Basim Ibn Ishaq, and Daniel Cross were among the people who inspired Juhani Berg. These individuals were all traitors to the Assassin, Templar, and Hunter cause, and he was used against Queen Arianna of Corona, Johannes Bortja and Juhani Berg's enemy, as well as a number of individuals who were connected to her.

Feeling deceived, Juhani left the Templars and gathered supporters to form his own faction within Abstergo Industries. The CIA regarded Juhani as the world's most dangerous man. His group, the Sigma Team, was one of the Abstergo task forces that were sent in during the Great Purge in January 2000 following the victories of Nilan Punzalan and Francis Muller. During this period, they hunted down and killed a great number of Assassins, Templars, and Hunters, including well-known individuals who Juhani had singled out for his ruthless and insane actions. Additionally, after using cocaine from Abstergo and exotic ingredients from mythical beings, Juhani and the Sigma Team hunted for and killed Muslims, Christians, and Jews because Juhani's religion was prohibited by the Lutheran Society in Finland, one of Templar's subsidiaries.


In general, Borgia's reign over the Templars, now used by Juhani to reform himself as Templar to Abstergo worldwide, is regarded as the "Dark Age of the Order.". Connor Kenway first kills Johannes Bortja before Arianna is late to kill her husband's murderer. When Johannes vowed not to die at the hands of man, Ratonhnhaké:ton stopped Queen Arianna and dragged her with Assassin Order members to declare that he would leave Bortja "in the hands of fate" and throw him off the castle wall to his death, but Johannes's wife left and was expelled to the Sahara Desert.

Juhani was born in Mikkeli, Finland, with his parents, but his dad was a descendant of Rodrigo de Borja and his ancestor, Cain. He was dragged around the world by his father, who worked for an oil company belonging to Abstergo Industries. Juhani was raised in countries such as Afghanistan, Kurdistan, and Oman. With his father's blessing, Juhani returned to Finland to join the army.

At first, they made fun of his muddled accent, but the jokes quickly stopped as Berg proved himself to be an exceptional recruit, becoming one of the youngest Special Jaegers in the Utti Jaeger Regiment until he was banned from using cocaine. However, around 2010, he opted to become a mercenary, believing the pay would be better than that of Jaeger's. Juhani needed the money to afford cystic fibrosis treatments for his newborn daughter, Elina. This choice cost him his marriage when his wife, Helmi, disapproving of his new mercenary life, asked for divorce.



See also: none

Chronological Appears

Past and Present Incidents Episodes

Historya Davvun

Thalath Lakoduna

No Way to Seaway

Weather Dragons

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Episodes

Two Lights


Equation the Series


Independent Stories

Independent Series

