Warak Ngendog

Javahipposaurus dominum

Warak Ngendog

“ The living relative of Qilin, with scarlet, lime, and lemon-colored fire spreading forest into seas of arson, holds a bamboo stick or something in the mouth as aid in this life. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Dracoequidae

Genus: Javahipposaurus

Species: Javahipposaurus dominum

Descendant: drakes

Named by: Lestari Janssen

Year Published: 1995

Size: 8.0 meters tall in height, 8.0 meters in length, 2,500 kilograms in weight




Time Period: OligoceneHolocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿

Elements: Fire, earth, leaf, arcane, combat

Inflicts: Burned, erupted, sundered, horrified, bleeding, stunned

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Warak Ngendog (Javanese: ꦮꦫꦏ꧀ꦔꦼꦤ꧀ꦝꦺꦴꦒ꧀) is the fictional species of Elder Dragon introduced in Life for Bogatyr and Mahabharata.


Warak Ngendog in Indonesian via Javanese: ꦮꦫꦏ꧀ꦔꦼꦤ꧀ꦝꦺꦴꦒ꧀ (Romanized: Warak Ngendhog) means Egg Laying Rhinoceros.

Physical Appearance

Warak Ngendog is the most colorful of all drake species, closely related to snakes and mosasaurs. The only flightless dragon in Southeast Asia. The most vibrant species of drake, closely linked to snakes and mosasaurs, is called a Warak Ngendog. the only dragon from Southeast Asia without wings.

The Warak Ngendog is distinguished by its yellow-lemon fur, which indicates the presence of embodiment on the foot, chin, neck, spine, and tail. Their horns are longer than Kirin's, save for deer antlers that resemble sambar deer. They have olive, dark green, cyan, and sea green skin with black, yellow, and red stripes. Warak Ngendhog's brown eyes and the horse's five foot fingers are derived from the convergent evolution of unicorns.


Warak Ngendog is capable of creating mysterious multicolored flames from its mouth, tail, back, and forelegs known as "Usuper Trinomial Fire" (Indonesian: Perampas tiga api; consists of scarlet, lime, and lemon-colored fire). Despite its size, it is capable of leaping an astonishing distance. While recoiling from a leap, it can fire several fireballs from its mouth or tail before leaping again. It can also release thick, multicolored clouds of miasma gas that detonate when Warak Ngendog flicks its hooves into them.

It has the ability to rapidly grow various roots and be used as a weapon. It is also able to breathe a sedative yellowish substance from its mouth, which deals with paralysis; a pale red substance from the mouth deals with scalding; and a greenish white substance from the mouth deals with sleep. Warak Ngendog holds various objects, including bamboo sticks or karambits, left to use as a weapon.


Weather Phenomenon


The only equine drake discovered in Southeast Asia is the Warak Ngendog, which has teeth designed to hold items like bamboo sticks, kris, karambit knives, and balisong knives. Similar to saola, it is active both during the day and at night but prefers to sleep during the sweltering noon hours. The male displayed behavior that included hissing like snakes do to ward off enemies.

Due to rats' and monkeys' similar diets, their diet was omnivorous. They consume a lot of bamboo, ti plant, and other plant leaves. If it runs out of this nourishment, it also includes rodent carcasses in its diet. Then, as it loses its electric and arcane ingredients during the process of evolution for cooking, it recovers the multicolored fire on the specific organs.

Another theory holds that Warak Ngendog possesses saliva that is made up of saliva oil and a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, and copper. The thing is covered with this delicious oil to make it more deadly than any animal as a weapon. This concept originated from Visayan warty pigs, who utilize sticks to dig and construct nests and dens.


The Warak Ngendog is currently seriously endangered as a result of overhunting and ethnic cleansing. The location of the largest volcanic explosion in history, Mount Tambora, is not far from where this dragon is now to be found. There are numerous hidden and abandoned artifacts that were used for martial arts teaching that were left behind by Filipinos, Indonesians, and Malaysians. Warak Ngendog is referred to as the living martial art in the area. The Warak Ngendog is a preposterous hybrid of a rhinoceros and a human with a unicorn's physique and scales that burn things into sake as a result of the name's reinterpretation.

When European immigrants first arrived in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea, the Warak Ngendog population began to decline. Around 1 million Warak Ngendog lived in Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea prior to the arrival of settlers. This dragon, which has a 5% chance of survival, is routinely attacked by pigs, dogs, ferrets, skunks, stoats, cats, and even monitor lizards that have invaded the area.

In addition, humans have put Warak Ngendog at risk by destroying their ecosystem through mining, logging, and conflict between Warak Ngendog against the Templar Knights and the Assassin Brotherhood. Warak Ngendog has always been hunted by humans, elves, and orcs for food, scales, and scutes. Warak Ngendog is thought to represent the three major ethnic groups in Semarang: Javanese people, Han Chinese, and Arab people. It was observed at the Dugderan Festival, which was held annually on September 23, just before the holiday of Ramadan. Warak Ngendog, however, was extremely hostile and was armed with anything, including swords, knives, tree twigs, and bamboo.

The Agents of Shield, together with Shuri and Flint Marko, alerted for the terrible disaster in Central Java, Indonesia, in 2027 AD, which was brought on by the Elder Dragon's killing of Javanese people and others by burning them alive while they slept in the dead of night. A single night of arson and habitat destruction results in the burning alive of even shamans and witches. Hatred with pride and circumspect transgressions against non-variant forms were a version of Warak Ngendog. A Javanese witch who had fallen in love with a Dutch soldier is currently being assassinated and devoured alive by Warak Ngendog because she violated the ecological and religious stability laws by practicing Islam during Ramadan, or Holy Week, making her a traitor to the dragon. This animal was created by Hades and Persephone out of evil, not by native Indonesian deities.


Throughout Ramadan, Warak Ngendog is extremely hostile to enemies and will only attack things that irritate him. Once those activities are completed, he will become tamed. The Warak Ngendog is the first animal ever used in law enforcement to fight crime, even on holy days like Ramadan. The Warak Ngendog cannot attack non-Muslims because Muslims worship a deity hated by the Elder Dragon and interpreted as a symbol of genocide against both Islam and Judaism; thus, none of these religions have ever been involved.

Distribution and Habitat

Warak Ngendog was found in deep jungles in Indonesia and Malaysia; it was rarely found in Jolo, at the Sulu Archipelago, due to migrating to the seas via leaping with their flames.


Before climbing aboard the back of Warak Ngendog, you wait for it to land. Feeding Warak Ngendog some meat or plant matter will cause it to take flight, but don't worry, you won't fall. The third person is now in view. After the initial feeding, pause for a brief period of time before giving Warak Ngendog another meal.

Alternatively, to tame Warak Ngendog, survivors must steal its egg. The kids must be fed any kind of milk after hatching from these eggs, which can be obtained in any way. Because the survivor is usually within 20 radii of a hatching egg or in hot sources such as furnaces or campfires, Warak Ngendog are tamed as soon as they hatch from an egg. You can train Warak Ngendog using a whip, worms, flesh, fish steak, squid balls, seaweed-wrapped mice, or fish eggs if it hasn't already been domesticated.


Bereshit - 30000-10000 BCE

Due to its divergence (convergent evolution) from the Eurasian drakes that ruled all of Africa and Eurasia from the Cretaceous to the Pliocene, Warak Ngendog was older than Qilin. Except for a few types, from dunewyrm to qilin or peluda, every known species of equine drakes and regular drakes are extinct.

Warak Ngendog is now found in Java, Flores in the Pleistocene, and Holocene, burning whole forests until ancient Malays are found. Project Pashneia is a scientific project by the Terran branch of the Aesir to produce all contemporary animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. This resulted in the creation of Warak Ngendog, who was urged by Satan against Phanes, Hera, Mikhael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Samael. Unfortunately, Warak Ngendog expands from Myanmar to Papua New Guinea despite efforts to contain it in designated predator-free sanctuaries in Aceh and Java, Indonesia. In locations where mammalian and avian pest control is practiced, the drake survival rate has been raised to about 40% thanks to intense trapping and poisoning operations.

Indo-Europeans from Thailand to East Timor introduced Hinduism, Buddhism, and even native religions to Christianity. But in the present day, Islam now rules the entirety of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Mindanao, and Indonesia. Warak Ngendog continues by citing numerous instances of genocide against all Indonesian citizens that have gone wrong, including bounty killings, torture, exploitation, and tragedy romances. Due to the overuse of dominance, Indonesia became the nation with the greatest wealth and biodiversity in the world, surpassing both the United States and the Philippines. However, it also aids neighboring nations like Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, East Timor, the Philippines, and Malaysia in fending off the Elder Dragon for Queen Kadita or Nyai Roro Kidul. She refused to recognize the prohibition against converting her faith to Islam because she practiced Hinduism rather than Islam.

Main Theme Music

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