Pink Mireu

Compsodermus coreanica

Pink Mireu / 분홍색 미르

An unregistered species gliding between cliffs to ridges out of mind, more shocked to believe that this dragon was a legend before the Imoogi. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Compsodermidae

Genus: Compsodermus

Species: Compsodermus coreanica

Subspecies: Compsodermus coreanica rosea

Descendant: Drakes

Named by: Kim Dee Oh (김디옿)

Year Published: 2000 AD

Size: 10.5 meters tall in height, 79.50 meters in length from head to tail, 5,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Miocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿

Elements: Air, electric

Inflicts: Stun, confused, sleep, breezed, intoxicated

Weaknesses: Earth, ice, light, sound

Casualties: unknown

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Pink Mireu or Coral Mireu (Compsodermus coreanica; Korean: 담홍색 미르, 핑크 미르, 粉紅色 買龍) is a mythical creature and appear as deuteragonist introduced in Worldcraft Damnation: Dawdled.


Mireu is native name in Korean: 미르 (mirŭ) for Korean dragons or all kinds of dragons. In Sino-Korean vocabulary word or loanword: 용/룡 (yong/ryong) in Hanja: 龍 means dragon. The name Mireu was native Korean origin: 물 (mul, “water, (obsolete) river”) may be a cognate. Possibly borrowed from Old Chinese *[]-roŋ, "dragon", which means "water dragon".

Physical Appearance

Pink Mireu is a flightless species of dragon usually that glides across the valleys to cliffs. The plateau can glide through another cliff. Pink feathers and their color scheme are based on the Monster Hunter World's Coral Highlands. Gray pale skin each on the belly. Gray color each on its face, feet, and hands. The patagium is together on the arms and knee. Actually covered with "feathers" but are not real feathers made of pycnofibres, they usually evolve with convergent evolution from dinosaurs and bird's real feathers.


Pink Mireu was only gliding species of drakes (wingless dragon), to use their patagium (skinned glider) for their aerial locomotion like flying squirrels or sugar gliders. But Mireu can breathe the air element, during the enraged mode that is enhanced with plasma elements plus the dark and "fuschia'' particles of electric elements to make them deadlier than before.


Weather Phenomenon


Mireu was the only flightless drake in the world and the top predator in each of the two realms. However, due to clear air turbulence playing the main role in gliding and "flying" in the sky during monsoons and air patterns called currents, Mireu hunts small animals for large predators despite being special, but rarely eats half of migratory birds if they lack nutrition.

The Joseon dynasty, recorded by Japanese people and Spaniards, can abduct a bride's or aristocrat's daughter under the wedding because this dragon is hiding for caring for the nest or became imprisoned under Elder Dragon and the Princess and Dragon theme before the United Nations and the formation of North Korea made this dragon extinct because this animal hates democracy. The main predator of Akkorokamui and the two dragons of Lighruperinsal, along with Flossepfiz of Italy and Cocollona of Catalan, are saved by a Korean commoner-turned-prince to save a princess from another bad plague across the Lighruperinsal as part of the historical records.


Mireu is a pathetic and docile creature that never disturbs. But Mireu was aggressive towards everything, including us, without any warning because of their actions from the adrenaline rush from overused inhaled air elements. Mireu is very curious, like peaches or carrion left behind.

Distribution and Habitat

Mireu was endemic to Korean and Iberian Peninsula as well, became introduced species in United Kingdom by Koreans to really get for unknown reason. Originated from Korea, where to said this dragon that live. In Joseon dynasty, Mireu was migrated to East Asian by oceanic dispersal or gliding using guild of wind called clear air turbulence which Mireu was levitated through the air. In Planet Reinachos which is located in Lighruperinsal, the peninsular-archipelagic continent with various undead extraterrestrials lived here, but only in highlands not caverns.


Like Sleetwing, only be trusted if you close after feeding with fish or oxen's meat to make tamed.



Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
