Common Boghorse

Barbenheimeria jarraman

Common Boghorse

A horse or a platypus?

Mikey Nygzuqtuq

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Monotremata

Suborder: Anatiequidia

Family: Anatiequidae

Genius: Barbenheimeria

Species: Barbenheimeria jarraman

Descendant: monotremes

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 52 and 56 inches, 132 and 142 cm; 13 and 14 hands (52 and 56 inches, 132 and 142 cm)

Lifespan: 10 years




Time Period: EoceneHolocene

Alignment: Loyal

Diet: Herbivorous

Elements: Normal, combat, dark

Inflicts: Poison, stunned, element resistance down

Weaknesses: Fire

Casualties: n/a

Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Common Boghorse (Barbenheimeria jarraman) is the fictional species of monotreme introduced in Earth Responsibly universe.


This genus name is from Barbenheimer, an Internet phenomenon that began on social media before the simultaneous theatrical release of two blockbuster films, Barbie (2023) and Oppenheimer (2023), on July 21, 2023, in the United States and several other countries. And the scientific name jarraman, the Latinized word of yarraman for "horse," comes from Yuggera and Wakawaka in Australia.

Physical Appearance

The Boghorse is purported to be a kind of goblin that emerges from its underwater habitat to interact with the islanders. However, some suggest it assumes the form of a colt as a result of horses' converging evolution. A monotreme with goblin blood, the common boghorse has a brownish coat with a white belly, long legs with four toes and two fingers, a short flat tail like a platypus, pointed ears, and a large snout mouth.


The boghorse is a violent monotreme that appears as a brown horse to lure any hostile victims onto its back before carrying them to a watery grave and beating the victim with its claws and hooves. It is not a real horse or colt. The boghorse's body produces water through its sweat glands, called "Pretty and Bombed Prayed," and these water droplets mix to form three rings of sweat water around the animal's body. Before they vanish, they cure it of any status problems.

A spray of boiling hot water surrounded by steam is emitted from the mouth of the Common Boghorse, the only animal and natural catastrophe that can do this to an adversary. Skin blistering and burns by the adversary are 50% likely to occur. If the person is frozen, scald will cause them to defrost when it is executed. Their hooves, like those of Platypus, have spurs and contain venom that is highly concentrated in defensin-like proteins (DLPs), which result in swelling and agonizing agony. While smaller animals like dogs may die from its sting, there has been one known case of a human being dying from radioactivity.


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For these main reasons, Boghorse turns hostile toward opponents and people. Boghorses occasionally act aggressively when they feel threatened and believe that this is their sole means of defense. While the infant simply fled and went swimming in the sea or rivers,.

Distribution and Habitat

The legend from the British Isles says that this species is located all over Eurasia, including in Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea, and seeks in woodland forests to marshlands, as well as marshlands to bogs. This animal was favorite to live in the bog because of their name, and it was a mistake for a horse, as a result of convergent evolution.

Their nest was filled with swamp vegetation, and eggs of this species were hidden in bushes near the water.


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Known Individuals

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Foreign Languages

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