
Spicomarirana incognitus


“ Another species of Dziop is found elsewhere in Sawintir, but also on Earth. With the sharp spiky on its back and voracious against the opponents with paralyze fangs and breath of marine snow and pollution-like smell, I didn't understand. ”

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Suborder: Salamandroidea

Family: Lophiotritonidae

Genius: Spicomarirana

Species: Spicomarirana incognitus

Descendant: Salamanders

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 13.56 m long in length; 3.4 m tall in weight; 670 kg in weight




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🐟🥓🦑🦀🥩🐚

Elements: Water, light

Inflicts: Bleeding, splashed, blindness

Weaknesses: Electric, leaf

Casualties: ???

Based On: Gobul from Monster Hunter series.

Conservation Status: Near Threatened

Spikupochuvgat or Spiky Giant Dziop (Spicomarirana incognitus) is the fictional species of giant Dziop or oceanic salamanders, that introduced in Bagani: Island Hopping.


Spikuppochuvgat is the combination of words from Northern Sami for “spiked water frog”.

Physical Appearance

Spiky Giant Dziop is a larger Dziop than a normal one, with developing spikes on its back like spiny newts, purple to brown smooth skin, a white underbelly with yellow vertical lines, translucent fins, six red barbs, sets of six pairs of teeth, a bioluminescent esca or angler, and gills.


Spikuppochuvgat possesses large pairs of spikes on its back, causing bleeding and impaling. Its lure can violently emit blinding flashes of light to disorient prey, making for an easy meal. This mouth can strongly gulp through its digestion. Spikuppochuvgat can breathe mixed hydrogen peroxide, pollution, marine snow, and paralysis to make it their next meal.


Coming soon.


Spikuppochuvgat was neutral and passive towards all and never disturbing until using its barbs. These barbs set traps to instantly kill baiters. This animal was neutral if it was outside the trapping operation and very territorial if it was hidden on a mud floor.

Distribution and Habitat

Spikuppochuvgat was located in deep underwater caverns, murky deep rainforest rivers, and open ocean worldwide in Sawintir, but also in Guam and the Mariana Islands. It was reported that this animal was found in Brazil, Japan, and Aotearoa, according to the duchess.


Coming soon.


coming soon.
