Apep / Apophis

“ To me, eat your soul and the land! ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Full Name: Apep

Born: beyond Hadean (at Ginnungagap)


Resurrected: somewhere at late-3016 AD

Cause of Death: 


Species: Dragon God (Eldritch Terror)

Size: 260 meters (10,236.22 inches) long in length; 60–90 meters (196–295 feet) tall in height; 190,000 kilograms (418,878.3 pounds) in weight



Other Name(s)/Alias(es):

Pantheon: Egyptian

Time Period: Hadean - Holocene

Alignment: Bad, later Good

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★ (High risk of threat, terrorist, or animal attacks in near future)


Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Rock, dark, light, time, aether, chaos

Inflicts: Rockblight, darkblight, lightblight, timeblight, aetherblight, chaosblight, paralysis

Weaknesses: All




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Deceased (Extinct (EX) – IUCN Red List)

Apep or Apophis is the main antagonist, later an anti-hero introduced in Egypt's Last Era.


His name is reconstructed by Egyptologists as *ʻAʼpāp(ī), to the Ancient Greek: Ἄποφις, as it was written ꜥꜣpp(y) and survived in later Coptic as Ⲁⲫⲱⲫ Aphōph.

Physical Appearance

Apep is a gigantic, serpent-like entity that is the size of a small island. He was built on a cobra hood with twenty gripping projections, gilded olive scales with real gold scales, golden belly scales, black diamond patterns, and yellow triangle marks. Apep's markings are the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra, respectively. Apep had set eight bronze rattles and tipped off the khopesh. They also had a golden rhino horn.


Apep primarily attacks by smashing its face into the ground, causing an array of flying rocks. Using the khopesh-tail and rattles to command earthquakes. Because of the succession of these hits, hunters caught in the vicinity will become knocked-out enemies, causing dizziness. Apep breath's large amounts of sand and chaos elements and also the short-ranged, violated, and paralysis pulse aura. After burrowing into the ground, there will be a series of sand tornadoes and sand geysers.

Apep can fly, and they levitate to summon fire and chaos as air bursts from the sky. That's an exosolar meteor.

Weather Phenomenon

Apep is also notable for its geomancy, like sticking its tail into the ground and causing bursts of sand from below all around it, or quickly leaping backwards while spitting some sand in front of it, creating a sinkhole that draws hunters towards the center and eventually bursts up in the middle. It can also breathe sand while stationary, which will also make sinkholes or sandstorms.


Like his siblings and serpentine-like entities, Apep is an enormous, otherworldly creature, an apex predator, able to eat anything they please because of their size and otherworldliness. Despite being able to be seen on land, these creatures are active traitors who spend a lot of time in the water or on land.

The Apep appear to be enormous cobras with heads that resemble Egyptian cobras and have characteristics from Egyptian mythology. They have enormous, mineral-like tusks that aid them in digging underground. It uses its webbed tail and wings located at the sides of its neck, close to its head, for swimming and drilling.

The world-eating serpentine life forms are extremely gluttons and can consume all of their food supply in a short period of time before going hungry.


Apep is a very aggressive and brutal species towards everything, including their relatives and family of Dragon Gods, despite being an Eldritch Terror.

Distribution and Habitat

Apep was located in Egypt as the birthplace and native species. Also found in the Gyanlyos Pyramid (Spanish: Piramide de Nueva Luxor) in Thirenha is imprisonment.


Apep cannot be tame.


First Emerge - 120 M BCE

Apep first emerged during the Cretaceous period as a result of keeping his Egyptian living creatures like Spinosaurus hidden from others until humans began to worship them as part of an evil scheme against Ra, the Egyptian god, and Horus, Ra's grandson, to drive them out from space.

Holocene - 5000 BCE

When Odin and his allies defended the gods and goddesses of the Borean languages to stop Apep from entering Asgard and Midgard because he was a member of the Eldritch Terrors, he pointed out that he was a descendant of Jormungardr. Apep disliked Ra's creations and wanted to destroy them for Yahweh, another god from Israel, to carry out his own purpose works.

Guinnora, the sole goddess of Berbania and the ancestor of Hepsora to humans in Berbania or Hirawhassa, sealed Apep, who was extremely lonely. Apep attempted to enter the Earth once more using one of the drift portals, but Horus and Hathor prevented it, saving not only Egypt but also the Israelites under the command of Moses and his wife Tzipporah. Before choosing Berbania as his final safe haven, this being disappeared into thin air and spent a considerable amount of time dormant on stars and planets.

Berbania's Last War and Beyond - 3018 AD-Present

In the Worldcraft episode of Berbania's Last War, Apep battles Zmey Gorych and his coalition, he's on the side with Isabella and Archie until Draco and his allies join forces with Apep to vanquish Zmey. The majority of the enemies die from meteor and comet strikes when comets enter Berbania's atmosphere. By transforming a Heart of Egypt into a pearl that is impenetrable and shrinks in size, Apep shields some innocent people. Apep, who has suffered serious comet-related injuries, uses the planet-destroying superlaser skill known as Extinction Beam to shoot a planet away from Isabella, Nicolette, and Archie.

Planet Berbania was made possible by Apep, who also destroyed the surface, cities, and wildlife habitat. Apep himself suffered and perished as a result, and now that some creatures and people had unexpectedly survived, the magic shields he had constructed had vanished.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
