Rebellious Akkorokamui


Rebelled Akkorokamui

For our Izanami and our Void against you and all!

– アッコロカムイ

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: ???

Kingdom: ???

Phylum: ???

Clade: ???

Class: ???

Order: ???

Family: ???

Genius: ???

Species: ???

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 45.35 meters tall in height; 164 meters in length; 3,400 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Hadean–Meghalayan

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★


Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Burned, watered, earthed, aired, mucus, ossified, violated

Casualties: see below

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Extinct (EX) – IUCN Red List

Rebellious Akkorokamui (Japanese: 反逆のアッコロカムイ; "Hangyaku no Akkorokamui"; Hokkaido Ainu:  "Wennan Akkorokamui") or formerly known as Rebelled Akkorokamui or Undeath King Akkorokamui is a fictional species of Akkorokamui upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: Chaebol's Revenge as the main antagonist against everything rekt over Koreans and Catalans alike.

Rebellious Akkorokamui is a recently deceased member of the Akkorokamui species, enhanced in strength by a single corrupt bioenergy orb that brought it back to life. Only an Eldritch Terror and a guardian resident of Reinachan are rebellious Akkorokamui.


Its name can be translated as “string-holding god” in Hokkaido Ainu language.

Physical Appearance

A deceased version of Akkorokamui known as the Rebellious Akkorokamui was slain by Reinachan natives for defying this false god. These are the remains of prehistoric aliens who were slain five centuries ago by conquistadors. Except for two tentacles that resemble dragons and are coated in bones, there is a devastation of severed tentacles and bluish-gray, flammable blood. This dragon skull belonged to an extinct species that is unknown.


The only difference between this and regular Akkorokamui is the chaotic elemental gas that is released through holes and cut tentacles. They have the ability to change their own elements, from chaos and aether to the opposite. The massive rail beam of the chaos element is released by the Rebellious Akkorokamui, obliterating everything in its path.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


No matter the environment, akkorokamui readily establish themselves as top predators, and their ecology and behavior are incredibly enigmatic. It has been determined that these aliens consume opponents and armored prey. The only known predators of these aliens are Terran Elder Dragons, such as Taniwha or Wani dragons, and these are the only things that really stand a chance of endangering them. According to legend, Akkorokamui has the capacity to self-amputate, regenerate limbs, and secrete an unidentified, bluish-violet mucus from its body.

This mucus can catch animals and even launch prey items into the air because it is sticky and pungent. It uses its sticky tentacles, just like a cuttlefish does, to pull prey back to its hiding place. It will finally show who it really is when it senses that its life is in real danger. Its actual face is cephalopod-like, like the lair of a bonefish or the undersea cuttlefish. Akkorokamui can travel swiftly and anywhere because of its jet propulsion, which is similar to that of squids. When the substance comes into contact with it, a violation effect is produced.

It can hardly regulate the Chaos Element because it is contained in a certain part of its body. It will therefore blast the element from its tentacles and build it up in its mouth before launching a powerful beam to demolish the entire thing, making it easier for itself to use. The survivor's concussion grenade or tranquilizer bullets can occasionally cause significant damage to the beam during combat, which increases agony and negatively impacts both physical and mental health. It has even been reported that the Akkorokamui fire down spaceships or airships in order to obtain food.


Rebellious Akkorokamui is aggressive towards everything and even destroys it.

The United Nations, G7, WTO, European Union, EAEU, ACD, ASEAN, IUCN, NASA, SETI, and others are in order, and they will immediately send survivors and tamed creatures as required to repel or kill Akkorokamui before it can bring further damage to that ecosystem and the Ainu culture.

Distribution and Habitat

Rebellious Akkorokamui was found in the Fythsanio Ocean at the South Pole of Reinachos. A single individual is found on a lonely island far away from human civilization. But it migrates to the Lighrupiresal Islands for search and destruction.


Akkorokamui cannot be tamed because it is an Eldritch Terror.




Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
