
Neohomo nanus


Now less affected than their founders, petite men are skilled blacksmiths for advanced equipment and goods after their ancestors vanished into history. However, they are frequently, but not always, shown as dwelling in mountains or rocks.

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genius: Neohomo

Species: Neohomo nanus

Descendant: Homo heidelbergensis

Named by: Ottar Gschwantler

Year Published: 1980

Size: ???

Lifespan: 40 to 100+ years



Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated (NE) - IUCN Red List

A Dwarf (pl: dwarfs or dwarves; Neohomo nanus) is one of mythical creatures in Germanic folklore to Iberian, Latin American, Native American, Chamorro, Indonesian, and Filipino mythology, introduced in Earth Responsibly.


The modern English noun dwarf descends from Old English: dweorg. It has a variety of cognates in other Germanic languages, including Old Norse: dvergr and Old High German: twerg. According to Vladimir Orel, the English noun and its cognates ultimately descend from Proto-Germanic *dwergaz.

Physical Appearance

The dwarves were human-like hominids with the same appearance as us, except they were smaller in stature than humans and Asgardians and had squat, stocky bodies. Their average height was 4 feet and 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less.


Dwarves lack natural magic; some have some of these. Dwarves can spit their saliva defensively. The dwarves are a highly competent and knowledgeable race of smiths before Hephaestus and the rest of his group of blacksmith deities, capable of producing items with qualities that can be viewed as magical or advanced. Dwarves possess all of the various superhuman attributes common among the hominids except for gorillas, their closest relative to chimpanzees and us. Despite the general misconception, dwarves are as large as gigantism in some individuals.

The languages of dwarves are English, Latin, Tagalog, Chamorro, Yucatec Maya, Cherokee, Swedish, Norwegian, Northern Sami, Finnish, Irish, and others.

Weather Phenomenon


Spanish folklore is rich in tales and legends about various types of duendes: Ananas, Busgosos, Diaños, Enanos, Elfos, Hadas, Nomos, Nuberus, Tentirujus, Trasgos/Trasgus, Trastolillus, Trentis, Tronantes, Ventolines and others. In some regions of Spain, duendes may have other names like Trasnos in Galicia, Follets in Catalonia, Iratxoak in the Basque Country and Navarra, Trasgus in Asturias, Menutos or Mendos in Valle de Hecho and in other parts of Alto Aragón, Mengues (South of Spain).

Conversely, in some Latin American cultures, duendes are believed to be the helpers of people who get lost in the forest so they could find their way home. In the folklore of the Central American country of Belize, particularly amongst the country's African/Island Carib-descended Creole and Garifuna populations, duendes are thought of as forest spirits called "Tata Duende" who lack thumbs. The Yucatec Maya of Belize and Southeast Mexico have duendes such as Alux and Nukux Tat which are seen as Guardian spirits of the forest.

Filipinos believe in dwende, which frequently reside in anthills and termite mounds, old trees, unvisited and gloomy areas of houses, rocks and caves, and other natural habitats. Nuno sa punso (Tagalog for "old man of the mound") is the word used to describe those who reside in the last two. They are frequently reported to play with children (who are more capable than adults of seeing them), and are either characterized as good or wicked according on their color (white or black, respectively). It is forbidden to stomp on a nuno sa punso since doing so is thought to bring a curse from the enraged dwende inside. In German literature, many dwarfs can make themselves invisible, typically via a "Tarnkappe" (cloak of invisibility), which has been suggested to be an ancient attribute of dwarfs.


As dwarves age very slowly and has lived for 40 years. Depending on the story, they may be hostile or friendly to humans.

Distribution and Habitat

Formerly, dwarves lived between Earth, Sawintir, and Nidavellir. This is the newest home of the dwarves was Nidavellir, with a low population; now, fewer, except for some, are lived in urban areas and uncommon in rural habitats, including the ocean. Dwarves are found elsewhere in all realms.


Dwarves cannot be tamed under conditions. Dwarves and most sapient races can be trusted and liked if you have Hero of the Planet effect, they will gain the ability to follow and fight for you.


בְּרֵאשִׁית/Bereshit - 300,000-70,000 BCE

Humanity, which includes numerous Homo genus As well as Homo sapiens or Homo neanderthalensis, elves, goblins, orks, ogres, trolls, dwarves, angels, fairies, wildmen, or demons; where is naturally created and evolved by the Enn's reincarnated species, deities (Homo deus) like Eostre during her projects for extant species into Holocene started about 200,000 years ago. Evolved from Homo heidelbergensis, who is most likely their most recent common ancestor. There was the second of the Children of God, or Children of Gaea, and El made the beast of the earth according to its kind, the cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good—the Homo heidelbergensis.

Like Yahweh and his siblings, Gaea's offspring gave birth to man in their image and permitted him to distinguish himself from other living things to become a man. Then all of the planet's living things, including all animals and creepy, crawly things, were given to Gaea's children and God. They were called the Gaea's Second Children, Afterborn, or Lastborn (Western Elvish: Dhumnël, Eastern Elvish: La'kamé) by the Elves of Eurasia. Unfortunately, some deity groups—such as Asura, Devils, Dark Elves, and Enn's reincarnated species—led the development of the Ancient Astronauts' empires in order to produce a large, hardy, and submissive workforce. Humans, elves, and all other races were the products of slave labor feudalism for the Earth.

Men bear the gift of God, which is mortality, and therefore they age and die when their time comes and are susceptible to illness and disease, as well as being force-sensitive. Those who gained powers and abilities through the force became force adepts on the Delphia planet. Adam and Eve are the first humans created by God, as H. heidelbergensis-H. dividus hybrid, as possessing magical powers and the forces of natural selection. The man was free to eat from any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was taboo. Last of all, God made a woman (Eve) from the rib of the man to be a companion for the man. In week 13th, Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent (as avatars of Satan) into eating the forbidden fruit, and they were expelled from the garden to prevent them from eating the tree of life and thus living forever. The high-ranked cherubim like Saint Michael were placed east of the garden, and his flaming sword, which turned every way to guard the way of the tree of life, killed the serpent of the devil.

Adam stole one of God's inventions, "Orb/Apple of Eden", as well as "Atyorrulath daUri-ael" (Rosary Whip Sword of Uriel). Adam was urged to touch fruit by Eve, and upon doing so, he had his mind freed. His ability to disobey the commands of the Deities led to the outbreak of war. They then went on to rebel against their gods, demons, fairies, and angels. Following which, the two attempted to escape Eden through the use of their skills, but they were suddenly stopped by their evolution and turned into humans by Eostre.

Elves serve as a military force, and rebellions with humans, angels, fairies, ogres, giants, goblins, trolls, demons, and even the other races occur after a predefined time frame of forced subservience to the "gods" (with the exception of Chang'e, Quetzalcoatl, Yahweh, and Eostre). Only the Great Calamity of the Pleistocene, which saw all living and extinct species brought to the edge of extinction due to Satan and Yahweh, brought an end to this conflict.

Adam wept in sorrow and sinned because Eve died after giving birth to her children Cain, Abel, and Seth. While the last of humanity's inhabitants made sure that the species and living creatures could survive the catastrophe, the gods, with the exception of a select minority, did not fare as well. Gaea perished at the hands of Satan, who was chased into the outer line of Yggdrasil by Yahweh, his siblings, and his cousin. Yahweh then used the Drift Portal to transport Satan to space, where he asphyxiated and died. The outer space is also very, very cold.

Due to our imperfections, we humans frequently err and fail to use our abilities in a way that is consistent with our faith and emotions. However, God added that these, too, would discover in due course that everything they do ultimately only contributes to the glory of their relationship with nature, which they will share with fairies everywhere. Over the subsequent generations, the hybrids and their offspring were assimilated into the general human population or other races. Consequently, the concentration of Deity DNA in their own genome became diluted with each generation as demigods. Within many years of the catastrophe, creatures' creators became extinct, leaving only ruins and scattered artifacts as a testament to their existence in history. Now orphaned by their creators, Homo sapiens and other races assimilated some of their fellow genus and rose to become the dominant form of life on the planet.

The earliest members of Homo sapiens had fully developed language, the Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan, who concluded it was spoken between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, followed by Indo-Pacific languages to Amerind, and the last language family group in Eurasia: Borean languages spoken in 50,000 years ago as lingua franca of the Earth. When their Enn (Ancient Astronauts) were on the verge of extinction, humanity, other races, and their Enn (Ancient Astronauts) united to rebuild as one and continued to revere them as gods in their various religions since the deities eventually died out.

Pure-blooded deities as their reincarnated Enn continued to exist despite extinction by having eternal life and staying hidden for many years. However, there were some who continued to worship them and those who came to recognize the Enn for what they truly were. It wasn't until the rise of monotheistic Asian religions like Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and non-Abrahamic Buddhism began to spread across the globe that humanity forgot its pagan gods.

Four dwarves in particular, Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri, were tasked with holding up Ymir's skull that made up the sky.

Bereshit Wars - 75,100-75,000 BCE

The first catastrophic conflict occurred between the deities and their Earth's creations, with the latter being aided by those who had developed immunity to the controlling effects of Eden's magic and the classical elements. Little is known about the details of the war; however, it served as a distraction, preventing both parties from observing the impending danger from the cosmos or spawning Eldritch Terrors on each continent; by the time they did, it was too late. The First Catastrophe was a cataclysmic event during human prehistory, dated to around 50,000 BCE. The global devastation caused by a coronal mass ejection saw the near-total extinction of most creatures and the deities, both of whom were involved in a military conflict at the time.

At the side, some deities protest, and some of Gaea's children are against themselves. One dark part of the Prehistoric Civilization's history is the Last Prehistoric War they committed, which went against nature and humanity. By using both technology and biology, this society was able to create their own lifeforms by using equipment and materials to build them from scratch. However, this experiment was considered very evil due to one reason: in order to make a new life form, another creature would have to lose its life. Eostre hates her siblings: Juno, Satan, Nergal, Izanami, Pele, Whiro, Hinenuitepō, Lilith, and other evil gods that lost Eve, Adam's first wife. Eostre created the new life form they ever made, the modern Elder Dragons. Another major battle was fought in Scandinavia by the Aesirs, Vanirs, Einherjars, Valkyries, elves, fairies, angels, and even some humans against the combined forces of the fire giants, demons, jötnar, the souls of the unworthy dead, Loki and Angrboda, and his four children, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Sleipnir, and Hela, to destroy Asgard and Midgard before Jörmungandr's true origin. Some Aesirs flee to Delphia with humans via the Drift Portal using the Orb of John the Apostle, considered the first settlers to produce the offspring of Delphians.

The Elder Dragons and all creatures all over the world, unlike other monster types, which classify creatures by shared traits, are one of the creatures that defy typical classification and reside outside of the standard ecosystem, regardless of their immense abilities for humanity's last hope. They have learned how to live side by side with monsters by using a hidden power, the Power Fifth of Nature, to communicate with the towering living things inside and outside the realm. The Power Fifth of Nature is the law of dharma, mana, bioenergy, qi, and the force that allows them to communicate with the creatures and live peacefully with them.

Due to the Enn's lifeforms requiring the death of a massive number of dragons and dinosaurs in the Pleistocene caused by Drift Portals being unstable, it angered all the other creatures and races, which inevitably led to a terrible war. The races were sick of their kind being used by humanity as cattle and were angered by the fact that humans had forgotten the rules of nature and gods. They had decided to break away from humans and destroy humanity and others themselves. This began a long, violent war between races and creatures that spread worldwide, leaving behind mass destruction just about everywhere.

When Noah was a young boy, he witnessed the killing of his father, Lamech, by the young king Tubal-cain, who was descended from Cain, and he joined the Agarthans, who are enemies of humanity and are from Agartha. As an adult, Noah lives with his wife Naameh, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, as well as their parents. He sees a flower spring up out of the ground in an instant and dreams of a great flood, so he brings his family to see his grandfather, Methuselah, for advice.

Within the ruins of civilizations from the Last Prehistoric War, a perfect enemy for humanity supposedly still exists. Radachalog, also known as the Evil Wyvern of Darkside, is an Elder Dragon from Agartha. According to legend, Radachalog harbors a deep hatred for people and even remembers the deaths of its ancestors, the creatures of the Earth and Sawintir, including other Elder Dragons and even gods, who were most frequently killed by the Enn rather than Eostre, the creation of Nergal. Due to its great power, Radachalog was the ideal adversary for humanity because it completely destroyed life before being defeated by Noah and his family. The group is chased by the murderers and escapes into the land of the Watchers, fallen angels that were left stranded on Earth as stone creatures after they descended from heaven to help descendants of Adam and Eve when they were banished from the Garden of Eden to kill Radachalog in the process.

Jörmungandr, who was adopted by Loki and Angrboda after being born as Tiamat and Typhon's bastard son, was also the adopted brother of the legendary wolf Fenrir, the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, and the goddess Hel, who ruled Helheim. Jörmungandr was also the adopted son of Tiamat and Typhon. As the third Eldritch Terror descended upon Earth, Jörmungandr, an illegitimate adopted child as a result of Loki's liaison with his mistress Angrboda, was born in a cave beneath a waterfall not far from Raufarholshellir in Iceland. They will face the gods on the Vigrid plain alongside the sons of Muspell. The final encounter between the serpent and Thor is supposed to take place here. He will eventually kill Jörmungandr, but he will pass away after nine steps after being poisoned by the deadly venom of the serpent. It has been established who Thor will face off against in the end. However, Jörmungandr lives, and the majority of Aesirs and humans in the Faroe Islands perish at his hands; he despises gods and people and orders his foster father to have Jörmungandr destroy Angrboda rather than Sigyn. When Jörmungandr releases his poisoned tail from his mouth toward the Vikings, the sea erupts violently. Jörmungandr kills Angrboda because, unlike gods, he is a unique evil force.

Surtur has engulfed the world with fire for Asgard and eight of the realms, except for the Earth. Now possessing their father's hammer, Mjölnir, Thor's sons Modi and Magni will meet them there with Loki and Sigyn with Sleipnir and Fenrir against the Jörmungandr at the Faroe Islands before the second wave of Vikings to the Faroe Islands. The Aesirs, Vanirs, Einherjars, and Valkyries—elves, angels, fairies, demons, giants, ogres, and others—dress for war and head to the field against the Ginormus Eldritch Terror.

Loki and Sigyn, along with Sif, Baldr, Tanngrisnir, and Tanngnjóstr, Járnsaxa, and his allies, joined forces against Jörmungandr at the beaches and cliffs in the event called War for the Faroe Islands, or Ragnarok of the Faroe Islands, leading the animals, monsters, and even Elder Dragons like Kushala Daora and Velkhana to join forces with Loki and Sigyn for Norse mythology and the history of the Earth. All of Thor's weapons were crafted by both humans and deities, the Mjölnir, Megingjord, and the iron gloves Járngreipr, Grídarvölr, Gungnir, Gleipnir, and others to be used for Jörmungandr, trapped and killed by Loki and Sigyn, the restoration of the Faroe Islands, and the protection of the culture and society of the Norse from harm. Many jötnar drowned as a result, and the cities were restored, and now the deities have been hidden since the late Middle Ages.

Conservationist-Assassin-Templar Wars - 69,000 BCE-present

These gadgets, which occasionally turn up in the hands of humans and other sapient beings since the end of the deity civilization (except for few of them), have earned a reputation as legendary artifacts with extraordinary abilities. The scientific prowess of human civilization is greatly exceeded by the Pieces of Eden, even in modern times, and those who come to acquire them gain immense control over society.

The Conservationist-Assassin-Templar War has raged throughout all of recorded human history on planet Earth, in Berbania, Reinachos, Sawintir, and Delphia. It is an ideological and occasionally violent fight involving the Assassin Brotherhood, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunters. To further each of their objectives within their fight, the three factions frequently took part in or even started military combat between states, mostly under the radar of mainstream politics for the environment, culture, society, and occasionally passion.

According to Skáldskaparmál, Loki bet his own head with Brokkr that Eitri would not have been able to create goods that equaled the level of artistry of those stated above when he had Sif's hair, Freyr's ship Skidbladnir, and Odin's spear Gungnir crafted by the Sons of Ivaldi. While his brother was operating the bellows, Eitri started working in his sophisticated furnace, but a fly—which was occasionally mistaken for Loki himself—started stinging Brokkr, attempting to prevent him from finishing and ruining the goods.

Even though the hammer's handle was shorter than it should have been and Thor should have possessed it, Eitri was successful in creating the golden boar Gullinbursti, the golden ring Draupnir, and the hammer Mjollnir (also aided by Hephaestus) that enabled his brother to win the wager. The Chamorro people of the Marianas Islands tell tales of the taotaomo'na, duendes and other spirits. A duende, according to the Chamorro-English Dictionary by Donald Topping, Pedro Ogo and Bernadita Dungca, is a goblin, elf, ghost or spook in the form of a dwarf, a mischievous spirit which hides or takes small children.

Mjolnir and Stormbreaker were advanced Piece of Eden is a type of sophisticated technology created by the Deities a long time ago, better than dwarves' inventions. Both are melee weapons and were created out of Uru metal forged with the heat of a dying star in the Dwarven kingdom of Nidavellir, with the assistance of the dwarf king and master weapon-maker Eitri and his buddy Hephaestus. Many of the surviving dwarves used a Shroud of Eden during the reign of King David's battle with Goliath and his army, according to conservationist hunters in Palestine. The dwarves ambushed Goliath's army after he was killed, and some of them fled.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages

Coming soon.
