Cuckoo: The War for Ghiwaria

“  The comeback is calling!


Cuckoo: The War for Ghiwaria

Kakok: Digmaan sa Guihuarya

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: ???

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, space opera, speculative evolution, war, romance, tragedy, adventure, mystery, suspense, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 18+

Cuckoo: The War for Ghiwaria is a Worldcraft special and sci-fi-fantasy romance-action story made by Ognimdo2002.

Trailer Blurb

“ Coming soon. ”


Prior to the Mission of Siblings event, Paschal and Irena have a relationship and mating with each other to create the short lived kingdom of Ghiwaria. The couple found the solution to clear their names and reputation after Galadriel found the truth and Archie witnessed it about the events of disastrous situations.

In 2983, Irena was the eldest daughter of Queen Jean II and King Pedro III of Dinojerulla, she was never in love with other boys from the royal family, she fell in love with Paschal Hyrphaz, a son of attorney and high class born, he was born in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Irena helps Paschal for the assignments, as well as become the best couple for being very pretty and perfect projects in Berbania. Even speaks English, Coptic, Ilocano, Monegasque, French and Spanish as official languages in planet Berbania; but Jeffree Chiosrang, former Paschal's bestfriend and he was nearby attacked including Irena, but it was saved by Lawrence and David, but Jeffree leave and expels, he attempted to kill the alien Dairk, Guiwar Bujon, she tells to Paschal as become a math substitute teachers with Irena. Guiwar die from Jeffree and he arrested for homicide and racism.

In 2994, at the perfect adult stage, Irena and Paschal met since Jean and Pedro accepted to marry Irena, but only in Hidalgo Province, before renaming Ghiwaria according to Rachelle Imandingma, Jean's bestfriend. Due to the war-torn Hidalgo Province in Thirenha Kingdom, an island. Paschal and Irena led their people to Hidalgo Province due to very isolate and uninhabitable, start to settle down before attacked by Guilapos and other extraterrestrials, mostly survived and some eaten alive by Guilapos, a pale blind-yet-hearing extraterrestrial resembles Khezu.

Due to shortage of food and supplies, William Auwharosh, Paschal's former enemy, now bestfriend to send supplies and food for newly country from war. Unfortunately, the southern portion of Thirenha attacked by Sumerian descend tribes called Bualospa, siege each of Cork, Nueva Faiyum, Nueva Alexandria, Mashehm, and others before operating and claim the Ghiwaria, which Jeffree is leader of the rebellion. Paschal found and trapped with Irena by Jeffree that he lost his legs, modified into cyborg. Some people evacuated to Hirojafza and Irena is now captured, Paschal is killed but resurrected by Hepsora, a goddess of Berbania to save and pushed Jeffree back to his position due to his special time element.

Urbi Gsangko, a lady brought Irena's baby to Dinojerulla, she found the Reinachan born elf named Galadriel Hegrikultras to adopt him, she named Oliver and cares with Archie and Nicolette at Castle of Rijheshoth. Hepsora saw him in person, he knew how to give his new abilities that were enhanced by Hepsora, via he trained, exercised, and prepared to fight against Jeffree. He cries for his parents to be abducted by Jeffree, he shows how to make him special as the spokesperson for his love, and as a detective and fighter, due to learned geology and glass making abilities. He recalls some pirates landed in Hidalgo Province are Yorubas and pay 35,000 pesetas to negotiate. He appreciates to the pirates on Ilocano: "Agyamanak unay, ket inaramid mo ti panagpanaw ket sapulem isuna ita!" The pirates appreciate it in Yoruba: "Mo dupe lọ rọ rẹ, agbẹnusọ."

One of the trio from pirates, 26-year-old Tracy Bumsah, a black Berbanian, agreed to accompany him to his apartment. Upon entering Jeffree's apartment, Bumsah noted a foul odor and several boxes of hydrochloric acid on the floor, which Chiosrang claimed to use for cleaning bricks. After some minor conversation, Bumsah responded to Chiosrang's request to turn his head and view his tropical fish, whereupon Chiosrang placed a handcuff upon his wrist. When Bumsah asked, "What's happening to you?" Chiosrang unsuccessfully attempted to cuff his wrists together, then told Edwards to accompany him to the bedroom to pose for nude pictures. While inside the bedroom, Edwards noted nude male and female posters on the wall and that a videotape of The Conjuring 2 movie was playing. He also noted two blue 57-gallon drums in the corner, from which a strong odor emanated, Bumsah texted Hyrphaz on his phone and sent it to the police and soldiers as a tactical ambush plan.

Chiosrang then brandished a knife and informed Edwards he intended to take nude pictures of him. In an attempt to appease Chiosrang, Hyrphaz awares to Bumsah unbutton his shirt, saying he would allow him to do so if he would remove the handcuffs and put the knife away. In response to this promise, Chiosrang simply turned his attention towards the TV. Bumsah observed Chiosrang rocking back and forth and chanting before turning his attention back to him. He placed his head on Bumsah's chest, listened to his heartbeat and, with the knife pressed against his intended victim, informed Bumsah he intended to eat his heart.

In continuous attempts to prevent Chiosrang from attacking him, Bumsah repeated that he was Chiosrang's friend and that he was not going to run away. Bumsah had decided he was going to either jump from a window or run through the unlocked front door upon the next available opportunity. When Bumsah next stated he needed to use the bathroom, he asked if they could sit with a beer in the living room, where there was air conditioning. Chiosrang consented, and the pair walked to the living room when Bumsah exited the bathroom. Inside the living room, Bumsah waited until he observed Chiosrang have a momentary lapse of concentration before requesting to use the bathroom again. When Bumsah rose from the couch, he noted Chiosrang was not holding the handcuffs, whereupon Bumsah punched him in the face and using lamp shade, knocking Chiosrang off balance, and ran out the front door, he calls Irena, Bumsah's protégé bestfriend.

In the bedroom, George Mueller, a Berbanian immigrant from Connecticut state, noted there was a large knife beneath the bed. He saw an open drawer which, upon closer inspection, contained scores of Polaroid pictures—many of which were of human and animal bodies in various stages of dismemberment, including bones and muscles. Mueller noted the decor indicated they had been taken in the same apartment in which they were standing or lying. Mueller walked into the living room to show them to his partner, uttering the words, "These are for real, shit." He replies on his Dairkian, "Ut'oppanklvt jo'ty hota!", which means "No realism for this shit."

When Chiosrang saw that Mueller was holding several of his Polaroids, he escaped immediately and fought Paschal under Hepsora's puppet control and Jeffree defeated by Paschal out of mercy, with the officers in an effort to resist arrest of Jeffree. The officers quickly overpowered him, cuffed his hands behind his back, and called a second squad car for backup. At this point, Mueller opened the refrigerator to reveal the freshly severed head of a Black and Egyptian male on the bottom shelf. As Jeffree lay pinned on the floor beneath Abdul Rauth, an Egyptian immigrant from Egypt, he turned his head towards the officers and muttered the words: "For what I did I should be dead Egyptians!"

Jeffree Chiosrang was arrested for killing many people, including Ghiwaria residents for genocide and overexploitation, pollution and tortured. Chiosrang was sent to New Baltimore Anti-syndicate Civil Jail (Dairkian: Rexhas Zibila Butta'tanoerra Nuweva Baltimor; Dinojerullese: Nweba Baltímora Ñottgrka-ròthlkad Díinla-vharrghàs). His friend Johan Popparas, renounced Chiosrang as best friend and forgot his friendship due to killing his own friends and his first girlfriend out of his Gothic life. Chiosrang escaped and starting the war against the Ghiwaria in the civil war.

While on patrol in a field, Johan steps on a mine that triggers a flare, signaling artillery fire on to the pair's position. Johan again wakes up in a field hospital, where Boris Klaropsa, a Jewish from Spain, tells his friend Brandy died in the ambush. Though wounded and exhausted, he is ordered to kill a top enemy leader for Thirenhan propaganda, as well as became hero of Dirthsao, he shouted and uttering his French and Spanish, "¡Je le trouverai, y nunca se olvide de por sus propios derechos!". The duel lasts for an entire day; tired of waiting, Johan steps out of cover, exposing himself completely to the sniper. The sniper was paralyzed and eaten alive by Guilapos, he managed to pet and now tamed for various reasons and trained very hard to be happy as a starter menagerie and an extraterrestrial.

His girlfriend Lilly Joralynsa, was kidnapped by Chiosrang as ransom money. A voiceover reveals that his friends, family and countless civilians and soldiers died defending the city from the Sumerians and Chiosrang's allies. He cried and found Dairk friend Bitolora Hitxy, another shared the life that lose the love one by Chiosrang and he and Hitxy shouted on Dairkian: "Guhannottae!", which means "Indestructible!"




Support Characters

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Eldritch Terrors
