
Dakotaraptor steini


It really was the Ferrari of competitors. ”

Robert DePalma

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Clade: Theropoda

Clade: Eumaniraptora

Clade: Deinonychosauria

Family: Dromaeosauridae

Genus: Dakotaraptor

Species: Dakotaraptor steini*

Descendant: Deinonychosaurs

Named by: Robert A. DePalma, David A. Burnham, Larry Dean Martin, Peter Lars Larson, and Robert Thomas Bakker

Year Published: 2015

Size: adult length of 5.5 m (18 ft) to 4.35-6 m (14.3-19.7 ft) and a weight of 220-350 kg (485-772 lbs)

Lifespan: 3050+ years



Other Name(s)/Alias(es): 

Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Late Cretaceous (Albian?–Maastrichtian), 100?-66 m BCE

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous, partially omnivorous

Elements: Normal, dark, combat, fae

Inflicts: Bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Take note:

The Wambotiste or Wa’ihiwiki (Dakotaraptor steini) is an extinct genus and species of dromaeosaurid known from partial skeletons unearthed in South Dakota, USA. Its fossils have been found in the Maastrichtian-age Hell Creek Formation, dated to the very end of the Cretaceous period, making it one of the last surviving dromeosaurids known.


In Earth Responsibly was named Wambotiste, called by Dakota people is "Wambdi ištá", which means "eagle eye", The term "eagle eyes" is a metaphor for someone with acute powers of observation and insight. In Hawaiian language with pure loanwords: both English and Japanese words called "Wa’ihiwiki", which means "quick eagle".

Physical Appearance

The one thing that immediately stands out about Dakotaraptor at first glance is simply the large size of this dromaeosaurid dinosaur.‭ ‬Most dromaeosaurid dinosaurs measure in at under two meters in length,‭ ‬with a few genera ranging between two and three meters long.‭ ‬The fossils discovered in South Dakota show tiny “quill knobs” on the lower arm bones, suggesting Dakotaraptor had feathers all over the body, including wings on its arms.

The Holotype individual of Dakotaraptor however has a reconstructed length of five and a half meters.‭ ‬At the‭ ‬time of the‭ ‬2015‭ ‬description,‭ ‬this makes Dakotaraptor the second largest dromaeosaurid dinosaur known,‭ ‬with the largest being Utahraptor.


Dakotaraptor is very skilled hunters in Late Cretaceous, using their sharp teeth, claws, talons, and bird winglike arms for secure from threats. Some Dakotaraptors can spit farther than any of dromaeosaurid causing spitted and marked, the inflict was easily targeted by their fellows. Dakotaraptor was smarter than any of theropods, and shared with Tyrannosaurus species.

Paris Kealani and Whitedust Fanning are notable exceptions and used magical powers from each owners unless for the epic battles.


Dakotaraptor's target dinosaurs could include ceratopsians, ankylosaurs, nodosaurs, pachycephalosaurs, hadrosaurs, ornithopods, mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, small pterosaurs, and even little Trex.

Flight was almost certainly an impossibility for Dakotaraptor, mainly because at about five and a half meters long Dakotaraptor would have simply been too big. There was also no way for Dakotaraptor to use its arms to generate anywhere near enough lift. The original study of Dakotaraptor's forearms into wings, indicated the total 'wingspan' of Dakotaraptor would have been about one hundred and twenty centimetres.

Dakotaraptor are stated as having very bad parental care. Apparently both the male and the female form a mating bond, but they don't seem to feed their babies, as they only tolerate their presence. The parents will hunt for food, while the babies will only follow them for protection and subsistence. The parents will only tolerate them until they are juveniles, and by that time they will start to see them as food and competition. Dakotaraptor must be seen as a individual character at first, to which the hatchling will have to learn how to survive alone way before their parents rejection.


Deinonychosaurs aren't the most physically imposing animals, but their small size, intellect, range, and mobility make them by far the most successful and effective predators of people and other "small" fauna in the game. They attack practically anything on sight, including species several times their size, and have killed more survivors than their competition.

They frequently attack using a "run-and-bite" strategy and can pounce on smaller or equal-sized opponents, keeping them down and immobilizing them, making it tough to resist against an onslaught. Deinonychosaurs are a deadly predator to confront in the evening since they attack in packs and are aided by darkness.

Distribution and Habitat

The remains have been found in the Maastrichtian-aged Hell Creek Formation, dated to the very end of the Mesozoic era, making Dakotaraptor one of the last surviving dromaeosaurids.

In The Recollections of Queen Arianna as depicted in Two Lights, Worldcraft, and Rescris Series, the Dakotaraptor survived via de-extinction. In Past and Present Incidents like NWTSW and Weather Dragons, Dakotaraptors now at the center of Western Interior Seaway.


Dakotaraptor was rendered unconscious by bullets or arrows, fed while unconscious, and repeatedly overdosed on drugs. Dakotaraptors were domesticated almost shortly after hatching from eggs because the survivor is always within 12 radii of the hatching egg. Dakotaraptor can be educated with a whip, worms, meat, seaweed-wrapped mice, berries, or fish eggs if it isn't already.


Dakotaraptors were resurrected by not human scientists but the Terran Deities a long time ago, before Adam and Eve. Phanes and his friends attempted many times to resurrect the famous extinct animals, the dinosaurs. Phanes and Aita are partners in crime for the restoration of dinosaurs, including Dakotaraptor in the Earth and Sawintir over and over again.

Two known Dakotaraptors in Hawaii State, USA, were Paris Kealani, owned by Princess Meranie Jorpassadal Kealani dal and Duke Ronaldo Galicinao Kealani, and Whitedust Fanning, owned by the sisters of Fanning, Dakota and Elle Fanning, as depicted in No Way to Seaway because of Hera. Robert de Palma coined and verified the scientific name of this species in 2013. In Hawaiian, there are pure loanwords: both English and Japanese words called "Wa'ihiwiki,"  which means "quick eagle.".

Similar to Paris, Whitedust's origin was contested before being separated from that of Paris; he was born in Austin, Texas, USA, today, not in the past, before being banished by Adonis, the Greek god of homosexuals and Aphrodite's sister. Just a few real people still go by Whitedust, including actress Dakota Fanning, who is renaming her new pet Whitedust Fanning in homage to the fictional character. Whitedust has no surname.

Whitedust and Paris broke away from the Order of Assassins during the Historya Davvun; the contemporary Assassin Brotherhood exploited the dinosaurs to hunt and use them as weapons against Conservationist Hunters and Templar Knights. When Steve Fanning and Heather Joy Arrington found the turtle on the road and flew it by private plane to their remote Texas house, Whitedust was struck by one of their cars. It alludes to the fact that this dinosaur was a turtle. After being let free, Paris utilized a drift portal to reach Hawaii, where he was safe.

After Ronaldo failed to save Margaret, Countess of Pembroke and Katherina Eliopoulos, or Kathy Bartolome in her school name, both died at the hands of Padre Bernardo Salvi, the overarch antagonist in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo during the Late Cretaceous period.

Paris abandoned him, kept him safe for himself alive, and found the few surviving Dakotaraptors in Everrealm. Paris followed the most beautiful girl in the first childhood of Ronaldo, Meranie Jorpassadal, who was a princess of her heartwarming life, avoiding contact with him until Joszef Horvath and the rest of his allies followed the steps to the new events for Ronaldo's new passive life and Meranie.

Meranie declared Paris her protector, and only a few dinosaurs from prehistoric times survived via drift portals. Because Adonis apologized for accepting Hephaestus and never made the mess again because of Agarthans, Aswangs, and even Abstergo Industries. Paris witnessed that his friends from Ronaldo's teammate's pets died from mass extinction; there were only a few remaining pets, along with Whitedust Fanning, another friend and pet of Dakota Fanning, and Elle Fanning, due to only one of the animals's names having a surname as his heart defined who he was, not his bloodline of this species, and this brought his peace and purpose with Paris.

Both Paris and Whitedust are generally close relatives and were cousins once removed due to being Dakotaraptors in the modern-day era via drift portals from Sawintir to the Earth during the 18th century. Whitedust survived mass extinctions due to transporting all contemporary-era figures and others to Holocene because of Hera, the vicious goddess and mistress of Zeus. Whitedust finally lived in 2019 with his family, but Paris declined to live his own life and find out what happened to the Meranie Jorpassadal and Ronaldo Galicinao Kealani relationship.

Later in three years, Dakota Fanning reunited after her acting career with Whitedust and now resides in the Kealani De-extinction Preservation Area for Prehistoric Creatures, owned by Lavigne Soledad and Scarlet Peters Soledad, to protect any prehistoric creatures from extinction and overhunting. The United Nations declared it an international tourist attraction for the protection of the Fanning family, as well as for creationism and iconic legend.

Cedric of Enchancia, a sorcerer of Enchancia Kingdom, also travels to Meranie's kingdom called Delirtinia, the only Saurfolk's kingdom from Earth, due to bilateral relations with Anglo-American and Latin American countries forward to Delirtinia against Agarthan and Buddhist tribes.

Delirtinia is a modernized medieval kingdom with mixed animals and characters who lived peacefully and in harmony, was declared a hermit kingdom, and had lots of international embassies for protection. Many of the diplomatic relations are a major reason for safeguarding the legacy of the Saurfolk's own country rather than micronation. Delirtinia needs a hero; the only human in their country was Ronaldo Galicinao Kealani, who was Meranie's real husband and Paris's true owner of Sawintir or Ever-realm.

In the name of Paris of Nevada, now called by Princess Sofia of Enchancia as Tiracahne, from the Agarthan word in Pali language "tiracchāna" for beast, not Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.

In The Recollections of Queen Arianna as depicted in Two Lights, Worldcraft, and Rescris Series, the Dakotaraptor survived via de-extinction.

Known Individuals


See also: none

Foreign Languages
