Black Dreadplasma

Nigroxenovesperos inexpecta

Black Dreadplasma

“ The monster used its tail as a rifle to terrorize all of our Berbanian or Hirawhassan neighbors, proving that there are actual extraterrestrial species who avoid light. ”

Claire Lithemas

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Class: Berbanaves

Order: Xenovesperia

Family: Nigroxenovesperidae

Genius: Nigroxenovesperos

Species: Nigroxenovesperos inexpecta

Descendant: Berbanian spacebat

Named by: Bernard Giovanni

Year Published: 2690

Size: 6.5 meters tall in length, 12.5 meters in length, 1,500 kilograms in weight, 550 meters length in wingspan




Time Period: Holocene (Meghalayan)

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Electric, arcane

Inflicts: Scalded, paralysis, plasmablight



Based On: n/a

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Black Dreadplasma or simply as Dreadplasma (Nigroxenovesperos inexpecta) is one of the fictional extraterrestrial species found in Berbania, introduced in Worldcraft: Indian Reviews.


Dreadplasma got their name because they restored their "plasma" through the special organs that we can use for offensive purposes, likely to turn the blood plasma into a deadly converted plasma element (matter). The first word is dread because of the fear of some people who give nightmares.

Physical Appearance

Black Dreadplasma is an extraterrestrial species whose skin is jet black and tough. The wings of their color were dark gray to black, with a purple gradient at each edge of the wing membranes. Usually, they glow in pink bioluminescent. The average length of the tail is long, and the end of the tail was bizarre, mistaken for a "satellite dish," which is their special organ to store the tail. According to the scientist, that is so insane, and why is the hidden "antenna?" Their vertical lines also glow where the plasma is before shooting and glow to blink. The "antenna" organ is for firing.

The tail was changed; however, the glowing spikes on their satellite dish were removed to form a petal-like. Into a nearly malnutritious alien, their body to make flight sustainable and the gills on their collar found, like Razorjet to Yarokitesha relatives. The special organs on their tail and mouth were considered more powerful and dangerous, far more advanced than Earth's creatures. Dreadplasma's appearance on the form was like that of an Enderman that can fly; no one can camouflage during the night as countershading.


Dreadplasma was the possession of a plasma element (mixed of electric and arcane magic energy). Only they can shoot either in their mouth or in their own tail that opens the prehensile tail, just like a satellite dish can directly shoot. Converting blood fluids into the plasma element causes paralysis, besides being biodegradable. Dreadplasma possesses the purple plasma element energy from plasma fluids, which is converted. The Black Dreadplasma gives the few bioluminescent markings on the face, wings, tail, knee, and feet their own aesthetic look at midnight in the Mediterranean forest in the Dirthsao to Hirojafza regions.

Their deadly power was causing horrification and paralysis when hit by a single plasma energy as Bose-Einstein condensate, a kind of deadly fifth state of matter that could kill a person in one shot of unknown explanation.


Black Dreadplasma was weakened by the sonic bombs and music like pop music to medieval music, immune to reggae songs in many reasons. The only extraterrestrial want to increase the strength and attributes when reggae music starts and enrages.


Black Dreadplasma was an essential predator throughout the Mediterranean forests, occurring both frequently and infrequently in temperate and tropical deciduous forests. Nocturnal and able to stay alive through the night and into the morning so they can slumber in the caverns unnoticed. As wyverns to hawks and even scorpions, Black Dreadplasma filled an appropriate ecological niche. This is an illustration of wyverns' convergent evolution. It was an apex predator, whose enemies are most likely unknown.

Biologists and even shamans said that Black Dreadplasma was related to Giant Dreadplasmas, Dermochlory, Alarikitesha, Yarokitesha, and Razorjet. Purple plasma element energy from plasma fluids is present in dreadplasma and is transformed. The Black Dreadplasma offers several bioluminescent markings on its face, wings, tail, knees, and feet for a unique aesthetic in the Mediterranean forest in the Dirthsao to Hirojafza areas throughout the night.


Black Dreadplasma was now verbally intelligent, curious, and extremely hostile to anything in the wild. Dreadplasma's behavior was now god-damned and was very aggressive towards everything in the wild.

Distribution and Habitat

Black Dreadplasma can survive in 25°C and -50°F, that's why it cannot survive in very hot and cold temperatures. Dreadplasma occur in their rare sightings in tropical regions, a very uncommon region for this extraterrestrial species was mediterranean forest biome.


Black Dreadplasma was moderately tamed thanks to the Dairks and Corachi, who accept humans and other earthlings more easily. The Dreadplasma's strategy is to let Dairks or other Berbanian Humans to tame it and draw attention to themselves. Because only extraterrestrial creatures, including artificial cookies created from cacao trees, appreciate poison, cookies are tameable food for Dreadplasma. The best-known for their taming are milkweed and cacao trees.


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