Flaming Espinas

Spinosapteryx iratas luteognis

Flaming Espinas

One subspecies of Espinas, in particular, always slept sluggishly and dwelt in neglected structures. Flaming Espinas is still a classic Espinas in all its audacity—routine attacks will not rouse them from their slumber. They use a strong poison and a viscous acid in their breath strike to disintegrate armor.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Viperopoda

Infraorder: Gravicutia

Superfamily: Spinosaptergidea

Family: Spinosaptergidae

Genius: Spinosapteryx

Species: Spinosapteryx iratas

Subspecies: Spinoapteryx iratas luteognis

Descendant: thorny wyvern

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 22.56 m in length; 35.2 m wingspan; 13.4 m tall in height; 1,000 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire (Orange & Purple), leaf, dark

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange & Purple), poison (Purple), acidblight, sundered

Weaknesses: Water, ice

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Flaming Espinas ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Flaming Espinas (Spinoapteryx iratas luteognis) is the fictional species of saurischian wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier 2.5 and returned to Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.


Fittingly, 'Espinas' is Spanish for 'Thorns'.

Physical Appearance

Flaming Espinas features a brown carapace with red spines, claws, and horns. When enraged, its body is covered in glowing orange veins. It is otherwise identical to the common Espinas.


Flaming Espinas is capable of producing larger and more powerful bursts of fire than the common Espinas and is more resistant to damage. Its most noteworthy ability is to charge up and then launch a large fireball at its feet, which explodes into a massive firestorm covering a large radius. Unlike its cousin's poisons, which lack paralyze, the poison produced by the Flaming Espinas is much deadlier because of its acidic nature. The acid that Flaming Espinas produces is able to corrode armor with a single touch.

During near-death experience mode, they have the ability to charge at incredible speeds, scratching the ground as the only warning. A new attack they perform is ducking down while charging up a giant fireball similar to the ones they make huge explosions with, only it spits it into the sky, which bursts into multiple balls that rain on its enemies with incredible precision, aimed at up to four targets at once.

Flaming Espinas gains several new attacks; for example, it will now jump into the air, land, then spin around before jumping again and slamming its tail into the ground while landing. After charging, Flaming Espinas can launch a fireball instead of charging again.

After reaching low enough HP, Flaming Espinas will launch its ultimate attack a second time by flying in the air to charge before firing. Flaming Espinas's roar requires HG Earplugs to block.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


The Flaming Espinas has all the adaptations of its green counterpart, though there are a few key differences. It gets its title, Brown Thorn Wyvern, or Passionate Poisoner, from its color. By charging up its attacks, it can kill prey with a single powerful blow. The charged attacks can range from giant fireballs, scattered fireballs in the air, a horn thrust, and more.


Similarly to the common Espinas, it is a docile and passive wyvern that will only attack when provoked. It sleeps for much of the day and is usually encountered in this state. Similar to the common Espinas, this monster is powerful enough to face Elder Dragons such as the Teostra and Kushala Daora.

Distribution and Habitat

Flaming Espinas is known to inhabit the Tower and Forlorn Arena, where it resides in solitude at the very top or in an abandoned arena of the tower. where it resides in solitude at the very top. In addition, it can be found in the Gorge, Citadel, and Great Forest Peak.


Flaming Espinas can be captured and tamed as pets. Its favorite food is meat, poison frogs, or large or small insects.


In Weather Dragons as the main antihero, it was considered an invasive character to the Iberian peninsula and was ruled by Isabella of France during her ruling. This saurischian wyvern was native to the Iberian Peninsula, Michigan to Detroit, Colombia, Indonesia to the Philippines, and even the Solomon Islands before the Monster Hunter movie.

Espinas dominated worldwide and regional extinction in Central Africa during the classical period by Congolese pygmies to Bantus, causing the deaths of the couple and blaming this wyvern; it was recorded by Arab travelers. Declared by the United Nations and the Weather Dragon Association as an endangered species on Earth and least concern for Avalon and the world of Monster Hunter.

Known Individuals


" Flying wyverns known for the red spikes on their tough green frame, forming both a means of attack and defense, thus generally keeping foes at bay. As a result, they are often seen sprawled out and relaxing in their domain. Once they sense danger, however, they expand their blood vessels to turn their hide and wing membranes a bright red, and they will run riot with noteworthy brutality. "

- Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
