Thunder Serpent Narwa

Tatsodeophis kamurica

Thunder Serpent Narwa

My king, o my king, come forth now with haste. With my elegant lightning, let us lay this land to waste. Tear apart the skies, rend the clouds asunder. Pave the road to paradise, with hurricane and thunder.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Protodraconidae 

Genius: Tatsodeophis

Species: Tatsodeophis kamurica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 9.2 meters tall in height; 46 meters long in length; 3,666 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Post-Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Electric

Inflicts: Electricblight, paralysis, stunned

Weaknesses: Rock (75% immune), ice, sound, arcane, light, dark, fae, aether, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Thunder Serpent Narwa ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Thunder Serpent Narwa or simply Narwa (Tatsodeophis kamurica; formerly as Deusinodraco kamurica), is the species of Elder Dragons introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. The female counterpart of Wind Serpent Ibushi, she was associated with thunderstorms and lightning causes of mating process to caused scandalous of all monsters rampaging to the Kamura village.


From the Japanese word: ナルハタタヒメ  (Naruhatatahime) means "Lady Lightning Narwa".

Physical Appearance

With short, paddle-like hind legs and a long tail, this species resembles a leviathan and has a long, slender body. There are two sets of jaws in this species, with the bottom outer jaw and both inner jaws being split jaws. Forelegs, the back, the chest, and the tip of the tail are only a few of the many sacs that this species has throughout its body. The characteristics of these sacs vary depending on gender.

Due to the fact that it is the female of the species, Narwa differs from Ibushi in a number of ways, matriarch among them being the profusion of golden and orange tendrils that run from the rear of the head all the way down to the tail. On the head, it has two sizable horns that point backward. The mouth contains numerous tiny teeth. Ibushi lacks the enormous golden sac between the hind legs that Narwa possesses, and Narwa's head, chest, back, forelegs, and tail tips are covered in purple electrical organs that generate electromagnetic force that propels the serpent into the air.

Narwa also appears to be even bigger than her male counterpart, and she's less smaller than Narwa the Allmother.


These achievements are made possible by the electromagnetic force that their bodies' thunder sacs produce. The thunder sac on their abdomen or the center of the ring formed by their entire body may likewise fire many beams of purple electricity. Narwa's purple thunder sacs can also be used to produce golden balls or rings of electricity.

When completely agitated, Narwa can fire a potent energy beam followed by a huge electromagnetic pulse that spans the entire area and delivers enormous damage but can easily be avoided or interrupted if you deal enough damage to her in time.

All Narwa individuals, either the yellow color of a person or a survivor, are cursed, which means they use an unknown method, presumably some kind of electromagnetic wave, to communicate and aid in finding each other. Buddhist monks, who are said to have great connections with nature, are considered to be able to pick up this signal and speak it into an understandable language, referred to as a "resonation," as shown by Anastasia Romanov when an Narwa first appeared after a certain Aštade Violéntagh (Enchan for Rampage; Romanian: Ieşire violentă, English: Stampede or Rampage) was dealt with.

However, it is unknown if the dragon is aware of this. During the resonance, the eyes of the survivor change to bright yellow eyes (in the case of hazel-eyed or brown eyes like Anastasia, Belle, Isabelle of France, etc.). This phenomenon, however, has no explanation yet. After this is done, Ibushi allows Narwa to start consuming some of its lifeforce (Anastasia faints) to seemingly fertilize the latter's eggs, which in the end may kill Ibushi in the process. Once the Narwa consumes enough bioenergy (regardless if Ibushi was killed from it or not), the Narwa inherits Ibushi's control over wind (passed Mihai of Romania).

Weather Phenomenon


The Shrine Ruins were once home to many different animal species before humanity settled there. Thunder Serpent Narwa (likely not the one from the myth) was one of the other occupants who went unnoticed. For quite some time, this specific Thunder Serpent Narwa had been dormant nearby. When she eventually came to, all the demons who inhabited the Shrine Ruins were driven from the area by her resounding presence, allowing people to live there. Years later, the winds of Wind Serpent Ibushi brought those beasts back to the Shrine Ruins, destroying the farmland that the people had worked so hard to cultivate.

Thunder Serpent Narwa's overall body frame, shape, and characteristics are the same as Wind Serpent Ibushi's, but there are some differences between the two. Much like Ibushi, Narwa has thick, highly elastic skin covering much of her body, but, unlike Ibushi, her skin is well insulated, and this is due to the large amounts of electricity that flows throughout her body. While Ibushi uses the special gas produced in his "windsacs" for flight, Narwa uses the electric currents produced in her "thundersacs" for flight.

Narwa has seven thundersacs on her body that she uses to generate and store electricity (One on her head, one on both forelimbs, one on her tail, one on her abdomen, one on her back, and one on her chest). The electricity generated and stored within her thundersacs also produces a powerful magnetic field that allows Narwa to float or fly in the air without wings. Those organs will glow intensely when they store large amounts of electrical energy

Covering much of her body are dozens of tentacles that generate static electricity. When the tentacles rub together, they produce a powerful electrical charge that clads Narwa in golden lightning, allowing her to unleash that electricity from her body in a variety of ways. Narwa constantly generates a large amount of electricity in and on her body, affecting the environment around her (Basically, she "repels" herself off the ground, much like two magnets repelling each other). Her body generates so much electricity that even touching her can be fatal (Any creature that touches her will be severely burnt by the electricity coursing through her veins).

When Narwa is around, objects will randomly float around the area, and a thunderous storm will cover the sky in golden lightning. Compared to Ibushi, Narwa was more eager to mate, and she was greatly angered when she heard her mate's sorrowful cries. Although Narwa stays in one place during the mating season, her presence can be felt from afar, not only by Ibushi but by other creatures. When Ibushi was repelled, she made her presence known and shook multiple ecosystems with her thunderous roar, leading to the continuation of the Rampage. When her location was discovered, the Guild sent hunters to handle her, but that hunting party was decimated by her. Rather than sending another group of hunters to slay her, the Guild sent the "Fierce" to permanently take care of her.

Narwa chose the Coral Palace, a forgotten fortress that seems to have come out of the sea, as her nesting spot, and the Fierce went there alone on a small boat to face her. The Coral Palace is on an isolated island surrounded by a wind-swept sea. Narwa has no known predators due to many monsters preferring to stay as far away from the Thunder Serpent as possible, except for the strongest animals. Another reason is that its electricity is very fatal to any creature it touches, severely burning them. Her presence can affect the ecosystem on a massive scale, causing many monsters to roam the area. Narwa is considered to be much stronger than Ibushi. A deceased Narwa found in the Lava Caverns created a biodiverse ecosystem from its energy.


Ibushi is more aggressive while guarding the nest and can use wind to rip platforms from the ground, much like how Narwa uses electricity to do so as well.

Distribution and Habitat

Narwa can be found in the Coral Palace, which was built by recent humans and Wyverians in the New World's Coral Highland region to combat the animal. Nihon, or Japan's mountains, are home to the native species Ibushi and Narwa, but they also migrate to Bhutan and Nepal. Minoto, the sister of Hinoa, was cursed by this electric dragon. Native to Coral Palace in the unknown region of the Coral Highlands. She was turned into a mythical animal called, in Japanese, Origin of a Hundred Dragons or, in English, Allmother, after she killed her mate for his lifeforce with the ultimate skills of Amatsu, Ahtal-Ka, herself, and Safi'jiiva.


Narwa and Ibushi while in adult cannot be tamed.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents: 1980-2026 AD


Ibushi and Narwa were the ultimate weapons created by Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. Ibushi and Narwa were mentioned a few times in the Historya Davvun, Thalath Lakoduna, No Way to Seaway, Two Lights, Worldcraft, and Equation. The vehicle sank into the Mithi River, with Monima Das and Jot Soora still trapped inside. Jasdip came to their rescue but could only free Jot, leaving Monima to drown in the depths of the Bay of Mumbai. But the resonances in Mumbai sometimes alerted people across the city.


Foreign Languages