
Pyrorhinoceras gigantus


“ This is a massive creature, possessing magical thermonuclear powers on its horn, unlike any other native species. Superheat is included to protect against burning foes. ”

Raquel Thomas

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Infraphylum: Berbannipeda

Class: Hiravaphochia

Order: Hiravaphocania

Family: Pyrorhinoceranidae

Genius: Pyrorhinoceras

Species: Pyrorhinoceras gigantus

Descendant: Berbanian seals

Named by: Timothy Thomas

Year Published: 2673

Size: 4.0 m tall in height; 43 m long in length; 500 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★


Elements: Fire (Orange), water, ice, arcane

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange), waterblight, waterblight, arcaneblight, stunned

Weaknesses: Earth, electric, light, sound


TROQA (Buenaventura Era)

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Derinokral or Heat-horn (Pyrorhinoceras gigantus) is the one of the species of ancient predatory extraterrestrial in Drepesedio at planet Berbania, it was introduced in Worldcraft: Crown of Drepesedio.


From the Drepesedic languages: idirin okryl, means "superheat horn"; likely from Dyoquian: zarliño-aktjralj, Esmeraldian: s'riña ñekrar, or Froyadghan: toryn okkeralla.

Physical Appearance

Derinokral is a hexapod extraterrestrial with four eyes, a sturdy dark violet belly, four sets of fangs, a horn that was hard to spot, and three pairs of clawed flippers that resembled pinnipeds. It also had sets of dark indigo plates on its tail, including the fin, and sets of blue fluorescent markings on its tail. Every one of them has a thick, long horn that extends from the head and tapers off. With the aid of this hot horn, derinokral has the ability to melt through ice and enter permafrost and glaciers.


The most harmful extraterrestrial to encounter members of this species is Derinokral. Once underground, the row of small to large, razor-sharp fins running along its spine aid it in swimming through and digging through permafrost and ice. An exothermic chemical process that turns foes into scorches occurs when magenta-colored blood reacts aggressively with deposits of raw alkali and sulfur metals in the interior chambers of the horn.

They have the power to exhale and breathe forth an icy cold vapor with fire, creating razor-sharp blazing icicle bullets with just a breath, or they can send fiery hailstorms over the sky (akin to the Ten Plagues of Egypt). The feared Light Blue Fire Element, which contains lead metal flakes on ice and fire that is hotter than conventional orange fire, is produced by a set of organs when they are in a dire condition, adding an additional level of danger to their attacks.


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They are territorial and ferocious creatures that will likely attack any living thing they see, even members of their own species. This often shows through scars and burns found on their bodies.

Distribution and Habitat

This alien was very exclusively found on Berbania's Antarctica-like continent, the Drepesedio, in cold regions below the surface.


This alien was tamed by yours to the babies, feeding with meat.


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Main Theme Music


Foreign Languages

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