Genprey & Gendrome

Percutienosaurus verdantus

Guenapodh / Genprey & Gendrome

Alpha monsters that lead Genprey packs. Larger than their brothers and with a more prominent crest, Gendrome uses the venom in their highly evolved fangs and claws to paralyze their prey. ”

Monster Hunter Generations

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Aviopoda

Suborder: Terrapodaves

Infrafamily: Dromadosauridea

Family: Dromadosauridae

Genius: Percutienosaurus

Species: Percutienosaurus verdantus

Descendant: Runner bird wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 34.5 meters long in length; 6.5 meters tall in height; 340 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Creteceous−Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Earth, electric, combat

Inflicts: Paralysis

Weaknesses: Ice, metal, arcane, light, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Genprey and Gendrome ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Genprey and Gendrome (Percutienosaurus verdantus) are one of the fictional species of theropod-like bird wyvern from Monster Hunter.


Uncertain words of Wyverian origin.

Physical Appearance

Genprey and Gendrome are desert-dwelling bird wyvern was different from Giadrome and Velocidrome. Both are featherless, their bodies are covered in a colorful yellow and green hide, with a pair of yellow crests over their eyes. A Gendrome by their big crest and slightly larger size compared to a Genprey. The crest signifies leadership over the pack.


Both are the same species and have paralysis fangs and claws. Individuals in Planet Earth can now inflict the Paralysis ailment through its bite instead of its pounce. Also like other theropod-like Bird Wyverns, can leap great distances at foes. Gendrome spit paralysis saliva from their fangs like spitting cobra. 

Gendrome now has a pin attack to deals paralysis. It can now call on Genprey during battle. If Gendrome spotted a beautiful girl or being limped without any reasons, it has the ability to spit large Paralysis-causing bombs that cover a wide area where it jumps > spits mid air > then lands to pin attack. However, it may paralyze itself when using the attack due to it always being within the bomb's blast radius.


Genprey are a mid-level hunter. They prey on any herbivorous animals and small animals. Genprey are pack hunters, and often rely on plans formulated by their pack leader, the Gendrome. Using high pitch vocal calls the Gendrome will organize its pack for their ambush. Genprey are covered in scales used for both camouflage in the harsh deserts and repel the fangs of other wyverns. If the other wyverns have a type of paralyzing toxin, skin under the scales can neutralize the paralyzing venom. In their fangs and claws, is a deadly venom that can paralyze prey ten times their own size.

Despite being deadly pack hunters these raptors are preyed upon by larger predators in their world and our world because they are a major threat to Gendrome and Genprey as they will not tolerate predators in their presence.


Gendrome are aggressive leaders that can repel some enemies from their claws and fangs. Gendrome are well-known for occasionally living alone separate from a pack. Genprey packs are a major threat for the general public.

Distribution and Habitat

Gendrome and Genprey located in desert areas worldwide from United States, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Mongolia, Spain, France, Albania, Egypt, Turkey and other countries. They mostly inhabit the Desert, where their green-yellow scales serve as good camouflage. They have, however, also been spotted in the Swamp, Sunken Hollow, Primal Forest and Great Forest.


Genprey and Gendrome are tamed from their eggs. Your animal will hatch from its egg with a golden background, indicating that it was born in hatchery. Feed them with fish, meat, or blubber.


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
