Greater Firemander

Pyrotritones californianensis

Greater Firemander

A fearsome gigantic lizard-like elemental beast wields their tailed knife and wears the magma of the armor of God. Deletes the survivors by a superheat beam without trace, and no one left behind wraiths in front of evil beings.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Family: Salamandridae

Genius: Pyrotritones

Species: Pyrotritones californianensis

Descendant: Salamandra atra

Named by: Jerome Luther

Year Published: 1939

Size: 17.0 meters in length, 5.5 meters tall in height, 6,666 kilograms in weight, 356.7 centimeters length per gills



Pantheon: Greek

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🧨🔥🐟

Elements: Fire, water, rock

Inflicts: Fireblight, scalded, poison, polluted, stun, gnashed, heatstroke, traumatized

Weaknesses: Water, earth, ice, time


Based On: salamander in folklore

Conservation Status: Endangered

Greater Firemander or simply as Firemander (Pyrotritones californianensis) is the one of the guardian and mythical creatures introduced in Worldcraft Damnation: Dreams Come True.


From the portmanteau word between fire and salamander, which means related to salamanders in folklore, likely live in fire when alive.

Physical Appearance

Based on the toxic coating, Firemander is a descendant of the California newt. The "fire" flows with a red or scarlet gradient in the fin on this back, similar to aquatic salamanders, which also have fins. As their weapons, known as "toxic spikes," develop warts into their tough "keratin" structure that grows, the Firemanders' possession of the toxic on their shoulders is expanding, in contrast to real-life salamanders and their mythological counterparts. Their body is orange in color.

The spikes drop the "pollution dust" by swiping at attacks when the toxins release the actual "pollution dust." There is their fintail. To put it simply, this animal had aposematism because it was poisonous, polluted, and full of sulfur dioxide, which predators shouldn't eat. In addition, it had a high body temperature that could kill a single person.


A fire-wielding giant amphibian is immune to all forms of fire and lava, including volcanoes and gases. The Firemander can swim in lava and lava-wave tail-swiping, shoot fireballs, lava balls, lava breath, fire strafe, fire sparkle-fusillade, and use a flamethrower. is formed as a "Magma Idol" or wears the magma as the "Armor of God" (during the second phase) (in the first phase).

The large magma that was created during the second phase was destroyed by humans and others. Who wanted to become terrestrial and try to attack you? Flying out to be levitated as usual in the third phase, followed by exacting revenge In the air, the fireman swims like an axolotl. Give the marksmen or mage the go-ahead to kill this floating creature. They were highly toxic, which makes them extremely dangerous for humans who are poisoned by suffering.


Weather Phenomenon


The firemander survives the hottest areas (desert, arid, Mediterranean biome, badlands, drought, volcano) and gets warm in the mildly cold areas (taiga, tundra), where it is exclusively carnivorous. Only hot springs, which contain sulfur to absorb their health, can help Firemander heal his wounds after drinking. Magma, or molten lava, is used in Firemander's armor creation. It was thought that the Worldcraft Series' Elder Dragon-Level Monsters were to blame for the habitat destruction brought on by volcanic eruptions that the monsters themselves had caused.


Firemanders are highly aggressive, ruthless, and dangerous territorial monsters, though their ecology is much like that of a giant salamander. This amphibian is well-known for attacking and eating anything that moves in their line of sight and leaping from lava or hot springs in order to grab potential prey to wrath alive.

Firemanders have a similar ecology to a giant salamander, but they are much more vicious, dangerous, and aggressive. This amphibian is well known for leaping from lava or hot springs to capture potential prey alive and for attacking and devouring anything that moves in their line of sight.


Intimidating, arrogant, hungry, aggressive, destructive, ferocious, selfish, fearless, sympathetic, monstrous, mysterious, aggressive, violent, ruthless, hungry, thirsty, voracious, savage, cruel, destructive, dangerous, greedy, carnivorous, calculative, vengeance, overprotective, caring, blasphemous, fierce, deadly, defensive, athletic, fearsome, prideful, perfectionist, energetic, lonely, sorrowful, forlorn, angry, self-respect, resourceful, unfriendly, friendly, lovely (only Martinez and Doruntina), adventurous, sarcastic, no-nonsense, affectionate

Distribution and Habitat

Firemander was reported in Reinachos (Vathalophe Gorge at North Pascua Delos Desierto) and Earth (Grand Canyon, Hawaii, China, Tahiti, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Bicol, Canary Islands, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Iceland, and Italy), where volcanoes are active or dormant. This creature resides under the volcano, close to an area in which vegetation also exists, in hot springs, or in the nearest cold waters.


Only young children are subjected to Firemander efts, and only gold and silver are used in the taming procedure. Due to their extremely potent taming consciousness, adult firefighters cannot be tamed. Instead, firefighters and young people will receive training.

Adult Firemander never restrains blasphemous or religious speech because it has a stronger spiritual connection.


Bereshit 80,000-10,000 BCE

Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was where Eostre developed Firemander. She employed Firemander to mine various ores and minerals from the earth's interior. The Mapuche tribe of Chile's mythological creature Cherufe, a demonic-like, man-eating humanoid, was confused for the Firemanders.

According to Eostre, the Firemander had been evaluated to determine if it would work in North America or Europe. The Firemander, however, most likely originated in Europe and couldn't have been on elsewhere given its already lethal lava affinity and ability to simply burn and destroy any species because Project Eden and its advanced technology predated the early human revolution. A typically tranquil town in the present day Italy is occasionally disturbed by Firemander, a lost creature from their ancient culture of gods prior to mankind, who uses lava and fire mixed.


See also: ???

Foreign Languages