
Thalassosauranthros hiberica


They are the most ferocious semiaquatic giants of the ocean, but they are always not bad or good in their esteem.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Order: Anomodontia

Family: Reptilopanidae

Genius: Thalassosauranthros

Species: Thalassosauranthros hiberica

Descendant: synapsid

Named by: Jordan Doyle

Year Published: 1994

Size: 2.1 meters / 6.88976 ft tall (for Dean Breathnach: 1.67 m / 5.47 ft) in height and length; 69 kilograms (152.119 pounds) in weight

Type: Synapsids


Pantheon: Irish

Time Period: Late Permian–Holocene, 268–0 Ma 

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Nature, dark

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: various

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

The Fomorians or Fomori (Thalassosauranthros hiberica; Old Irish: Fomóire, Modern Irish: Fomhóraigh / Fomóraigh) are a semiaquatic hominid-like therapsid in Irish mythology, who are often portrayed as hostile and mysterious beings under the seas from millions of years. Originally they were said to come from under the sea or the earth during Early Triassic.


The etymology of the name is debated. The first part is generally agreed to be the Old Irish fo, meaning under, below, lower, beneath, nether, etc. The meaning of the second part is unclear. One suggestion is that it comes from Old Irish mur (sea), and that the name means something like "the undersea ones". This was the interpretation offered by some medieval Irish writers. Another suggestion is that it comes from mór (great/big) and means something like "the great under(world) ones", "the under(world) giants" or "the nether giants".

Physical Appearance

Fomorians are brownish-skinned human-like synapsids with wetted feet, a long pointed finger on its hand like an aye-aye for removing dirt from the ears and nose, hooked nails on the ring finger acting like a key, auburn-colored smooth hair, an oval-shaped face, less pointed ears, two pairs of canine teeth with three pairs of molar teeth, and even some populations have either plantigrade or digitigrade feet.

Fomorians are taller than humans, likely as a giant of shore in Ireland, except for the Beagmhéide clan; even some individuals are smaller than expected and the same height as humans. Many Fomorians can live for hundreds of years without illness. They reproduce less often than us and other races due to their, didn't you know, far worse There are height differences of great magnitude among themselves because of unusual genetic disorders.


The so-called "Fomorians" were supernatural creatures that personified the unearthly or destructive forces of nature. They were representations of chaos, darkness, fatality, menace, and extreme weather events. They even wore blue diamond jewelry like the Heart of the Ocean to boost or increase their power. Without wearing blue diamond jewelry, the majority of a Fomorian's abilities include true eternal life, superhuman strength, and sturdiness. Fomorians hold their breath for over 50 minutes, better than others.

One of the most expensive diamonds in the world, the Hope Diamond, is less effective than the Heart of the Ocean in protecting the assets of Fomorian. Dean Breathnach, a Fomorian, wore a Heart of the Ocean that was combined with Fomorian powers, which are more potent and destructive than those of the other Fomorians. Heart of the Ocean can be used to deliver a painful gaze that paralyzes the target and forces them to think about their worst fear if it glows whitish or blackish blue. This diamond can conjure terrible conditions and environmental changes such as cyclones, hailstorms, sandstorms, tornadoes, mazukus, lahars, thunderstorms, rainbows, earthquakes, and even droughts.

Dean was very known for crafting anything like ingredients for recipes, weapons, tools, structures, recommendations for materials, traps, and strategies against traitors and enemies. There were no fomorians from Dean. Danu, a goddess from a fairy tribe called Tuatha Dé Danann, as a choice for being a human-loving fomorian and descendant of Lugh, was cursed and mad, as depicted in real-world Irish mythology, causing the storm, earthquake, and drought throughout Canada, West Virginia, the Bermuda Triangle, the Canary Islands, and Dublin, like his ancestor, Balor. He wields the Heart of the Ocean, an artifact owned by Rose Dawson before, and he linked with Danu and Lugh. Dean was representing the wild or destructive powers of nature, chaos, darkness, death, blight, and drought, unlike the rest of his own kind and his rights to Ahtohallan and Norse mythology.

Weather Phenomenon

In contrast with the rest of his own kind and with regard to Ahtohallan and Norse mythology, Dean wields the Heart of the Ocean, an artifact that Rose Dawson previously owned and that was linked to Danu and Lugh. Dean also represents the untamed or destructive nature's forces: chaos, desolation, fatality, blight, and drought.


The council that governs the Fomorians includes one nominal war-chief of the Fomor, but the other members are peers who also serve as chairmen and feudal lords across Ireland and the world as a whole through their chiefdoms.

Fomorians were incapable of throwing large or giant boulders the way other giants did because their muscles were weaker than those of unrelated mammalian giants. In combat, heavy infantry Fomorians utilized all varieties of blunt weapons. They were often known to wield great clubs, flails, maces, whips, and giant-sized bolas. The strongest among them would wield crude shields and typically have better armor. Light infantry Fomorians used swords, spears, knives, shotguns, swivel guns, and other magic attacks. They frequently employed the tactic of sneaking up on their adversaries and striking them as hard as they could. Some Fomorians are learning how to force certain structures, like parts of frames or households, to collapse.

Living in the seas to hunt or breed crustaceans, fish, sea urchins, seaweed, kelps, and other marine life using nets or fishing, the Fomorians are regarded as a sea heritage. Some Fomorians who live on land are medical alchemists or psychiatrists who seek out seaweed or herbal remedies to treat each Fomor's illness. Others use magical blue diamonds found in the earth's deep crust. Fomorians could live on little to no food for many weeks or months of starvation, unlike elves.

In addition to some clans aiding humans as well as other races on land and in the sea for the purpose of defending their own from negative influence, Fomorian leaders were typically known for enforcing their rule through sheer terror and persecution. They were infamous for being intensely paranoid, wary of uprisings, demanding, and reliant on vast intelligence operations and incomplete structures to collapse to manage their domains. Fomorians were often known to engage in slavery. With some of the creatures they were known to enslave, including merfolk, humans, vodyanoi, vanaras, nagas, and others, for mining, farming, or harvesting in their demesnes

Some claimed that Fomorians held esteem for no deities; however, they were primarily seen to worship the deity Balor and considered him to be their patron deity, as well as Lugh.

Fomorians were typically known to speak Irish Gaelic dialects for each clan, as well as English, Latin, Spanish, French, Basque, Breton, Welsh, Manx, Romani, Esperanto, Northern Sami, and other foreign languages.


Fomorians were known to be very chaotic, evil-aligned synapsids who were also naturally ungrateful and disloyal. Depending on the surroundings, topography, resources, and attitudes toward the geography of Earth, Delphia, and Sawintir, half of the populations are either good or bad.

Some fomorians in chiefdoms across the seas developed beauty compulsions that led them to use witches or, occasionally, trolling archetypes. Fomorian society was based around viciousness or ambition during bilateral clans, with the cruelest and strongest among them typically taking on the role of leader. They were also highly patriarchal, typically treating their women and children no better than slaves or expelling non-kind seafolk like merfolk, saurfolk, or vodyanoi. Acts of violence, religious freedom, discrimination, and freedom of speech, as well as anti-protestant and anti-Catholic conflicts among these synapsids, were common among them; rarely, antisemitism and anti-Islamic are the worst to execution under Fomorian because this synapsid was only human and the non-mammalian synapsid was proud of Prophet Abraham.

Distribution and Habitat

Fomorians, who originally came from Ireland and now have headquarters and reside in one unit per clan below the surface of the Earth, are found in an array of habitats, largely due to their ability to use techniques to adapt to and modify their natural habitat. Although Fomorians can be found in almost any marine habitat, they are most prevalent in cold-water regions with high marine productivity, especially at higher latitudes and close to the shore.


Fomorians cannot tamed!


According to ancient myths, the warrior king Conand (the demigod) coupled with the Goddess and Empress Gaea/Domnu and produced the first generation of Fomorians from Suminia via Drift Portals from the evolution process from Eostre, and now, in the subterranean Dark Realm within Sawintir to Ireland.

Originally a group of synapsids that succumbed to the promise of power granted by Lilith, a goddess of lust and hate, they were cursed with incredible ugliness and are constantly trying to recreate or regain the grace and beauty of their old kin in some clans. As a result, they have a hatred for all humanoid synapsids that boils with jealous fury, while the majority of clans lack them.

The Fomorians are the children and descendants of Suminia's proto-primate-like synapsids. For example, independent synapsids have been used either as an alternative for monkeys or for any size, relatively human-like synapsid for aquatic lifestyles, as Sama-Bajau are a seafaring population in Southeast Asia who have this adaptation. They can hold their breath for over 5 minutes. Fomorians hold their breath for over 50 minutes, better than others.

The First Prehistoric Catastrophe, or End of Fomorian's Reign, was a cataclysmic event during human prehistory dated to around 254.14 Mil to 251.2 Mil BCE, or 3000 of the Fomorian Era between the Changhsingian of the Late Permian and the Induan of the Early Triassic, and with them the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, respectively. The global devastation caused by the flood basalt volcanic eruptions that created the Siberian Traps, which released sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, resulting in euxinia, elevating global temperatures, acidifying the oceans, and rarely coronal mass ejection, saw the near-total extinction of both the Moke and Yoruna tribes of the Fomorian race, both of whom were involved in a military conflict at the time. Fomorians learn swim underwater and to survive hidden in the caves and use the cave as shelters for centuries, continuing until the rise of even the most ancient human, elf, dwarf, fairy, angel, and deity civilizations.

By that point, the Terran Deities had been in a decade-long war with a Homo heidelbergensis rebellion led by two demigods, Adam and Eve, who sought to free humanity from servitude to their "gods". Adam and Eve want to eradicate nearly all the Fomorians in the Red Sea. 

Originally, the Fomorians seem to have been regarded as malevolent spirits dwelling underwater and in the trenches or Iceland of the earth. In one of the earliest references to them, a probably 7th-century elegy for Mess-Telmann, they are said to dwell "under the worlds of men". Later, they were portrayed as sea raiders because both Vikings and unknown creatures, possibly Fomorians, were fighting for resources. This was influenced by the Viking raids on Ireland that were taking place around that time, or Vikings are now slaves and captured by Fomorians. The Fomorians finally adopted Celtic languages as the lingua franca of their kind and eradicated their own language as outdated due to fear from the Roman Empire.

The medieval myth of Partholón says that his followers were the first to invade Ireland after the flood, but the Fomorians were already there. Geoffrey Keating reports a tradition that the Fomorians, led by Cichol Gricenchos, had arrived two hundred years earlier and lived on fish and fowl until Partholon came, bringing the plough and oxen. Partholon defeated Cíocal in the Battle of Mag Itha, but all his people later died of plague.

Then came Nemed and his followers. Ireland is said to have been empty for thirty years following the death of Partholon's people, but Nemed and his followers encountered the Fomorians when they arrived. At this point, Céitinn reports another tradition that the Fomorians were seafarers from the Middle East, descended from Ham, son of Noah. Nemed defeated them in several battles, killing their kings Gann and Sengann, but two new Fomorian leaders arose: Conand, son of Faebar, who lived in Conand's Tower on Tory Island, County Donegal, and Morc, son of Dela (note that the first generation of the Fir Bolg were also said to be sons of Dela).

In addition to continuing how the Fomorians use these modern weapons, despite being prehistoric or having been taught from slaves, the Cold War between the USSR and the United States saw a struggle for global influence, including a nuclear arms race and a space race. The Second World War ended in 1945.

Known Individuals

See also: Fomorians 

Foreign Languages
