
Galloviperus lithunica


Long after they have died from the burned feathers, those feathers can catch fire easily when they are reduced to small embers. This critter is known as the Pukis in Latvia.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Subclass: Ornithopodia

Order: Pseudogalliformes

Family: Gallosauridae

Genius: Galloviperus

Species: Galloviperus lithunica

Descendant: Bird wyverns

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 16.3 meters tall in height; 89 meters length in wingspan to 67 meters long in length from head to tail; 3,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Late Cretaceous - Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Fire, air

Inflicts: Fireblight, airblight, blastblight

Weaknesses: Rock, water, ice, electric, sound, time, chaos

Casualties: unrecorded

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Damavykas (Galloviperus lithunica) is a mythical creature introduced in Worldcraft: Fairytale's Ending and Weather Dragons: Horvath.

Physical Appearance

Damavykas is a large borona (bird of prey resembling rooster to eagle, that are saurischian wyverns) to resemble a red junglefowl, with torso and white to dark blue green tail feathers on waist. Ranging from red, orange, dandelion, yellow and green feathers with three fingers appears like primitive birds. Their head was red flesh similar to a rooster, with a beak-like mouth with serrated teeth. Damavykas' legs are gray and scaled, and three toed. These feathers on underneath was nitroglycerin mixed feather-like undescribable organs that are bombs. Damavykas' tail was elongated and flame-like yellowish orange feathers acted like real fire. The eye color for Damavykas was hazel eyes.


Damavykas drops and uses its green feathers offensively during combat. It is capable of dislodging them at will from its body and quickly replacing them. Once dislodged, the feathers that drop on the field will act similarly to land mines and will explode when struck by anything. Damavykas is capable of releasing a short-range blast of fire from its mouth and explodes into smaller pieces of ember saliva to scorch nearby plants or light materials.

Weather Phenomenon


Damavykas easily assert themselves as apex monsters in Latvia or whatever environment they pass through, disrupting the local food chain. Unlike other guardians this most distinctive trait is its ability to shed explosive green feathers from their special organs via sweat glands and their keratin-oxygen contain used from water and cold temperatures when heated up and as a campfire.

The colors of feathers are produced by pigments like green turacoverdin (porphyrin pigments found only in turacos) with sulfur-based carbon. These special feathers are created by solidifying its body fluids. These body fluids come from explosive glands, or fuses, found inside of its neck and button near the pycnofibres at the tail. These fluids cool when they come in contact with the outside air before stretching out and solidifying, becoming Damavykas's flammable scales. While on, however, Damavykas they are stable, but, once off it, they're unstable. If stimulated or left to oxidize, they'll explode, severely damaging anything caught within the blast but unharmed. Damavykas has giant wings on its body that allow it to fly great distances.

Unlike other Boronas (akin Bird Wyverns), it barely flaps its wings as it soars through the sky, making it silent likely for prey to hear it coming much like owls. They have been attacked by most guardians inside or outside their mythologies from Latvia either native or foreigners. The only known rivals to a Damavykas is the infamous Buratsche-ah-llgs (a lake protist monster), which is considered to be its equal, other Elder Dragon-Level Monsters, and Elder Dragons such as Y Ddraig Goch; Aitvaras; Beithir; Sleetwing; Aurostra; Hînqûmemen; to Velkhana.


It will become hostile to any survivor or monster that crosses its path in order to assert its dominance with an iron fist. Damavykas is a sympathetic and articulate species it will even actively seek out targets to battle with, and is generally assured victory when doing so.

Distribution and Habitat

Damavykas was located in Latvia and Lithuania, mostly inhabits the wooded low mountain regions with its large, temperate deciduous and mixed forests. Although wildcats occur in all forest types, studies in Central and Northern Europe have shown a clear preference for structurally rich forests with a high proportion of tree hollows, piles of dead wood at ground level and rejuvenation patches, in dark forest to mountains, as well as wind-thrown areas.

Other small mammals, insects, birds, reptiles and amphibians are also represented as smaller percentages. Resting sites and even dens are characterised by dense vegetation or deadwood structures, such as blackberry (Rubus) thickets, piles of brushwood, tilted rootstocks and rejuvenation thickets.


Damavykas was tranquilized by bullets and made unconscious, feed Damavykas while unconscious and used narcotics to continuously overdose. Alternatively, survivors must steal an egg in order to tame Damavykas. When these eggs hatch, the babies must be fed any type of milk, which can be gotten from a variety of sources.

Damavykas is immediately domesticated when they hatch from an egg because the survivor is always within 9 radii of the hatching egg with campfire or other heat resources. If the Damavykas isn't already trained, you can train it with a whip, worms, rat meat, seaweed-wrapped mice, or fish eggs.


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of the Aesirs or Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was responsible for creating Damavykas.

Known Individuals

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages