History of Earth

Prehistoric Earth

Hadean Era - 4567.3 ± 0.16 – 4000 bil BCE

Middle Cretaceous

Great American Interchange

2.7 million years

Middle Paleolithic


The Terran Deity, a society of highly intelligent people, lived on Earth during the Pleistocene epoch long before humans and elves did. They created all contemporary creatures, including humans, and monsters, and then enslaved them by altering their brains so that they would obey in the presence of an Edenic remnant. Their minds have been altered using aurorium, a substance with a rainbow of colors utilized to interact with infused adamantium. The Forbidden Act or Bereshit War was started when two demigod hybrids, Adam and Eve, stole one of the Artifacts, an Apple, during a period of forced peace.

One dark part of the ancient civilization's history is the Forbidden Act they committed, which went against nature between gods and humans and elves. By using both technology and biology, this society was able to create their own lifeforms by using equipment and materials to build them from scratch. However, this experiment was considered very evil due to one reason: in order to make a new life form, another creature would have to lose its life,

Bereshit Wars - 75,010–70,000 BCE

Since hundreds of dragons were required to create just one or more of this species using Cherenkov radiation, the life form Radachalog developed by the evil god Aita can be harmful to someone who does not take any protective measures. It also required about thirty horses' worth of dragons. Additionally, the titan would live longer the more blood it bled. A massive solar flare struck the Earth, causing the Great Catastrophe from the eruption of Toba to occur and severely harm both men and their creators because everyone was too focused on the conflict to perceive any other threat. While mankind expanded and occupied the Earth, viewing the deities as myths and legends, they slowly went extinct.

End of Bereshit - 75,000 years ago

Toba Volcano supereruption that may have contributed to human populations being lowered to about millions of deities, 45,000 elves, some of saurfolks and fomorians, and 15,000 people.

First Era

70,000 years ago

The earliest example of abstract art or symbolic art from Blombos Cave, South Africa—stones engraved with grid or cross-hatch patterns. Due to their Eagle Vision and ability to withstand Pieces of Eden—qualities shared by Conservationist Hunters and the Templar Order—some data connected the hybrids as the forefathers of the Assassin Brotherhood.

Assassin-Templar-Hunter War - 70,000 BCE-present AD

The Assassin-Templar-Hunter War is an ideological and occasionally military war that has raged for all of recorded history of humanity involving the Assassin Brotherhood, the Templar Order, and the Conservationist Hunters. To advance their respective objectives within their battle, the three factions frequently took part in or even instigated armed warfare between nations, mostly beyond the purview of traditional politics.

The Templar Order has found one of these bioweapons dead in a forgotten warehouse, while little else is known about them. They are currently researching it. The explosion did not eradicate the Pieces of Aesir, and over time humanity started finding them. This led to an ideological split and the creation of two groups, which are today known as the Templars, the Assassins, and their true archenemy, the Conservationist Hunters. The Assassins, who strive for freedom and a flawed but unfettered humanity, place free will above order, and the Hunter shows up to attack whenever the natural balance of Assassin and Templar is disturbed. The Templars aim to restore peace in the same way the Deities had once done—forced by the Pieces. The conflict between the Templars, Assassins, and Hunters has raged on for many years despite everyone involved understanding how crucial the pieces—particularly the apple—are to achieving their objectives.

Woolly Mammoth's End / Construction of Great Pyramid - 4,000 BC

The woolly mammoth, developed about 400,000 years ago in East Asia, with some surviving on Russia's Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean, as well as possibly the Taymyr Peninsula on mainland Siberia, until as recently as roughly 3,700 to 4,000 years ago, still extant during the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. ꜣḫt Ḫwfw or Akhet Khufu is the largest Egyptian pyramid and tomb of Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu. Built in the 26th century BC during a period of around 27 years, it is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact during mammoth's existence.

First Civilization of Humanity - 3200 BCE

3150 BCE

First Dynasty of Egypt begins.

3000 BCE

Stonehenge construction begins. In its first version, it consisted of a circular ditch and bank, with 56 wooden posts.

Shoahiguan's Genocide - 1924 AD

Location: Ottoman Empire and Eurasia

Date: 1919 AD

Targets: Turks, Turkmens, Kyrgyzs, Russians, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Arabs, Bulgarians, Kurds, Jews, Spanish, French, British, Joszef and Heloise Horvath, Taran, Eilonwy, Kaan Ozdemir, Levi Ozdemir, Mehmed V, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, Safi'jiiva and Xeno'jiiva, Rukodiora, Quetzalcoatl, Chang'e, Lord Shiva, Hades, animals in Turkey

Attack type: Genocide, ethnic cleansing, deportation, death march, habitat destruction, climate change, pogrom

Deaths: see below

Perpetrators: Turkish National Movement, Kadri Arslan, Persephone, Usman II the Shoahiguan

Jean the Shoahiguan's late father, Usman II is the elder widowed Shoahiguan, the Elder Dragon from Agartha is a historiographical theory which sees the concurrent powers against both Turkish people and other races in Ottoman Empire and nearby countries, as parts of a single event rather than separate events which were initiated by Usman II. This dragon was unnamed after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk named this monster after Osman. Due to eradication against true dragons that are pests. Jürgen Zimmerer contend that such an approach "ignores the Ender Dragon's massive violence against both Christians and Muslims for Agartha", in particular against Muslim Kurds and foreigners to the Hades and Persephone.

Kaan and his father Levi Ozdemir from 21st century ago are trapped by the Drift Portal into the late Ottoman Empire into the before dissolution of the empire to Republic of Turkey instead. Mehmed V calls his half brother Abdulhamid II that stop the genocide of all people, including the Turkish itself until the end of the beginning. Kadri Arslan, the last remaining balance priestess warned by Taran and Eilonwy about the time used for resurrect or hatched Shoahiguan pup with key from Uther Pendragon. Levi stops Kadri from ritual, is too late. 

Causing an awry Ottoman Empire and nearby countries into doom, Usman II was reborn and lost his lover Lenoir by Greeks and Armenians, including orders for Mehmed V, swore his revenge and vengeance against Mehmed V and later Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Both Elder Dragons, Safi'jiiva and Rukodiora aren't native to Turkey, but true guardian was Lake Van Monster of Armenia and Turkey by Armenian folklore during Armenian genocide swore revenge against both Elder Dragons destroy the Ottoman Empire and the history against the princess and sciences.

Later on, both Joszef and Heloise have very strong bad vibrations from the past, and decide to go to the 20th century instead with a drift portal. Safi’jiiva name was Dimitrov by Lyudmila Pavlichenko after the Russian revolution. Both Kaan and his father Levi Ozdemir from 21st century ago from Republic of Turkey to see what happened after the genocide in this country. Kaan was very excited when encounters Taran and Eilonwy shortly before the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Xeno'jiiva was reborn into Safi'jiiva against Rukodiora and now Shoahiguan who destroys his homeland. Because of that, Safi'jiiva was the motif to the flag of Turkey as his deadly fire star, his skin and his crested moon on his wings by Turkish people.

After Florence Nightingale's death, Dimitrov was very violent from Florence Nightingale and her inspirations to seek his revenge against Usman II the Shoahiguan and Jean's late biological father. Turkey became the epicenter of warfare against Elder Dragons until Treaty of Constantinople, now Treaty of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, causing massive suffering from Elder Dragons and guardians in Turkey. Causing loss of his inspiration and his family from Usman and Turkish alike. That's why Kaan loses his father and mother from past and present. He wants to tame this animal to defend from alternative history to real history. Until Joszef and Heloise shortly arrive and kill Usman II with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Mehmed V swore revenge against this Elder Dragon from Uther Pendragon.

Past and Present Indicents

The Recollections of Queen Arianna