
Homo sapiens sapiens varius morpha asuang


There can be no complaints about this situation because these monsters in Ophir are human born. These are Ophir's natural demons, naturally wicked beings with just the desire to harm and eat other living things as their motivations.

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genius: Homo

Species: Homo sapiens

Subspecies: Homo sapiens sapiens

Variant: Homo sapiens sapiens morpha varius asuang

Descendant: Homo heidelbergensis

Named by: Carlito James Padilla Wagner and Ottar Gschwantler

Year Published: 1985

Size: 1.7 m in length and height; 62 kg in weight

Lifespan: 80+ years



Pantheon: Filipino

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated (NE) – IUCN Red List

An Aswang (Homo sapiens sapiens varius asuang; Baybayin: ᜀᜐ᜔ᜏᜅ᜔; Jawi: إسوانڠ) is one of the mythical creatures in Filipino folklore included in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff sequel, Historya Davvun, set in the 1990–1999, is known as a general name for different shape-shifting malevolent creatures. In the form of vampires, ghouls, witches, viscera sucking, and mutating human-beast hybrids (often dogs, cats, and pigs), these mutant humans are human beings.

Historya Davvun, which takes place in the 1990s, has the aswangs as the Punzalan family's main protagonists. They also appear as minor enemies in Thalath Lakoduna, No Way to Seaway, Weather Dragons, Worldcraft, Two Lights, and Rescris.


Aswang or "asuwang" is derived from the Sanskrit word "asura" (Sanskrit: असुर) which means 'demon'. Sir Monier Monier-Williams traces the etymological roots of Asura (असुर) to Asu (असु), which means life of the spiritual world or departed spirits. The term ‘aswang‘ originated from the Filipino word ‘aso-wang(-is)‘, meaning dog-form – because the beasts usually take the form of dogs.

In its Buddhist context, the word is sometimes translated "titan", "demigod", "devil", "demon", or "antigod".

Physical Appearance

Aswangs are unique humans that resemble vampires and have pale brown or white skin. They also have a broader nose than a Filipino. Their glittering blue, lackluster eyes have a subtle glimmer to them at night. They are muscular, slim, have fangs and claws that resemble needles, and the vertebrae along their backs expand to the point that they form a distinct ridge. For pure and halfbreed alone, their voices also take on a slightly shriller tone when angered.

The aswang of the vampire type assumes the appearance of a magnificent man or woman. It consumes the same blood that vampires do in Western societies. The difference is that instead of sucking blood with its teeth, it uses a tongue that resembles a proboscis. Additionally, aswang don't reside in tombs. Some aswang live in forests far from human settlements, but they can blend into society by marrying into a group, slowly draining their husbands of blood, or using the group only as a place to hide out and raid other villages at night, maintaining their cover.

The manananggal is the most well-known aswang variant, and the two terms are practically synonymous. The manananggal, which actively seeks food, is arguably one of the deadliest monsters in our society. It is made up of half a pair of typical woman's legs and half a winged, flying nightmare fodder.

Although the creature does not always change into a dog, Maximo Ramos refers to this category as the weredog. Ramos explains that a region's wildlife is called after its most fierce animal. As a result, there are werewolves in Europe, weretigers in India, leopards in Africa, and bears in Russia. Weredog is a better phrase because there aren't any wolves or wild canines native to the Philippines. Like the previous aswang, the weredog infiltrates settlements and transforms into a beast at night, around midnight. The creature is typically a dog, wolf, fox, dhole, or other canine, but it might also be a cat or a pig. Then, the weredog begins to kill and devour humans, especially pregnant ladies who are out in the dark and wearing long hair.

Aswang of the ghoul variety are described as humanoid but typically covert. They are carrion eaters, and they consume human carcasses. They can help with the robbery and devouring of the corpses because of their powerful, sharp nails and fangs. They have a foul odor due to their eating. They congregate in trees close to cemeteries to exhume and eat the recently buried bodies.

Busaw, the aswang, resembles humans in appearance and behavior. They are corpse thieves or grave robbers. It dwells in cemeteries and sometimes steals fresh corpses from funerals or tragic accidents like car crashes, etc. Their weakness is salt.

Bubuu is the aswang with bloodshot eyes that makes the sound of a laying hen at night. The aswangs in the series are not Filipino in the classic sense; rather, because they are connected by magic, they are of various races from across the world.


Aswangs lack natural magic; some have it. Aswangs can spit their saliva defensively. The aswang is the only animal that enables the user to change into a wide range of animal life, each with their own special strengths and powers (as well as their drawbacks), and in a variety of animal DNA.

No particular set of traits can be assigned to the term "aswang," and aswang stories and definitions vary considerably from place to region and person to person. However, the phrase is frequently used synonymously with manananggal, and the creature is frequently shown as a female. They are quick climbers and appear to be incredibly light based on how quickly they can climb walls and trees. They can cling to almost any surface, even horizontal ones like the ceiling, thanks to their strong claws and prehensile limbs. They aren't particularly powerful, though, as Assassin Order member Desmond Miles demonstrated by successfully kicking conservationist Nilan Punzalan or a fully aswanging individual kicking him away with just one leg. Instead, when engaged in fights, they rely on their quickness as well as their pouncing and claws.

Three functions of their tongues are connected to the gruesome behavior they are known for. Aswangs will use their tongues to enter the navel of a pregnant lady and inject the chemical characteristics of nightshade or cycad root into the woman, putting her to sleep. After sucking up a sizable amount of amniotic fluid, the Aswang will proceed to use their tongues to suction the infant out of the womb. Long-pacified tongues are incapable of being half-aswang. Only pure aswangs are distinguished by their black, twisted proboscis tongue, which can extend many times as far as their body. The tongue can transfer solids in both directions because of its lengthy tube and ability to puncture tissue. While half-aswangs used their long teeth and long nails, which have the ability to puncture flesh and armor skins,


There are several remedies and countermeasures to drive away or slay Aswang. The different countermeasures often vary depending on the cultural and symbolic significance of each tool. Holy objects, spices, salt, ash, whip, the tail of a stingray, large crustaceans, vinegar, betel nut chew, peanuts, bubblegum, and urine are all listed as tools for protection against aswang. The reversal of a ladder leading to the house was also said to be a countermeasure against aswang.

Because aswang were believed to be the cause of miscarriages, countermeasures to drive them away and prevent them from prowling during childbirth were developed. One method is for the husband of the childbearing wife to remain under the house naked while furiously waving a sword. Sharp sticks or bolos should be inserted between the bamboos of the house floor to prevent aswang from lurking under the house. Additionally, sick people should not stay in houses with holes and are told not to groan in order not to attract aswang.

Additionally, a unique anti-aswang oil can be created. Choose a certain coconut and watch it grow to generate this oil. Pick it when it's damp and dark at dusk on a full moon and the breeze is brisk. The grated coconut must next have the juice drained out of it. Bring the mixture to a boil until oil forms. Say silent prayers and dump everything into the ocean so that Aswang cannot determine who produced the oil. After it is finished, hang the oil at the front door of the house; when an aswang comes around, it will begin to boil. That's why Daniel Cross created the anti-aswang oil against the Punzalan half-brothers and Lesley Punzalan.

Without the use of the unique oil, there are alternative ways to find aswang. Scratching sounds coming from a house's ceiling are frequently an indication of an aswang nearby. If your reflection is inverted in the creature's eye, that is an Aswang in disguise. Dogs, cats, and pigs without tails are also allegedly aswangs in disguise. Aswang would also make an effort to avoid the blessings during holy masses. Look directly into a person's eyes, and if your reflection is upside down, then you've just met an aswang, according to paranormal experts. Another quick way to detect one is through a special oil curated by an albularyo (Filipino witch doctor), which boils when an aswang is lurking nearby.

A witch aswang can be killed by striking it in the center of the back with a bolo knife; if that location is not hit, the witch can heal its wounds by licking them. A bolo must be buried after killing an aswang in order to use it. It is not recommended to use firearms to kill aswang, and attacking an aswang when it is in the shape of an animal is ineffective. The aswang can be made vulnerable with magic prayers; once it is defenseless, its body must be dismembered. If the aswang is split in two, each portion needs to be brought to a different river bank.

Half human aswang were immune to all countermeasures except for garlic and peanuts and were allergic to them.

Weather Phenomenon


This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language; as well as in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states with coexistence of other races either human-like elves or reptilian vodnik. Humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster human society's desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other fields of study.

Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of plant and animal material, and have used fire and other forms of heat to prepare and cook food since the time of H. erectus (another ancient human).  Humans are generally diurnal and some are nocturnal, sleeping on average seven to nine hours per day. Childbirth is dangerous, with a high risk of complications and death. Often, both the mother and the father provide care for their children, who are helpless at birth.

Due to competing with other races and being destroyed by any animals, as populations became larger and denser, forms of governance developed within and between communities and a number of civilizations have risen and fallen. War is causing fights for their resources and their economy where situations are wrong. Humans commit violence on other humans at a rate comparable to other primates, but at a higher rate than most other mammals and other races like elves, fairies, angels, demons, orcs, giants, ogres, goblins, dokkaebis, vodniks, and even deities. Unlike most animals, which generally kill infants, adult humans kill other adult humans and even innocent one and leads bad omen and bad luck, as punishment of each one who murder it.

There is great variation in violence between human populations with rates of homicide and genocide, including bully or torture are uncommon to humans. They are apex predators and Elder Dragon-level threat (some scientists are rejected), but being rarely preyed upon by other apex predator species like tigers, saltwater crocodiles, great white sharks, killer whales, lions, wolves, cougars, tiger sharks, stingrays, reticulated pythons, green anacondas, harpy eagles, leopards, saber-toothed cats, octopuses, theropods, wyverns and even dragons; in the future, humans were killed and eaten by strongest extraterrestrials in Berbania, Reinachos or Delphia. Human population growth, industrialization, land development, overconsumption and combustion of fossil fuels have led to environmental destruction and pollution that significantly contributes to the ongoing mass extinction of other forms of life. They are the main contributor to global climate change, which may accelerate the Holocene extinction and leads human extinction via couple's death or natural.

Due to human’s need for freedom and peace for elves and fairies, many countries have formed international political organizations and alliances, the largest being the United Nations due to connection with angels and fairies as a peace treaty. These can be a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. The most common of ethnic groups are English people, second is Han Chinese, third is Nigerians or Kenyans, fourth are Indonesians and Filipinos. The division of humans into male and female gender roles has been marked culturally by a corresponding division of norms, practices, dress, behavior, rights, duties, privileges, status, and power from the values of cultural differences and reproductive labor like many races via folk physics.

After discussing the infanticide with other locals, it appears that Filipinos are not very frightened; discussions of ghosts and spirits do not make people quake in terror; rather, it is the Aswang that will do so. I happened to be drinking tankards nearby when the next attack on the town took place, so I was finally able to locate the beast and cut off its head.

After a string of mysterious killings and fatalities in a town in the Philippines. The Conservationist Hunters of the Philippines request the Enigma Corporation to conduct the investigation. Their investigation ultimately points to a folktale legend that the indigenous terrifyingly shun talking about as the cause of the killings. Science does not acknowledge some creatures, but not on the Assassin Brotherhood of Luzon or the Order of the Templar Society of Luzon in 1990s. William Miles, the recently elected Mentor of International Assassin Brotherhood, along with Princess Diana Spencer of Conservationist Hunter International and Quirin Stearns of the International Templar Order, were compelled to kill a bus load of children who were carrying bombs in order to target a diplomatic meeting as a result of assailant aswan in Iraq. Even if he was able to defend the peace talks, his resort broke the first precept of the Creed—to refrain from injuring innocents. As a result, he decided to live a life of complete pacifism and promised to never again take another human life and aswang and other race's tranquility.


Aswang commonly dwell at night in locations such as cemeteries and woods, as their powers are significantly, or sometimes totally, reduced during the daytime. However, despite being described as wild monsters that often live in the wilderness and outskirts of society, aswang are also described as creatures that are capable of living within close proximity of or even within the confines of a village, leading to several reports of aswang attacks within large, populated towns and cities.

Their ability to adapt and live within the urban and rural environments populated by humans while still maintaining their feral, monstrous nature is cited as a feature that distinguishes aswang from most other monsters. Aswang in Filipino folklore do not attack their friends or relatives, preferring to prey on strangers or enemies.

Distribution and Habitat

Aswang is an indigenous species that originated in the Republic of the Philippines and is now found in urban, rural, and similar habitats all over the globe. In all realms, aswangs can be found.


Under certain circumstances, aswangs cannot be tamed. If you have the Hero of the Planet effect, Aswangs and the majority of intelligent races will be able to follow you and fight with you.


בְּרֵאשִׁית/Bereshit - 300,000-70,000 BCE

Humanity, which includes numerous Homo genus. As well as Homo sapiens or Homo neanderthalensis, elves, goblins, orks, ogres, trolls, dwarves, angels, fairies, wildmen, or demons; where is naturally created and evolved by the Enn's reincarnated species, deities (Homo deus) like Eostre during her projects for extant species into Holocene started about 200,000 years ago. Evolved from Homo heidelbergensis, who is most likely their most recent common ancestor. There the second of the Children of God or Children of Gaea, and El made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good, the Homo heidelbergensis.

Like Yahweh and his siblings, Gaea's offspring gave birth to man in their image and permitted him to distinguish himself from other living things to become a man. Then all of the planet's living things, including all animals and creepy, crawly things, were given to Gaea's children and God. They were called the Gaea's Second Children, Afterborn, or Lastborn (Western Elvish: Dhumnël, Eastern Elvish: La'kamé) by the Elves of Eurasia. Unfortunately, some deity groups—such as Asura, Devils, Dark Elves, and Enn's reincarnated species—led the development of the Ancient Astronauts' empires in order to produce a large, hardy, and submissive workforce. Humans, elves, and all other races were the products of slave labor feudalism for the Earth.

Men bear the Gift of God, which is mortality, and therefore they age and die when their time comes, and are susceptible to illness and disease, as well as Force-sensitive, who gained powers and abilities through the Force became Force Adepts in Delphia planet. Adam and Eve are first humans created by the God, as H. heidelbergensis-H. dividus hybrid, as possessing magical powers and the forces from natural selection. The man was free to eat from any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which were taboo. Last of all, God made a woman (Eve) from the rib of the man to be a companion for the man. In week 13th, Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent (as avatar of Satan) into eating the forbidden fruit, and they were expelled from the garden to prevent them from eating of the tree of life, and thus living forever. The high-ranked cherubim like Saint Michael were placed east of the garden, and his flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way of the tree of life, killed the serpent of the devil.

Adam stole one of the God's Inventions "Fruit of Eden", as well as "Atyorrulath" (Rosary Whip Sword of Uriel), Adam was urged to touch fruit by Eve, and upon doing so had his mind freed, ability to disobey the commands of the Deities led to the outbreak of war. They then went on to rebel against their gods, demons, fairies, and angels. Following which, the two attempted to escape Eden through the use of their skills, but they were suddenly stopped by an their evolution, turned into humans by Eostre.

Elves serve as a military force and rebellions with humans, angels, fairies, ogres, giants, goblins, trolls, demons, and even the other races occur after a predefined time frame of forced subservience to the "gods" (with the exception of Chang'e, Quetzalcoatl, Yahweh, and Eostre). Only the Great Calamity of the Pleistocene, which saw all living and extinct species brought to the edge of extinction due to Satan and Yahweh, brought an end to this conflict.

Adam wept in sorrow and sinned because Eve died after giving birth to her children Cain, Abel, and Seth. While the last of humanity's inhabitants made sure that the species and living creatures could survive the catastrophe, the gods, with the exception of a select minority, did not fare as well. Gaea perished at the hands of Satan, who was chased into the outer line of Yggdrasil by Yahweh, his siblings, and cousin. Yahweh then used the Drift Portal to transport Satan to space, where he asphyxiated and died. The outer space is also very extremely cold.

Aswangs were created by Cain after he found one of his Terran Deity Objects, injected himself and turned into a monster and left after Seth was born. When the titular Aswang tries to escape after cornering his group, it is met by a crowd of angry locals who are annoyed by their presence and want to get some sleep. This leads to a violent beating as the monster is overpowered. In an effort to escape, the Aswang killed three people in the mob. This was followed by additional violence from the mob, which resulted in the Aswang's demise.

Bereshit Wars - 75,100-75,000 BCE

The first catastrophic conflict that occurred between the deities and their Earth's creations, with the latter being aided by those who had developed an immunity to the controlling effects of the Eden's magic and the classical elements. Little is known about the details of the war, however, it served as a distraction preventing both parties from observing the impending danger from the cosmos or spawning Eldritch Terrors in each continent; by the time they did, it was too late. First Catastrophe, was a cataclysmic event during human prehistory, dated to around 50,000 BCE. The global devastation caused by a coronal mass ejection saw the near-total extinction of most creatures and the deities, both of whom were involved in a military conflict at the time.

At the side, some deities protest and some of Gaea's children are against themselves. One dark part of the Prehistoric Civilization's history is the Last Prehistoric War they committed that went against nature and humanity. By using both technology and biology, this society was able to create their own lifeforms by using equipment and materials to build them from scratch. However, this experiment was considered very evil due to one reason: In order to make a new life form, another creature would have to lose its life. Eostre hates her siblings: Juno, Satan, Nergal, Izanami, Pele, Whiro, Hinenuitepō, Lilith, and other evil gods that lost Eve, Adam's first wife, Eostre created the new life form they ever made were modern Elder Dragons. Another major battle fought at the Scandinavia by the Aesirs, Vanirs, Einherjars, Valkyries, elves, fairies, angels, and even some humans, against the combined forces of the fire giants, demons, jötnar, the souls of the unworthy dead, Loki and Angrboda, and his four children Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Sleipnir, and Hela to destroyed Asgard and Midgard before Jörmungandr's true origin. Some Aesirs flee to Delphia with humans via Drift Portal using Orb of John the Apostle, considered are first settlers to produced offsprings of Delphians.

The Elder Dragons and all creatures all over the world, unlike other monster types, which classify creatures by shared traits, Elder Dragons are one of the creatures that defy typical classification and reside outside of the standard ecosystem, regardless of their immense abilities for humanity's last hope. They have learnt how to live side by side with monsters by using a hidden power, the Power Fifth of Nature, to communicate with the towering living things inside and outside the realm. The Power Fifth of Nature as law of dharma, mana, bioenergy, qi, and the force that allow them to communicate with the creatures and live peacefully with them.

Within the ruins of civilizations of Enn, Last Prehistoric War, a Perfect Enemy for Humanity supposedly still exists. Radachalog, also known as the Evil Wyvern of Darkside, is an Elder Dragon from Agartha. According to legend, Radachalog harbors a deep hatred for people and even remembers the deaths of its ancestors, the creatures of the Earth and Sawintir, including other Elder Dragons and even gods, who were most frequently killed by the Enn rather than Eostre, the creation of Nergal. Due to its great power, Radachalog was the ideal adversary for humanity because it completely destroys life before being defeated by Noah and his family. The group is chased by the murderers and escapes into the land of the Watchers, fallen angels that were left stranded on Earth as stone creatures after they descended from Heaven to help descendants of Adam and Eve when they were banished from the Garden of Eden to kill Radachalog in the process.

Many years into the medieval to twenty-first century or the future. Following atrocity wars, the rulers all over the world employ trained experts known as Conservationist Hunters (Elvish: Konservasiäna Jörli'ïma; Saurfolk: Jomrekla) who are amateurs who have received training as members of covert global peacekeeping organizations tasked with defending humanity from abuses of power, oppression, and injustice as well as restoring the environment and providing ecological niches for the princesses and the plebeians. Because of the relationships with nature, oppressors believe that doing so minimizes collateral damage, in keeping with their utmost prohibition against endangering the lives of children.

The primary goal of Conservationist Hunter is to stop further ecosystem damage in an effort to keep extant species from going extinct. Despite the fact that the two have been estranged for millennia as a result of the terrible catastrophe at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, it seeks to coordinate humans and other races with nature. Before the extinction event and into the Pleistocene, when elves and later humans took over, Saurfolks from the Late Cretaceous began their hunting career over hundreds of years ago. Although their primary duty was fighting and hunting, it gradually changed over time to include other tasks like delivering goods and escorting visitors or national leaders. As the foundation for creating an independent, critical, and open-minded value and belief system from the deity's past, it is actually a value-neutral epistemic claim about the nature of humans and all Earthly races.

Conservationist-Assassin-Templar Wars - 9000 BCE-present

The Conservationist-Assassin-Templar War has raged throughout all of recorded human history on planet Earth, in Berbania, Reinachos, Sawintir, and Delphia. It is an ideological and occasionally violent fight involving the Assassin Brotherhood, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunter. To further each of their objectives within their fight, the three factions frequently took part in or even started military combat between states, mostly under the radar of mainstream politics for the environment, culture, society, and occasionally passion.

According to social anthropology, the behavior of the local wildlife and the prevalence of X-linked dystonia parkinsonism in the area are two potential sources of the aswang legends' inspiration. The sounds that have been linked to the aswang's hunting calls (the "tiktik" and "wakwak") resemble those of nocturnal forest animals like bats and Philippine flying lemurs (known locally as kagwang). Because of the sounds they produce, they have been chased on the grounds that they are aswang in disguise.

Aswang's Persistence and Historya Davvun events - 1980-2000 AD

Following a series of unexplained fatalities and murders in a village in the Philippines. The Enigma Corporation is asked to perform the inquiry by the Conservationist Hunters of the Philippines. The conclusion of their inquiry points to a folktale legend that the native people fearfully avoid discussing as the reason for the killings. Science does not recognize some species, but not the Order of the Templar Society of Luzon or the Assassin Brotherhood of Luzon in the 1990s.

In Historya Davvun, the Punzalan half-brothers are mostly responsible for the Assassin-Templar-Hunter battle, which is currently receiving less attention in the subsequent spinoff sequels to Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure from the 1990s to the 2000s due to its overambitiousness. Due to allegations of infidelity, Daniel Cross, a former newly elected Grand Master of the Templar Knights, resigned from his position as creative director in June 1989. The Templar Order later fired and disqualified him, removed the affiliate Abstergo Industries as a separate and independent entity, and classified them as a terrorist organization. Daniel Cross and his Abstergo warriors killed Henri de Baptiste, a recently appointed Grand Master of the Templar Order, and then promptly captured and killed all Templar members in their base, precipitating the Great Extinction. Since 1991, Quirin Stearns, a descendant of Varian de Debussie, has served as a trusted advisor. He was just named Grand Master after losing Henri, his best friend, murdered by Daniel Cross.

The last recorded instance of aswang was in 1990, when they were almost murdered. Abstergo Industries' "Great Extermination" plan had as its goal the complete annihilation of the Assassin Order, Templar Order, Conservationist Hunter, and other organizations. After meeting the Mentor of the Assassins, Grand Master of the Templars, Elder Duke/Lady of the Conservationist Hunter, and Princess Diana Spencer's parents, Daniel Cross, the former Templar who is now an Abstergo sleeper agent and Abstergo Commander, acted on an impulse inserted into his brain by Abstergo to kill the leaders—except for Diana Spencer. The Assassin Brotherhood and Conservationist Hunters joined the Templars in their quest for retribution after they refused to accept the nuclear weapons out of fear for their safety. Abstergo seeks to present the New World Order with a solution to the World Council's threat to wage nuclear war against people and other living things on Earth.

After cornering the agents, the Indian-Filipino aswang Nilan Punzalan Pradep tries to flee but is stopped by a mob of irate villagers who are unhappy by their presence and want to go so they may be reconciled with his half-brothers, mother, and friends. The creature is then defeated by Abstergo Industries, which results in the genocidal murder of the Assassin Order, Templar Order, Conservationist Hunters, and Diana Spencer's family. Since he was descended from Lancelot and Guinevere in medieval times to Rapunzel and Eugene in the 1800s on his mother's side, Nilan was anxious about his genealogy. As a result of his golden and blue hair and deity-line bioluminescent lines, Nilan and his half-brothers have developed supernatural powers. His mother, three half-brothers, and mother are actually half-aswang, half-human, and half-deities; they are therefore immune to Piece of Eden's commands. Nilan killed Abstergo members in an effort to fight and rejoined the Assassin Order and Templar Order in Seattle for the rest of the world. Queen Arianna of Corona Kingdom, whose identity had been lost over the centuries, was rediscovered thanks to a book written by Napoleon Bonaparte, the ruler of France, who had actually become immortal thanks to his deity-blood genes after her kingdom had been conquered by the French Empire and her husband King Frederic of Corona had been taken prisoner. The Assassin Mentor, William Miles, discovered Arianna in caves in Toledo, Spain.

Because of Lancelot's DNA, Queen Arianna knew a great deal about every advancement and discovery that had occurred over her incredibly long life by the year 1999 and recognized William and Quirin's inventions. She also knows a great deal about history and is well-versed in the emergence of numerous secret societies over the course of her extraordinarily long life. Lieutenant Sander Schmidt, a conservationist and hunter, was astounded to learn that Queen Arianna had endured throughout civilization's history. Prior to their incident, Schmidt and Punzalan were good friends in the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Indonesia. Punzalan immediately began training her three husbands and boys for combat and hunting wicked animals or individuals. Although their main duties in Arianna's plan were hunting and capture, these tasks gradually gave way to others, like transporting goods and accompanying visitors or global leaders, starting in July 1999. Nilan and his family believed they were "demigods" because of his Aesir blood—someone who would bring order to stop feuding with Templars and assassins, or it would stop the end of the world in the year 1999. This included Queen Arianna, Napoleon Bonaparte, Constantin Sanatescu, Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., Diana Spencer, and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

After that, Nilan and his half-brothers continued to act violently, killing Diana Spencer and starting the New World Order, which was founded by Abstergo Industries and Daniel Cross. In an effort to recover his Apple of Eden for the New World Order, Daniel Cross sought down and challenged Nilan, Lesley, William, Quirin, Adelaide, Guaiya, Pingking, Desmond, Lucy, Arianna, Napoleon, Constantin, and Eleanor numerous times throughout the world. But in the end, during a climactic conflict in Abstergo's Seattle facility, Nilan killed Daniel. The prophesied Son of Darkness, the most powerful Aswang, is set to rule over the entire planet, establish the Three Days of Darkness and New World Order, turn all animals into monsters and kill without mercy, and destroy his mortal enemies: the Assassin Order, the Templar Order, Conservationist Hunter, his family, and Abstergo Industries—which also happens to be him. Nilan is the eldest grandson of Aswang King Ginhawa Punzalan. Because of the death of Diana Spencer and his subsequent attempt to assassinate his half-brothers before being destroyed, Abstergo Industries achieved success just before the Three Days of Darkness and the New World Order were over. The forces of darkness were put to an end by Pingking, Adelaine, Desmond, Quirin, Charles, Acunya, and Lesley. Nilan was kissed by Princess Diana Spencer and brought back to life in her soul before she faded into paradise.

The whole event was captured on camera by Warren Vidic inside the building. Enraged by Cross's death, he swore vengeance on Desmond, Adelaide, Pingking, Lucy, Guaiya, Nilan, and the Greek gods. However, his threat was never carried out because Desmond immediately attacked his office and used the Apple of Eden to murder him and his guards before rescuing William, Tasi, Hades, and Persephone. Before deploying the Orb of John the Apostle with a satchel charge as a nuclear weapon to annihilate the Abstergo Headquarters in Seattle and Rome, Queen Arianna I ordered the planting of Terran Deity artifacts by Italian and American conservationists. Justice has been served for Princess Diana Spencer and Nilan's companions, and Abstergo Industries' rule is now over. The riots ended before the countdown ended in 2000.

At 4:19 p.m. On January 1, 2000, Daniel Cross was buried in Rome's non-Catholic cemetery. After Daniel Cross's death, there was a minor increase in the aswang population on Planet Earth. After his grandpa Ginhawa passed away naturally, Nilan Punzalan, the most recent environmentalist Elder Duke, became an Aswang King and founded the Princess Diana Spencer-named Spencer Program of Philippine Monsters, protecting Filipino group creatures. In the weeks and months preceding the event, formal celebrations took place all across the world. In the United States, the White House Millennium Council organized one such celebration. Most large cities also staged midnight fireworks displays. The Punzalan family and its allies celebrated Abstergo's loss in 2000 at numerous private venues, cultural institutions, and places of worship. Few aswang-related incidents have occurred since the year 2000; they propagate evil, kill, and consume Assassins, Templars, or, more recently, Abstergo members.


The wife became aware when the midwife was able to stop the bleeding. She informed me that an Aswang was to blame for the incident. Her firstborn would be consumed as a way of living a long, healthy life because she had been sold as a bride to be impregnated.

Queen Arianna de Sonne of Corona

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages
