Moon's Desire

“ The river is a life. ”


Worldcraft: Moon's Desire

Ang Huling Tao sa Mundo: Ang Buwan at ang Araw

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: 2021

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, action, comedy, war, romance, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, alternative fiction, epic

Age Advisory: 16+


Before the Story

Long time ago, the war between Terran and Berbanian for their ancestral home under their own for San Santiago and Saint Patrick.

Fholiap Gwachalor, the lieutenant Dairk from Wotharsia worked for his job against the Spaniards, Celts, Sami people, and others altogether. To him as new found maiden from Comieos world named Djerria Mizhel to have her tragedies far away from her bullying. The Ilocanos siege and raids Tiqojarhan faunas and other races their resources and ecology, including the economy drastic strike.

Both Fholiap and Djerria have their relationship and he resign his job under his ethnic. The Tiqojarhan Dairk commander-in-chief Hidepsaw Vifos agree for his time prevent the war in Berbania. The prince from France Louis Bourbon found the couple to take his response and he tells the war was bad luck for Comieos. He saw the Shug Monkey dashes and attacks but Sir Vifos was wounded but his life lower than his element weakness, dark.

Gueanojae-rodha is a legendary extraterrestrial resembles Elder Dragon confirmed by some scientists to find the proof evidence, the vampire descendant of Vlad Dracula was Greg Constantino from Moldova attacks Louis' team but the Valorstarx kills the vampire but the Valorstarx die by draining the blood but he was hallucinated by Berbania's magenta blood due to very nauseous ingredient content, he was sprayed by Vifos' garlic made pepper spray to escape. The red moon under the solar eclipse started, Greg mad. The Sami people and UN peacekeepers kills this vampire away from the couple, the Philippines and Japan, as well as Aotearoa allied from the vampire and aswang bilateral issues to want never decimate them as Eostre's agreement.

In the past of 7 months during the world, Djerria was pregnant and give birth to her first-ever Berbanian Comiean hybrid named Jidhowang Gwachalor and the Spanish and French army kills entire family including the child for the claim a planet in Ursa Major. Jidhowang was survive from gunshot, the Tiqojarhan Dairks want to go into Jackson's Islands prevent him harmful. His rename to Jidhawong for prevent Spaniards made him as most wanted list in Berbania Spanish and Celtic Empire for Princess Isolde.

That is reason why Jidhawong swore his revenge. The angels and fairies, as well as good demons attacks native Dairks and Corachi of Jackson's Islands, when Jidhawong attacks with his ancient sword made of Gueanojae-rodha kills whole but the sniper guy tranquilize him to transport New Santo Domingo, Dinojerulla Kingdom. Louis Bourbon was betray him being as extraterrestrial for reclaimed again but he didn't listen for his whore assign.

Both Louis and Jidhawong attack in sword fighting until Jidhowang cutted his right hand and left eye. The princess named Jillian Bourbon enough for the fight. The Shug Monkey and Drakolossia, including the Titanios attack Jidhawong but both siblings save. But Jidhawong faced real Gueanojae-rodha, he was killed by Gueanojae-rodha in his mouth and even Louis.

Jillian cries and meet a Ilocano Wilbert Pangilinan want to married between them. The Gueanojae-rodha summons solar eclipse for good and kills them but backstabbing Spaniards and Scottish people help him and the Gueanojae-rodha killed by a first governor-general and the princess in the Berbania.

Jidhowang was buried in Mount Hiwallorsh until the next year generation. Jillian wants Wilbert as a new king and queen of Dinojerulla assigned after last extraterrestrial royal die, giving her the next descendants the Jorelavo and Ahwaghor will both are cousins. Janice and her husband Raymond noticed that she tell him about Hepsora and her daughters: Fharina, Waloria, Dinoyah, and Wharineli are elemental ladies from Jackson's Islands to Iphwangiry Conference Republic to make investigate the divorce of the Heiliodrake and Selinala being avoid species hybridization by Jidhowang was dead, now is Jidhokang the Death Lord, he was dead by rebellions and buried him alive by Franciscans.

Recent Story

In the recent story.

Yosef Buenaventura engaged the another rocketship to the Berbania prevent harm from Catacalos. Yosef was successful landed at 12 am in Dinojerulla Kingdom when the villagers found him unconscious. Clarissa Jasmine, his wife was found her husband landed successfully from Catacalos's regime and she cares him with her butlers and maids.

Yosef talks to her about his serious jealousy for Jhyllianna as ex-wife due to forced marriage to prevent Jewish extinction. Jhyllianna was pregnant by another boyfriend and he became enraged and he decided to marry a royal member instead. Clarissa predicts himself as a descendant of any sort of royal family from Spain, Italy, France, and Monaco called Bourbon and Grimaldi.

Archie and Isabella: 😳

Clarissa: Archie, your dad is here.

Isabella: Chee?

Archie: dad! 😲

Yosef: my son, come here

Archie and Yosef hugged each other since 18th years old.

Yosef and Clarissa are actually reunited in the 18th year from Archie's care. Nicolette Jorelavo enters Buenaventura family to talk about her friends and relatives, including their long story. Potiphar Ghamal and Beatrice Ahwaghor accidentally met as well in Santo Domingo Capital Province of County, Dinojerulla Kingdom where they were dating. Ilowa and Ghinang as well in praying as Berbanian Paganism for their better life and preserve the indigenous extraterrestrial life for Yosef and Clarissa, while William Auwharosh, was jealous due to Clarissa's identity was Earthling in origin and she was not Berbanian.

Dorothy Gale noticed that Beatrice was ill for unknown reasons.

Beatrice: That aswang is... Coming!

Dorothy: Wait, what's aswang?

Beatrice: that thing is a powerful vampire, and... an unknown evil knight lived in the center of Tiqojarha.

Potiphar: What's happening here?

Dorothy: Potty, your girlfriend tells you about her mind of any sort of..., what's going on.

Beatrice sketches with limestone to concrete to illustrate the people with fangs, actually an unknown species of human. Ghinang posted this drawing from Beatrice as a former human species with fangs, Gusion Malcolat says that's a vampire. And this another sketch is of an unknown Dairk-like knight with any sort of animal made sword. Nicolette and Archie, and Isabella curious about the two persons are actually ancient antagonists from Tiqojarha executed by Spaniards, Celts, Sami people, Ilocanos, Irish people, French people, and Indonesians altogether for their natural resources and employment in development in Berbania, however the vampires became extinct by Romanians and how to survive as well?

Rowena and Andrew are in the corner of Lucent Dreadplasma in Hirohito Islands before being attacked by another variant of Nigrostra but with a knife on its tail. Stephanie and Sebastian are in the battle between her brother and herself against the strongest known vampire-like manananggal in Lakatharho. In Odimbelekhiz, Ajibola is in on duty for his lover was descendant of Jessica Asuncion, Valencia Williamsburg fought with Mngwa, a giant gray caracal attacks Valencia's town in Nova Cape Verde with his allied, Gowon the Mokele-mbembe in destroyed dam.

Myfor, described as last known Ancient Corachu but is actually hybrid. His family lives in Iphwa'ngiry, a republican islands of many tribes considered as political ideologies called Thylowas (Ifwangirian: Tribe's Principles) for prevent any harm between itself and another foreign species, only using foreign languages as allowed and sacred for the first generation. Yosef and Clarissa decided to go to Auwharosh Castle in San Jaime, in Thirenha Kingdom.

William kisses both but he slapped his face by Clarissa for being as Christina's biological mother, Christina's real mother was Garcia Arriothos, Addiena Arriothos's twin sister due to her death by Ernesto and she resurrected by Nicolette Jorelavo's blessings in Nakarenia, many people shocked that she's alive by unknown phenomenal in Cygnus.

Irena Jorelavo, the eldest daughter of the Jorelavo family hugs her sisters and her brother Oliver is caring for Galadriel. While Miller accidentally kisses Nienne Dhony in Kampufora Kingdom for protecting any prime ministers from Snowmaws, Galadriel gets jealous due to Nienne's behavior as mistress. Irena was understanding to Galadriel to make the move on. Merida of DunBroch and Goldie Locks, along with Whiva Lowangka, Itheo Bikanfa and Biklang Etari in Santa Maria Islands fought some of Xeno-moas and rare Niseag across in Tseriangistia hunts Jermain Hoppsaw, a Tiqojarhan Dairk kidnaps 2 Bajau people.

Hoppsaw was feared by any sharks that he attacked by Niseag and it blew a water beam to destroy half of the speedboat. Hoppsaw surrendered and thanks to Niseag but unknown dragon-like alien spotted for the first time, Merida caught her new phone to take a picture for the proof evidence in unbiased, as well as an unknown corvine cockroach that a crow saw her, again to be pictured. Merida shows two pictures of flying animals. Fumiko and Idhant tell that Samjoko, the only insect, became extinct altogether by Conquistadors but rediscovered recently by Princess Merida. And this picture doesn't match this thing, probably an Eldritch Terror nor new species.

Isabella Morrison and Archie Buenaventura, including Nicolette Jorelavo along with Archie's parents and other BFNAA members travelling from Dinojerulla to Iphwa'ngiry, some others especially those people staying in the same countries on quarrels with bad organisms.

Constantin Chinushe was resurrected by unknown source of evil forces of chaos element that he imprisoned by United Nations in Guillermo National Prisoner in Anti Syndicate in Eshima Republic, he escaped and kills lots of inmates by drinking a blood, many inmates as innocent die by Constantin Chinushe, and he find any further of fresh preys. Guillermo Taiga Highlands in Pointe Visita was attacked by Levitico Qilorpasa and Akshay Agkowal are actually real Berbanian humans and two boys warned Constantin if doesn't follow Levitico's rules. Constantin was burned by sunlight and his wings sprouted, that is now the last manananggal. Akshay gives his own umbrella for Constantin from the sunlight and gives Levitico's sunglasses for his eyes. Constantin, Akshay, and Levitico form their own team called Revolutionary of Antagonist Group of Berbania before he found Wilson Dokleapor in Darwin Subnational Cemetery in Eshima Republic also, he lost his own girlfriend Patrice Kilhang by Turul, a large falcon of Hungarian mythology. Ernesto Xiwapot joins Levitico after losing his own country Zhingima in what is now re-established by Clarissa and Yosef as now renamed Zhinguimia (established in ancient times); he is now prime minister and duke for his lover, a good princess.

All Guardians except Draco were exceptions; he joins Isabella, Archie and Nicolette on the journey.

In Drepesedio, Galadriel arrives and fights Nienne and Miller for good in her temptation, because Galadriel was lying about her being as foreign national and she was not born in Berbania. Galadriel backs in Dinojerulla Kingdom for crying without her boyfriend. Beatrice is in ill from the prediction.

Galadriel: What's happening here?

Potiphar: Bea was now ill from unknown somewhere else, and she tells the vampire was resurrected...

Galadriel: What!? *shocks*

Beatrice: Miss Galadriel, who tells about this creature, is a vampire descendant of Vlad Dracula.

Ghinang: Who's Vlad Dracula?

Beatrice: My family and my brother attacked by name Constantin Chinushe, a Moldovan and Ilocano guy that's manananggal-dhampir kills my family except for me and my brother. If the moon Nestor and Eurydice was reddish, the vampire became unstoppable and cannot kill even in holiness.

Merida: You say the monster kills your family, right?

Beatrice: Yeah

Andrew: Where's my girlfriend Stephanie, I have garlic and garlic bread for dinner tonight. *yummy*

Jeremiah: She's not here.

Andrew: Oh, okay. *shock*

Sierra: What's about the vampire, does it exist?

Jeremiah: No dear, vampire is fear but the mentioning that manananggal is more fearsome than vampire but adapted both daylight and moonlight due to the Filipino environment rather than European climate and ecology. I didn't know I didn't learn ecology, gosh.

Valerie Alorha was a very good expert at hunting any animals and monsters. But she tells her parents Yvonne and Zander about her forgotten vampire slayer. She is the last descendant of Van Helsing. She tells me.

Valerie: Mom, dad, this guy is from legend and doesn't exist in real life...

Yvonne: No dear, you are with your dad and you were born before Thanksgiving right.

Valerie: But mom.

Zander: Honey, you must join BFNAA members instead of you being independent for yourself. And that's why, the Ahwaghor family was nearly extinct by Constantin Chinushe because he is now a hybrid of manananggal.

Choedon Hinnalyre, Valerie's boyfriend, a Tibetan-Irish guy for helping her to become the vampire slayer. Isabella, Archie, Nicolette, Galadriel, Potiphar, Beatrice, Farhan, Duncan, Merida, Goldie, and Erdeni Jikerya, Duncan's first girlfriend travels in Tiqojarha of Iphwa'ngiry Islands before Valerie.

Valerie: What's up ISA and CHEE!

Archie: Hey girl, and what's going on here?

Choedon: I trained her to become a vampire slayer.

Potiphar: Wait, what's a vampire slayer?

Yvonne: Oh, hello visitors, this training to prevent any vampires and aswangs like Constantin due to his own kind being exterminated by conquistadors before because of threatened native extraterrestrials.

Once Upon a Time in Berbania, a governor-general Wilbert Anderson Pangilinan and a princess named Jillian Marianne Bourbon of Monaco were married before being attacked by an unknown species of dragon-like extraterrestrial called Gueanojae-rodha. The Gueanojae-rodha was feared by both Solnatos or now Heiliodrake and Selinala, the Earthling dragons of Sun and Moon defends the commoner and the royal for the balance of nature and wildlife, as well as utopia life to everyone for Eostre and Hepsora. Hepsora is a queen who became a goddess and her husband became a god too. To prevent any vampire's population increase, our Eastern Orthodox church and Catholic church will be reinforced. The governments avoid the attack forms from Gueanojae-rodha is killed with Jidhawong's first weapon and the couple victory and where's the weapon is.

Merida: Miss Yvonne, tell me what picture is this with a long tail?

Yvonne: That thing is Gueanojae-rodha.

Archie: Holy mol-

Nicolette: Why Chee?

Yvonne: Gueanojae-rodha, like Valorstarx, is an extraterrestrial species, but is now an Elder Dragon-level Monster.

Zander: Everyone, who wants to have dinner tonight?

After the dinner, the BFNAA members take a rest in Valerie's home, a residential building, made roads of environmentally friendly vehicles with bow and arrows from the guards from Iphwa'ngiry Islands. Unexpected love, both Nicolette and Archie are in love with each other to keep secrets from Isabella.

Nicolette: Archie, you are my own lover

Archie: Please Nicolette, please patience now and stop flirt-

Nicolette: Archie, kiss you. *kissing*

Archie: Okay fine, I will kiss you. *kissing*

Gueanojae-rodha: Querrœla Bywāps dhè Nikolètta yj Artshí!!!

English translation: Fuck you everyone to Nicolette and Archie!!!

Beatrice: What's that noise?!

Yvonne: Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?

Zander: Quién es ese?

Nicolette: What's this noise?

Isabella: Hey, what's going on here huh?

Archie: Unknown roar with unknown language, huh. Pointless.

Ernesto: What's that noise around here?

Constantin: That's Gueanojae-rodha, a large Elder Dragon-level Monster kills my own kind and my fellow man with a chaos element with trident on their own tail sharper than sword.

Akshay: Sharper than sword? Impossible?

Constantin: C'mon man, this creature kills my old friend Jidhawong.

Wilson: Who's Jidhawong, a big guy?

Constantin: That big guy is hybrid, Comieos and Tiqojarhan Dairk ancestry with lots of temptations against me and all without his calm.

Wilson: Hold on, vampire, this guy dead??

Constantin: Yes, I'm sure.

Akshay: I like this place like Nepal or somewhere else. There are few Sami people here for saunas.

Ernesto: Shut up Akshay, always be at the motel instead.

Akshay: Sorry bro *grinning*

The Dreadknife Nigrostra growls and attacks RAGOB members for revenge.

Ernesto: Watch out!

Dreadknife: Shit on you!

Akshay: Crap, watch out the darkness energy!

The RAGOB members are blinded by Nigrostra's massive dark energy made darkness. Constantin was fighting this thing at midnight.

Constantin: Tu!!!

Romanian translation: You!!!

Wilson: ... Go vampire!

Constantin: Agh, I'm bleeding!

Dreadknife: I said these enemies on my own territory, this is not property to yours, now, get out of my way!!!

Akshay: Nigga!!

Dreadknife: Pointless antagonists that have biases, nuisance.

Akshay and his friends using smoke grenades avoid battling the Elder Dragon. Valerie and Isabella found Akshay's smoke grenade clouds while fighting each other with a recently found. Nicolette and Archie hiding in the Abraham Immaculate Chapel, a fictional Catholic cathedral where Nicolette married Archie but failed again. The RAGOB members are sleeping from Nicolette's true love's kiss and make the antagonists sleep, the Gueanojae-rodha snatches all RAGOB members and Gueanojae-rodha is blinded by Nicolette. The Shug Monkey dashes from Dinojerulla to Lakatharho safely. Isabella and Valerie confront this first-class primate before dawn.

Nicolette and Archie sleep in her room and awake when Potiphar recalls.

Potiphar: wake up to both of you!

Nicolette: shit-, sorry *pointless*

Archie: Nicolette!

Potiphar: what the fish is ongoing on here? *slaps*

Beatrice: I feel the most wanted list is to escape from the prison?

Archie: who?

Nicolette: Akshay, Ernesto, Wilson, and Levitico formed a single team like us?

Archie: the Revolutionary of Antagonist Group of Berbania, Levitico made it but included a new member.

Thomas Dhorreza II: A new member is Constantin Chinushe, he also has Akshay's umbrella for his concealment and to prevent his skin being sensitive as a pure vampire. All members were kidnapped by Gueanojae-rodha for the sacrifice. The conquistadors confused who captured them all?

Nicolette: not me I swear.

Archie: She is.. no clearly.

Nicolette: I'm supposed to be pregnant!

Draco the Drakolossia: holy moly, there it is.

Valerie and Choedon prepared to fight against the last vampire. Isabella holds the garlic bread. Archie buys the pork for Saint Ignatius, Nicolette Jorelavo has the holy water as a princess for the dinosaurs, Potiphar has ankh for his protection, Beatrice activates her own bioluminescent markings as an angel descendant, Potiphar shocked.

Potiphar: Are you an angel?

Beatrice: Nope, I'm a seraphim.

Valerie: The angel queen, bow-

Beatrice: No thanks Valerie and.. we need to prepare for the adventure and find Luna Gwioa the Selinala, a moon dragon from Avalon!

Thomas Dhorreza: According to the bestiary, this animal was to control the moon and clear the moon from the blood moon, right?

Beatrice: yes I know friends but who cares about Belinda and Sandro?

Thomas Dhorreza: Oops I forgot, because we're dating for the anniversary.

Beatrice: oh, Rocket the Valorstarx is here!

Rocket: *roars*

Beatrice leads her friends to Gwioa Den, an underground cavern to the top of Mount Juliet. Many species include all sorts of things.

Rocket and Draco track Beatrice's distance from her destination, Thomas likes geology for the diversity of Juliet Tepui and the soil as same as Earth's Moon. Nienne and Miller back to Tiqojarha for find her friends. The Phaya Naga rides them and follow Rocket's distances travel to the tepui blocks the moonlight for the dragon's energy. Ernesto and his friends are trapped by Gueanojae-rodha that is corrupted by Jidhawong, now the Death Lord.

Jidhowang: I am the powerful Death Lord.

Ernesto: Stupid alien with death knight, doesn't exist.

Constantin: Hey, shut up, he's not laughing.

Ernesto: Oh!? Shit

Jidhowang: Mbāpl vhrit zhēlŋ Ɲösl

Akshay: You are Jidhowang, you must not die without rights, and you are blasphemous!

Jidhowang: Höplxa!

Akshay: Venlapo errelos ngeleng ireri losal!

Jidhowang: Oh, I don't speak any languages other than English?

Akshay: You beat me with Huwepho language huh? Idiot!

Jidhowang: GAGO!

Levitico: I said, don't hurt my friends or else?

Jidhowang: For what else?

Levitico: estás tan equivocado puta! Punch-jet go!

His punch-jet was killed by Jidhowang easily and Levitico was killed by Jidhowang for didn't following his own rules.

Jidhowang: The moon is rising, for sure I became a powerful deity in Berbania!


Constantin: Son of the-

Constantin and Jidhowang are fighting and he is distracted by Constantin. Ernesto, Akshay, Wilson, and Levitico leave for his help. The Gueanojae-rodha stuck with the tree sap from Levitico. Both are sliding in the mountains in an unknown location.

Akshay: Dive to the mountain! Shèallap!

Meanwhile, Constantin is in under Jidhawong as a new master with his ancient Gueanojae-rodha was not alive. Levitico was eaten by Ernesto as a scientist with Peach Lichen pills as faster heal wounds and kiss him. Wilson and Akshay worried about Constantin because of his heroic. The unknown creature flying past the moon was Selinala, Ernesto ill again and he was hypnotized. Akshay slapped his face for back and the four follow Selinala's tracks until made by Isabella. At 1 am, Ernesto tried to virgin Akshay for good until he betray for his belongings and he kicked out.

Ernesto was drunk and he rapes one of villagers until the Sami people found and arrest him, deported into Luzhora for the execution of death penalty. Ernesto was passed away from execution for raping any nationality or indigenous peoples as his gay made by Nicolette Jorelavo's blessings.

Nicolette and Archie are dating in a bistro in Nueva Kautokeino for their experience of old time. The baby Gueanojae-rodha found the couple and fed them some meat. She rechristened this animal to Maisa for good and temporary menagerie. Nicolette and Archie kissing each other in the moonlight. Isabella didn't sleep when Archie went outside.

Valerie and her friends continue to journey in the tepui to find Luna Gwioa, she awakes even though the radius is very sensitive.

Luna tells about the relationship with Apollo Bediones, the Heiliodrake. Before Jidhowang finds and kills RAGOB members as a vengeance. Without Ernesto; Akshay, Wilson, and Levitico are left in this group and found, frustrating him for Isabella and Archie. Luna warns Wilson against Jidhawong.

Apollo Bediones feels his senses to travel to Mount Hiwallorsh until Jidhokang (formerly Jidhowang) haunt them all. Apollo apologizes to her for divorce, both of them are actually shape shifting people in the body of Elder Dragons. Apollo Bediones is in BFNAA members, while Luna Gwioa is in RAGOB members instead for team-up and collaboration due to Eostre's agreement. Draco became a leader for Hepsora and her daughters.

Nicolette: I feel senses of something else in the sky?

Akshay: What Lette?

Dorothy: Look up!

Isabella: Hold on to the second?!

Wharavol, Arinaya, Dhinayah, Fharina, Hepsora and Kinnegta arrive in perfect timing.

Hepsora: Is anyone on probation anyone else?

All: nothing!!

Arinaya: Good, and wants to defeat Jidhawong and his lots of armies until the blood moon rises.

Fharina: I set the evacuation for the denizens of Tiqojarha to Iphwa'ngiry for good and to prevent harm.

Dhinayah: Absolutely, no harm to each other and we need to stop Jidhokang the Death Lord and his allies.

All: I understand!

Nicolette: Tell me, I'm a virgin!?

Isabella and Archie: Lette, stop it!!

Nicolette: Sorry

Hepsora laughs 🤣

Levitico: everyone for defeat this ugly guys for good and let's-

All: Go!!!!

The BFNAA and RAGOB members became the extreme load of more armies than before. Draco carries gods and goddesses for good and brings them down. Jidhokang ritual himself killed Tiqojarhan residents for the blood moon and solar eclipse.

Valorstarx, the undeath Gueanojae-rodha, and the Fhorna is in Jidhokang's collection until fought with RAGOB and BFNAA with goddesses. He complete his ritual for resurrected death Tiqojarhan Dairks and some people are savage. The members divided into three for the first time.

Isabella, Archie and Nicolette with Maisa fought evil Valorstarx, Potiphar and Beatrice fought undeath Gueanojae-rodha, and Akshay to Levitico fought Fhorna, the giant bipedal table alien. Constantin attacks Akshay before he is saved by Franco as arrive.  Maisa's father Dingdong, with UN peacekeepers joined against Jidhokang's Gueanojae-rodha with Levitico and Potiphar in combination as frenemy collaboration. Constantin bites Beatrice but he is hallucinated by her with holiness blood as seraphim. Constantin was killed by Potiphar and Beatrice with Levitico's Christ Cross and Valerie's holy claymore borrows her in permission. Levitico is wounded badly and helps her and him.

Jidhokang was attacked by Archie Buenaventura with the opposite of Hibawa wristwatch swords. Jidhokang's sword destroyed by Nicolette Jorelavo borrowed her boyfriend's wristwatch into a katana. Jidhokang was pushed by Nicolette and Isabella with magical powers, while Jidhokang absorbs magics as Comieos ancestry before Levitico resummon Apep again and hologram projector as himself. Myfor was back and Sebastian and Lizzie came back to confront him. Sebastian is shocked that Myfor nearly killed, Sebastian sacrifices himself for shotgun sword stabbing. Jidhokang is killed by Sebastian and Rocket draws Sebastian to drop Jidhokang, eaten by Apep in person. Apep was unstoppable and wiped out the whole time. Gusion and Jasper create the portal to Apophis to no return and Apep never comes back, devoured by the Void in Ginnungagap.

After the two days, the RAGOB members were arrested for good. Isabella and Archie kissed each other and Nicolette kissed Archie as well. Leonardo and Arleigh are on vacation for their honeymoon in Froyadgha. William, shocked when Garcia was alive and she is missing in action, hugs her and Christina reunites with her real mom. Catacalos reported that the hybrid bastard is dead by the antagonists and protagonists, he prepared for his engagement against Yosef and Clarissa. His young brother was arrested until he sought his own revenge for his righteousness, to assassinate his family from his older brother. Thoriyimer decided to move it to Isabella and Archie as Good Comieos alliance.

– To be continued




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