Varian B. Debussie

Varian Debussie

“ Magic?! I do not work with magic! I mean, technically it's not magic, it's alchemy. But yeah, don't sweat it. ”

Background and Character Information

Full Name: Varian Charles Debussie y de Baptiste

Other Names: 

Born: May 30, 1775 AD

Died: ???

Species: Human (human–demigod)

Nationality: French

Age: 17

Gender: Male ♂️


Language Spoken: French, Spanish, English, German, Ilocano, Welsh, Monegasque, others

Alignment: Good, formerly bad


Powers and Abilities: Bioenergy of arcane-nature


Relative(s): Quirin (father); Mira (mother)


Likes: Library books, alchemy, helping his village, Cassandra (formerly), Princess Aurora, Princess Ella, Queen Arianna's cook, his father, working with Eugene and Rapunzel, friendship, ham sandwiches, beverages, Imoogi, goblins, experiements, soaps, latest inventions, solitude, apples, chocolates, instruments, sketches, defending Corona and most important nations, learning from his mistakes

Dislikes: Disappointing his father, lies, his inventions causing unintentional harm, betrayal, Princess Isabella (formerly because of Elder Dragons), Odette's advice, abandonment, King Frederic's ignorance, losing his father, pursuing a dark path to Isabella, his inventions being tampered with, Sea serpents including Con-rit, Lance's disobedience, having to harm his father, Zhan Tiri, post-apocalypse, human extinction, tragedies, disasters, Maldado, Morrison's possessions of Sun and Moon, Sisu and Isabel (formerly), explosions

Inspiration: fictitious

Varian is a young alchemist who appears as an antagonist nor a protagonist, recurring but major character that appears in Tangled, the Series.

One of the invasive character apart based on from the time period, introduced from Worldcraft Series or others as crossover, arrival in Hyboria. The main antagonist and now turn deuteragonist of Isabella Morrison for her missions as being cursed by Moonlight and Sundrop. Along with Tiana, Rapunzel, Eugene, Arianna, Eric, Ariel, and Melody in this Reinachos. He was introduced in Worldcraft Damnation novel-serie as third antagonist for Trio Origins to Pelota as betrayal of Isabella, and including LGBT and cultural heritage for restoration of Spanish Empire to French Empire; but later redeems himself, becoming the tritagonist and first boyfriend of Isabella Morrison as in The Center.


The name Varian is French for "variable", which means something not consistent or liable to change, which could be a reference to him starting as a good guy, who later became bad until he redeemed himself, as well as a nod to his role as a scientist.

Physical Appearance

Varian is a slender teen with fair skin, shaggy black hair with brown highlights and one teal streak, freckles, two front buck teeth, and light blue eyes. He wears a blue-gray shirt with a teal patch sewn on to it, brown pants, dark maroon apron, black gloves, dark brown shoes, black stockings and brown-and-gold goggles.


Varian possesses no magical abilities. However, he displays a wide range of skill and talents, far beyond what is normally expected from a village boy.

In Earth Responsibly; he also shares with Princess Belle to have peak-human abilities. Like reading books, new invention, skill, ethics and more. Despite his intellect, he is pretty naïve and sometimes overlooks his plans, inventions and magic behind people and ecology. While he has a gift of inventing and alchemy, his creations usually backfire and cause more chaos than good. 


 Varian is an intelligent scientist, inventor, and alchemist. Though he acknowledges the existence of magic, he prefers to solve problems through scientific means. However, his experiments were confused as magic, which makes others believe that he is some kind of wizard or prince, like his old cousin, Princess Aurora. 

Despite his intellect, he is pretty naïve and sometimes overlooks his plans and inventions. As in case, Aurora refuses to help Varian and is knocked out cold, but Rothbart and Jafar release her and Varian it's revealed he took her heart which Queen Arianna, Miss Belle and Sir Archie uses to manipulate Aurora to destroy Reinachos and Agartha, doomed human race. Aurora and Varian inhale more of bioenergy and qi to make them more aggressive and knock down Jafar to mercy unconscious until they return to their normal behavior. Varian was very in love with Isabella Morrison as an alternative to what Cassandra did for his life and protection.

Varian's heart is then filled with rage and an obsession for revenge after feeling betrayed by Rapunzel and Isabella for turning her back on him during his time of need; as well an urge to Princess Belle's bad ideas to destroy Isabella for Archie Buenaventura. Once Varian obtains what he wants, he immediately betrays Rapunzel. Even though Isabella made an effort to mend Varian's broken heart by apologizing and vowing to assist the Aztec, Chinese, and Norse in Belle's redemption, Varian nevertheless put up protective barriers around himself to prevent further harm. However, Isabella yelled and became hostile towards Varian, pointing her whip sword at his neck as a sign that their love was over. They are battling until Arianna uses her sundrop magic to show that she is not Rapunzel, but Isabella's mother, and that she has been using the same sundrop and moonstone mix magic all along.

Additionally, Varian demonstrates his ability to be brutal in pursuing his objectives by torturing Han Chinese, Norwegians, Faorese, Danes, Swedes, Finns, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, and cultural heritages. Isabella and Varian are at odds. Varian tries to convince Rapunzel and Ariel to help him rescue Lady Yue by attacking the kingdom, but this only makes Belle furious and causes her to slay Norse, Aztec, and Chinese gods and make Yue treason. The fact that Varian had spent months in complete seclusion prior to committing violations against the Spanish, French, Ilocano, and indigenous peoples on Planet Reinachos should be stressed, as this was likely detrimental to his mental health and his relationship with Isabella because she was carrying a baby he didn't want.

Varian's greatest fear is his father and mother being left when captured by the French Empire into Old Corona and the people of Jejirique continent declaring him a traitor and telling him he deserves to be unable to return Isabella's love life to restore his mental health. It is also revealed that Varian still harbors guilt over everything he has done and still believes that the citizens of Jejirique countries will hate him more than ever and he joins Isabella and Archie with Isabella and Rapunzel II's mom.


Swan Princess's Story

coming soon.
