
Mephitigale kamurica


A weasel with distinct snow-white fur that is light and warm. When threatened, it emits a type of pheromone from the scent glands near the base of its tail in the form of a smoke- like cloud. It uses its tail to spread the cloud in an attempt to attract any monster nearby. If a monster is successfully lured to its location, it'll use this chance to escape. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Suborder: Caniformia

Family: Mustelidae

Genius: Mephitigale

Species: Mephitigale kamurica

Descendant: weasels

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 56 centimeters tall in height; 87 centimeters long in length; 340 grams in weight

Lifespan: 2–9 years

Gestation Period: 56 days




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Leaf, fae

Inflicts: Commensal

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, arcane

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Stinkmink (Mephitigale kamurica) is the one of the fictional species of weasel introduced in Monster Hunter Rise.


From two English words: stink and mink; because of the appearance of a mink, that strong unpleasant smell This smell enrages nearby wild creatures.

Physical Appearance

A small furriest weasel, Stinkmink has rising manes, lynx-like pointed ears, furry hands and legs, a peach-colored snout, and a vulpine tail. Stinkminks have fur in shades of gray, snowy white, ash, and black. Blue eyes are the eye color of the stinkmink.


Similar to the skunk, when one of the organisms is impacted, the stinkmink releases pheromones that attract and anger large predators. When under threat, it releases a particular pheromone from its scent glands in an effort to draw any monsters close. Nevertheless, it will seize this opening to flee.


The stinkmink is at the bottom of the food chain and shares the same protective coloring as skunks and poison dart frogs. The pheromones released by stinkminks are actually more dangerous and, when detected, enrage or repel neighboring wild animals. Stinkminks are experts at hunting everything from shrimp to small rodents.


In contrast to larger animals, the stinkmink is hostile toward rodents and bunnies, doing a weasel war dance and spraying on the tail like a skunk.

Distribution and Habitat

Stinkmink was located in temperate deciduous forest, bamboo forest, tundra, tropical forest, and subtropical forest worldwide in the world of Monster Hunter and others.


They are gregarious animals that are active, inquisitive, and fun-loving from the Monster Hunter universe from Marvel, Capcom, or Earth-30847. This indicates that while they can make wonderful companions, they are not the easiest to manage and can bite forcefully if startled. They consequently don't always make good pets for kids.


Coming soon


Chronological Appears

Past and Present Incidents Episodes

Historya Davvun

Thalath Lakoduna

No Way to Seaway

Weather Dragons

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Episodes

Two Lights


Equation the Series


Independent Stories

Independent Series

Foreign Languages
