
Homo nobilis


The firstborn of humanity before ourselves, born of the stars and pointed ears, lived with the longest lifespan than us, with melodious songs and the environment from dirty mess.

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genius: Homo

Species: Homo nobilis

Descendant: Homo heidelbergensis

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1758?

Size: 1.9 m in length and height; 70 kg in weight

Lifespan: 110+ years



Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated

Elves (Homo nobilis) are main protagonists and deuteragonists in Earth Responsibly, was introduced in Worldcraft: Elf's Heritage.


The English word elf is from the Old English word most often attested as ælf (whose plural would have been *ælfe). Although this word took a variety of forms in different Old English dialects, these converged on the form elf during the Middle English period. During the Old English period, separate forms were used for female elves (such as ælfen, putatively from Proto-Germanic *ɑlβ(i)innjō), but during the Middle English period the word elf routinely came to include female beings.

Physical Appearance

Elves are most unique of all mammals and synapsids, sexual dimorphic species with pointed ears. Males have muscular, strong and short haired to medium-length hair. While the females have beauty, slim, agile and medium- to long- length hair. All elves wearing any clothes and identified their skin color, hair color, eye color and nationality. Considered the fairest and wisest of the earthly race on Earth and Ten Realms.

These are graceful culture-bearing primate classified primates and the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains, as well as singing. Unlike the majority of other extraterrestrial alien races, humans and other Terran races are not united under a single government, but divided into numerous sovereign nations and organizations that may themselves wage war or form alliances.



Elves lack natural magic; some have some of these. Elves can spit their saliva defensively. Elves were immune to illness and not subject to age after reaching their prime due to their natural biological immortality via commensalism with special flatworms and bacteria. They could be killed only by violence or by extreme despair.

At first, the Elves sang with grace and merriment without speech, but soon they developed speech and spoke with words with an Indo-European or Austronesian variant of Elvish, causing easy mating with the ordinary of humanity, us by accidentally freaking into half-elves.

Weather Phenomenon


This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language, as well as complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states with the coexistence of other races, either human-like humans or reptilian vodnik. Elves have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals that bolster human society's desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena, which have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other fields of study. Sometimes elves are, like dwarfs and later humans, associated with craftsmanship and technology.

Elves are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of plant and animal material, and have used fire and other forms of heat to prepare and cook food since the time of Homo erectus (another ancient human). Elves are generally diurnal, and some are nocturnal, sleeping on average seven to nine hours per day. Childbirth is dangerous, with a high risk of complications and death. Often, both the mother and the father provide care for their children, who are helpless at birth. Unlike us, however, they are immortal in that their bodies do not age once they have reached maturity, so they do not seem to become elderly or die of old age, causing the absence of functioning thyroid glands. Unlike goblins, humans and elves are susceptible to illness and disease if they have special bacteria on their bodies that are cleaners.

Elves can craft many seemingly magical objects and technologies, including more high-tech than humans, felynes, orks, ogres, goblins, and others. Elves are only a few mammals, much like camels and sand cats, that can travel long distances without leaving tracks and often can walk lightly across snow where the boots of humans would sink.

Due to competing with other races and being destroyed by animals, as populations became larger and denser, forms of governance developed within and between communities, and a number of civilizations have risen and fallen. War is causing fights for their resources and their economy when situations are wrong. Humans commit violence on other humans at a rate comparable to that of other primates, but at a higher rate than most other mammals and other races like elves, fairies, angels, demons, orcs, giants, ogres, goblins, dokkaebis, vodniks, and even deities. Unlike most animals, which generally kill infants, adult humans kill other adult humans and even innocent ones, which leads to bad omens and bad luck as punishment for those who murder them.

There is great variation in violence between human populations, with rates of homicide and genocide, including bullying or torture, which are uncommon to humans and elves. They are apex predators and Elder Dragon-level threats (some scientists are rejected), but they are rarely preyed upon by other apex predator species like tigers, saltwater crocodiles, great white sharks, killer whales, lions, wolves, cougars, tiger sharks, stingrays, reticulated pythons, green anacondas, harpy eagles, leopards, saber-toothed cats, octopuses, theropods, wyverns, and even dragons. In the future, humans were killed and eaten by extraterrestrials in Berbania, Reinachos, and Delphia. Elven population growth, industrialization, land development, overconsumption, and combustion of fossil fuels have led to environmental destruction and pollution that significantly contributes to the ongoing mass extinction of other forms of life by humans. They are the main contributors to global climate change, which may accelerate the Holocene extinction and lead to human extinction via a couple's death or natural Elves come of age at around fifty years old and generally marry around this age. Elves who marry late or never are said to have strange fates.

Due to humans' need for freedom and peace for themselves and their fairies, many countries have formed international political organizations and alliances, the largest being the United Nations, due to its connection with angels and fairies as a peace treaty. These can be a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. The division of humans and elves into male and female gender roles has been marked culturally by a corresponding division of norms, practices, dress, behavior, rights, duties, privileges, status, and power from the values of cultural differences and reproductive labor like many races via folk physics.

Religion is generally defined as a belief system concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief. Some religions also have a moral code. This religion was called Elven folk religion and Gheodonaism. Common sources for answers to these questions are beliefs in transcendent divine beings such as deities or a singular God, although not all religions are theistic. Humanities can take many forms, including visual, literary, and performing. Visual art can range from paintings and sculptures to film, interaction design, and architecture. The literary arts can include prose, poetry, and dramas, while the performing arts generally involve theater, music, and dance. Other entities that have been described as having artistic qualities include food preparation, acting, video games, medicine, or petting tamed animals.

Language is unique to humans and elves, a defining feature of humanity, and a cultural universal. The most common languages are Indo-European Elvish and the Philippine creole of Elvish, Tamawonese.


Elves and humans both have sexuality-related worries about biological, erotic, physical, emotional, social, religious, and spiritual feelings and behaviors.

Distribution and Habitat

Elves are found in urban, rural, or similar habitats. Elves are found elsewhere in all realms.


Elves cannot be tamed!


Bereshit - 300,000-70,000 BCE

Humanity, which includes numerous Homo genus. As well as Homo sapiens or Homo neanderthalensis, elves, goblins, orks, ogres, trolls, dwarves, angels, fairies, wildmen, or demons; where is naturally created and evolved by the Enn's reincarnated species, deities (Homo dividus) like Eostre during her projects for extant species into Holocene started about 200,000 years ago. Evolved from Homo heidelbergensis, who is most likely their most recent common ancestor. There the second of the Children of God or Children of Gaea, and El made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good, the Homo heidelbergensis.

Like Yahweh and his siblings, Gaea's offspring gave birth to man in their image and permitted him to distinguish himself from other living things to become a man. Then all of the planet's living things, including all animals and creepy, crawly things, were given to Gaea's children and God. They were called the Gaea's Second Children, Afterborn, or Lastborn (Western Elvish: Dhumnël, Eastern Elvish: La'kamé) by the Elves of Eurasia. Unfortunately, some deity groups—such as Asura, Devils, Dark Elves, and Enn's reincarnated species—led the development of the Ancient Astronauts' empires in order to produce a large, hardy, and submissive workforce. Humans, elves, and all other races were the products of slave labor feudalism for the Earth.

Men bear the Gift of God, which is mortality, and therefore they age and die when their time comes, and are susceptible to illness and disease, as well as Force-sensitive, who gained powers and abilities through the Force became Force Adepts in Delphia planet. Adam and Eve are first humans created by the God, as H. heidelbergensis-H. dividus hybrid, as possessing magical powers and the forces from natural selection. The man was free to eat from any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which were taboo. Last of all, God made a woman (Eve) from the rib of the man to be a companion for the man. In week 13th, Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent (as avatar of Satan) into eating the forbidden fruit, and they were expelled from the garden to prevent them from eating of the tree of life, and thus living forever. The high-ranked cherubim like Saint Michael were placed east of the garden, and his flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way of the tree of life, killed the serpent of the devil.

Adam stole one of the God's Inventions "Fruit of Eden", as well as "Atyorrulath" (Rosary Whip Sword of Uriel), Adam was urged to touch fruit by Eve, and upon doing so had his mind freed, ability to disobey the commands of the Deities led to the outbreak of war. They then went on to rebel against their gods, demons, fairies, and angels. Following which, the two attempted to escape Eden through the use of their skills, but they were suddenly stopped by an their evolution, turned into humans by Eostre.

Elves serve as a military force and rebellions with humans, angels, fairies, ogres, giants, goblins, trolls, demons, and even the other races occur after a predefined time frame of forced subservience to the "gods" (with the exception of Chang'e, Quetzalcoatl, Yahweh, and Eostre). Only the Great Calamity of the Pleistocene, which saw all living and extinct species brought to the edge of extinction due to Satan and Yahweh, brought an end to this conflict.

Adam wept in sorrow and sinned because Eve died after giving birth to her children Cain, Abel, and Seth. While the last of humanity's inhabitants made sure that the species and living creatures could survive the catastrophe, the gods, with the exception of a select minority, did not fare as well. Gaea perished at the hands of Satan, who was chased into the outer line of Yggdrasil by Yahweh, his siblings, and cousin. Yahweh then used the Drift Portal to transport Satan to space, where he asphyxiated and died. The outer space is also very extremely cold.

Due to our imperfections, we humans frequently err and fail to use our abilities in a way that is consistent with our faith and emotions. However, the God added that these, too, would discover in due course that everything they do ultimately only contributes to the glory of their relationship with nature, which they will share with fairies everywhere. Over the subsequent generations, the hybrids and their offspring were assimilated into the general human population or other races. Consequently, the concentration of Deity DNA in their own genome became diluted with each generation as demigods. Within many years of the catastrophe, creature's creators became extinct, leaving only ruins and scattered artifacts as testament to their existence in the history. Now orphaned of their creators, Homo sapiens and other races assimilated some of their fellow genus and rose to become the dominant form of life on the planet.

The earliest members of Homo sapiens had fully developed language, the Niger–Congo and Nilo–Saharan, who concluded it was spoken between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, followed by Indo–Pacific languages to Amerind, and the last language family group in Eurasia: Borean languages spoken in 50,000 years ago as lingua franca of the Earth. When their Enn (Ancient Astronauts) were on the verge of extinction, humanity, other races, and their Enn (Ancient Astronauts) united to rebuild as one and continued to revere them as gods in their various religions since the deities eventually died out. Pure-blooded deities as their reincarnated Enn continued to exist despite extinction by having eternal life and staying hidden for many years. However, there were some who continued to worship them and those who came to recognize the Enn for what they truly were. It wasn't until the rise of monotheistic Asian religions like Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and non-Abrahamic Buddhism began to spread across the globe that humanity forgot its pagan gods.

The first catastrophic conflict that occurred between the deities and their Earth's creations, with the latter being aided by those who had developed an immunity to the controlling effects of the Eden's magic and the classical elements. Little is known about the details of the war, however, it served as a distraction preventing both parties from observing the impending danger from the cosmos or spawning Eldritch Terrors in each continent; by the time they did, it was too late. First Catastrophe, was a cataclysmic event during human prehistory, dated to around 50,000 BCE. The global devastation caused by a coronal mass ejection saw the near-total extinction of most creatures and the deities, both of whom were involved in a military conflict at the time.

Last Prehistoric Wars - 69,000-10,000 BC

At the side, some deities protest and some of Gaea's children are against themselves. One dark part of the Prehistoric Civilization's history is the Last Prehistoric War they committed that went against nature and humanity. By using both technology and biology, this society was able to create their own lifeforms by using equipment and materials to build them from scratch. However, this experiment was considered very evil due to one reason: In order to make a new life form, another creature would have to lose its life.

Eostre hates her siblings: Juno, Satan, Nergal, Izanami, Pele, Whiro, Hinenuitepō, Lilith, and other evil gods that lost Eve, Adam's first wife, she created the new life form they ever made was Elder Dragons. Another major battle fought at the Scandinavia by the Aesirs, Vanirs, Einherjars, Valkyries, elves, fairies, angels, and even some humans, against the combined forces of the fire giants, demons, jötnar, the souls of the unworthy dead, Loki and Angrboda, and his four children Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Sleipnir, and Hela to destroyed Asgard and Midgard before Jörmungandr's true origin. Some Aesirs flee to Delphia with humans via Drift Portal using Orb of John the Apostle, considered are first settlers to produced offsprings of Delphians.

The Elder Dragons and all creatures all over the world, unlike other monster types, which classify creatures by shared traits, Elder Dragons are one of the creatures that defy typical classification and reside outside of the standard ecosystem, regardless of their immense abilities for humanity's last hope. They have learnt how to live side by side with monsters by using a hidden power, the Power Fifth of Nature, to communicate with the towering living things inside and outside the realm. The Power Fifth of Nature as law of dharma, mana, bioenergy, qi, and the force that allow them to communicate with the creatures and live peacefully with them.

Due to the Enn's lifeforms requiring the death of a massive number of dragons and dinosaurs in Pleistocene caused by Drift Portals being unstable, it angered all the other creatures and races which inevitably led to a terrible war. The races were sick of their kind being used by humanity as cattle and were angered by the fact that humans had forgotten the rules of nature and gods. They had decided to break away from humans and destroy humanity and others itself. This began a long, violent war between races and creatures that spread worldwide, leaving behind mass destruction just about everywhere.

Conservationist Hunter was Born - 69,000 BCE-present

After living for so long and witnessing so much it is rumored that the original Radachalog, that destroyed the Ancient Kingdom of Enchancia before Princess Sofia of Enchancia was born, is now the ancestor of Radachalog, the Old Radachalog. Because of many controversies in our planet, the documents were banned in all Jewish and Muslim countries for its depiction of prophets venerated in Islam due to Elder Dragon's strictly nature. Following the birth of the hybrids, and their eventual interbreeding with pure-blooded humans, humanity's bloodlines became mixed with that of the Deity or other races. After millennia of dilution, a typical human in the 21st century possessed roughly 0.0002% to 0.0005% Deity or other's DNA in their genome, though certain bloodlines more directly related to the original hybrids possessed significantly higher amounts.

The primary goal of Conservationist Hunter is to stop further ecosystem damage in an effort to keep extant species from going extinct. Despite the fact that the two have been estranged for millennia as a result of the terrible catastrophe at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, it seeks to coordinate humans and other races with nature. Before the extinction event and into the Pleistocene, when elves and later humans took over, Saurfolks from the Late Cretaceous began their hunting career over hundreds of years ago. Although their primary duty was fighting and hunting, it gradually changed over time to include other tasks like delivering goods and escorting visitors or national leaders. As the foundation for creating an independent, critical, and open-minded value and belief system from the deity's past, it is actually a value-neutral epistemic claim about the nature of humans and all Earthly races.

Conservationist-Assassin-Templar Wars - 70,000 BCE-present

The Conservationist-Assassin-Templar War has raged throughout all of recorded human history on planet Earth, in Berbania, Reinachos, Sawintir, and Delphia. It is an ideological and occasionally violent fight involving the Assassin Brotherhood, Templar Order, and Conservationist Hunter. To further each of their objectives within their fight, the three factions frequently took part in or even started military combat between states, mostly under the radar of mainstream politics for the environment, culture, society, and occasionally passion.

Despite this, their culture and goals are driven by an idealistic ideology emphasizing the faith in humanity's potential to foster world peace through collective growth enabled by freedom of education, belief, and expression, as well as connection with magic, force, nature, humanity, science, romance, and even itself from enemies and evil ambitious persons.

Terothel's Expansion - 5000 BC

Legend has it that Terothel and his two wives, Droyhel and Lavifath, came together, traveled through the woodlands, and now resided in Central Europe with their fellow elves, while others had moved on to Southeast Asia and Aotearoa. The elves were described by Odin as a very old race that were brighter than the sun and had knowledge of all things pertaining to the soul that was unmatched even by the most intelligent of the Deities and mankind.

Each "patriarch" or "matriarch" claimed the six, nine, and twelve pairs of Elves they encountered as his or her own folk in that order. Before Sawintir and Delphia's expansion, the now sixty Elves, who lived by the rivers, created poetry and music using the Orb of John the Apostle. As they continue their journey, they come upon a group of Elves gazing at the stars that Tatara claimed as his own. The fathers of the majority of Central and Western Europe, they were tall and had dark hair. The Elves sang gracefully and joyously at first without speaking, but they soon learned to speak, earning them the nickname Old Elvish from the Indo-Europeans.

Agarthan-Earthling War - 4900 BC

Within the ruins of civilizations of Enn, Last Prehistoric War, a Perfect Enemy for Humanity supposedly still exists. Radachalog, also known as the Evil Wyvern of Darkside, is an Elder Dragon from Agartha. According to legend, Radachalog harbors a deep hatred for people and even remembers the deaths of its ancestors, the creatures of the Earth and Sawintir, including other Elder Dragons and even gods, who were most frequently killed by the Enn rather than Eostre, the creation of Nergal. Due to its great power, Radachalog was the ideal adversary for humanity because it completely destroys life before being defeated by Noah and his family. The group is chased by the murderers and escapes into the land of the Watchers, fallen angels that were left stranded on Earth as stone creatures after they descended from Heaven to help descendants of Adam and Eve when they were banished from the Garden of Eden to kill Radachalog in the process.

Assassination of Julius Caesar - 105 BCE-March 15, 44 BCE

The conspiracy that led to Julius Caesar's death involved numerous Roman senators who also proved to be members of a Roman branch of the Hidden Ones, a precursor organization to the Assassins. Before Mary and Joseph, the precursor organization for conservationist fighters had the name the Ancient Saviors. On March 15, 44 BCE, a Hideous Ecologist and a Hidden One fatally stabbed Julius Caesar in the Curia of the Pompeian Theater.

Titus Gratorva de Vulcan, also known as Ghratorwa (Western Elvish: Tittus Grátörwa Wolkia; Eastern Elvish: Tittus Ghrahtörva Ulkennu), was an ancient Greco-Roman-Egyptian elven who co-founded the Ancient Saviors and, consequently, the Conservationist Fighters when Julius Caesar killed his mother and brother. Titus Gratorva de Vulcan was born in approximately 105 BCE.

Ghratorwa worked as a Cleopatra VII agent during the fight for the Egyptian throne before founding the Hidden Ones. In 48 BCE, he killed two of Roman members in Alexandria as Bayek and Aya hunted the remaining Roman members to locate Julius Caesar. At the same time, he tried to get revenge for the death of his mother Habela at the hands of the Order of the Ancients and Hidden One from Roma, Italy, and he rejoined Hidden Ones for one reason.

Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic before to being assassinated. The Senate of the Roman Republic had only recently proclaimed him dictator perpetuo, which allowed him to destroy one of his coliseums, kill tons of livestock, even Stymphalian birds, and leave for Egypt. With this proclamation, some senators began to worry that Caesar intended to usurp the Senate and replace it with dictatorship. The conspirators were unable to save the Roman Republic, and the fallout from the murder sparked a civil war among the Liberators that eventually gave rise to the Principate era of the Roman Empire. In addition to his exploits as a Roman general and senator, Caesar secretly became affiliated with a cabal known as the Order of the Ancients, an antecedent Order of the Knights Templar, and near the end of his life, became the leader of the Order and began to spread its influence throughout the Republic to stop between Order of the Ancients, Hidden Ones, and Ancient Saviors out of war.

The Order of the Ancients had also backed Caesar in the meantime, but when he refused to make decisions on his own in 46 BCE, several members of the Order of the Ancients were killed. Titus de Vulcan from Narbonna, Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and other Hidden Ones and Ancient Saviors traveling from Vatican City to Roma from Egypt were among those who noticed this. Together, they covertly selected to remove Caesar for the benefit of the populace and enlisted the senators—at least forty of whom were senators. A group of senators disguised by Order of the Ancients, Hidden Ones, and Hideous Ecologists stabbed Julius Caesar to death in the latter building, a large rectangular hall where the Roman Senate sometimes met. One of the assassins was Caesar's friend Brutus.

Aesir's Falldown - 3000 BC-900 AD

Surtur has engulfed the world with fire to Asgard and eight of the realms, except for the Earth. Now possessing their father's hammer Mjölnir, Thor's sons Modi and Magni will meet them there with Loki and Sigyn with Sleipnir and Fenrir against the Jörmungandr at Faroe Islands before the second wave of Vikings to Faroe Islands. The Aesirs, Vanirs, Einherjars and Valkyries, elves, angels, fairies, demons, giants, ogres, and others dress for war and head to the field against the ginormus Eldritch Terror.

The elves were a mystery race who predated the Deities by eons and were far superior to them as well as other races. When Surtur and his Muspels invaded and slaughtered all of the elves in Central Europe and in Alfheimr, their race threatened extinction. Odin claimed that although the elves implored the Asgardians for assistance, they were too weak to quickly engage another combat since they had just concluded their war with the Vanir. This was used by Surtr, who invaded lfheimr and stole their "immortal light" in order to become immortal. The Muspel warlord Surtur attacked Alfheimr when Baldr was a young boy, massacred all the elves (except from a few who were sent into exile for Sawintir), and exterminated them, adding that even Loki was moved by this and cried for what the Muspel warlord had done.

Loki and Sigyn with Sif, Baldr, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, Járnsaxa, and his allies joined forces against Jörmungandr at the beaches and cliffs in the event called War for Faroe Islands or Ragnarök of Faroe Islands, leading the animals, monsters and even Elder Dragons like Kushala Daora and Velkhana joined forces with Loki and Sigyn for Norse mythology and the history of the Earth. All of Thor's weapons crafted by both humans and deities, the Mjölnir, Megingjord and the iron gloves Járngreipr, Grídarvölr, Gungnir, Gleipnir, and others to used for Jörmungandr trapped and killed by Loki and Sigyn, restoration of Faroe Islands and the culture and society of Norse from harm. Many jötnar drowned as a result, and the cities were restored and now the deities hidden at late Middle Ages.

After living for so long and witnessing so much it is rumored that the original Radachalog, that destroyed the Ancient Kingdom of Enchancia before Princess Sofia of Enchancia was born, is now the ancestor of Radachalog, the Old Radachalog. Because of many controversies in our planet, the documents were banned in all Jewish and Muslim countries for its depiction of prophets venerated in Islam due to Elder Dragon's strictly nature. Following the birth of the hybrids, and their eventual interbreeding with pure-blooded humans, humanity's bloodlines became mixed with that of the Deity or other races. After millennia of dilution, a typical human or elf in the 21st century possessed roughly 0.0002% to 0.0005% Deity or other's DNA in their genome, though certain bloodlines more directly related to the original hybrids possessed significantly higher amounts.

Peaceful Agreement and Present - 1000 AD-present

The atrocities of Klorithfal and the accompanying Ngokkolas uprising sparked a conflict that would last for generations and either directly or indirectly involve all the Elven kindreds of the Earth in Central Europe. Five major battles were fought during this time against Satan and his wicked friends, and while the Elves and their allies won several of them, the final outcome was terrible. 

Many years into the medieval to twenty-first century or the future. Following atrocity wars, the rulers all over the world employ trained experts known as Conservationist Hunters (Elvish: Konservasiäna Jörli'ïma; Saurfolk: Jomrekla) who are amateurs who have received training as members of covert global peacekeeping organizations tasked with defending humanity from abuses of power, oppression, and injustice as well as restoring the environment and providing ecological niches for the princesses and the plebeians. Because of the relationships with nature, oppressors believe that doing so minimizes collateral damage, in keeping with their utmost prohibition against endangering the lives of children.

The primary goal of Conservationist Hunter is to stop further ecosystem damage in an effort to keep extant species from going extinct. Despite the fact that the two have been estranged for millennia as a result of the terrible catastrophe at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, it seeks to coordinate humans and other races with nature. Before the extinction event and into the Pleistocene, when elves and later humans took over, Saurfolks from the Late Cretaceous began their hunting career over hundreds of years ago. Although their primary duty was fighting and hunting, it gradually changed over time to include other tasks like delivering goods and escorting visitors or national leaders. As the foundation for creating an independent, critical, and open-minded value and belief system from the deity's past, it is actually a value-neutral epistemic claim about the nature of humans and all Earthly races.

Despite this, their culture and goals are driven by an idealistic ideology emphasizing the faith in humanity's potential to foster world peace through collective growth enabled by freedom of education, belief, and expression, as well as connection with magic, force, nature, humanity, science, romance, and even itself from enemies and evil ambitious persons.

The three Rings of Natural Promise were created by Hephaestus in secrecy in the year 10000 BC and were not influenced by the power of Satan. Then, Satan made one Ring of Natural Promise (RNP) in an effort to rule the others, but Yahweh slew him and sealed all RNPs to Debrecen, Sopron, and Budapest. The three individuals learned that the final ring was none other than Eurostrel of Duesseldorf from the Elves who kept the Chest of Rings of Natural Promise on Zowhringe of Planet Berbania.

The Chamorro people of the Marianas Islands tell tales of the taotaomo'na, duendes and other spirits. A duende, according to the Chamorro-English Dictionary by Donald Topping, Pedro Ogo and Bernadita Dungca, is a goblin, elf, ghost or spook in the form of a dwarf, a mischievous spirit which hides or takes small children.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages
