Velociprey & Velocidrome

Azurolophosaurus dominum

Rampodh / Velociprey and Velocidrome

Alpha monsters that lead Velociprey packs. Larger than their brothers and with a more prominent crest, Velocidrome use their strong hind legs to leap at prey, pinning them with sharp claws before calling for others.

 Monster Hunter Generations

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Aviopoda

Suborder: Terrapodaves

Infrafamily: Dromadosauridea

Family: Dromadosauridae

Genius: Azurolophosaurus

Species: Azurolophosaurus dominum

Descendant: theropods

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 35.3 meters long in length; 2.5 meters tall in height; 80 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Time, combat

Inflicts: Warped, sundered
Weaknesses: Combat, electric, fae, arcane, sound, light

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Velociprey and Velocidrome ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Velocidrome and Velociprey (Azurolophosaurus dominum) are one of the fictional species of theropod-like bird wyvern from Monster Hunter 1.

Velocidrome and Velociprey are one of the invasive characters from Monster Hunter universe. Aesthetic differences include their spit attacks were unrecorded from the princesses. Velocidrome is the few species of bird wyverns into the collaboration.


Velocidrome and its minions are named after the Velociraptor, a kind of dinosaur of Mongolia and China during late Cretaceous period. In Japanese name was ランポス (ranposu), in conlang of Wyvernian: Reampoz or Lampodh, means "blue stripes".

Physical Appearance

These saurischian resemble dromaeosaurid dinosaurs. They have blue scales with black stripes, a dull red crest on their heads, yellow eyes, and a white belly. These carnivorous monsters travel in packs and inhabit many different environments. The Velocidrome have large, bright red crest over its blue hide signifies to other Velociprey that it is fit to be their leader.


Velociprey are capable of leaping great distances, making them difficult to flee from, especially when delivering eggs and large ores. Due to its usual weak physical strength, Velocidrome are forced to group up into packs whilst hunting. Velocidrome gains the ability to inflict cyan-like white spit has the odd affect of a far-caster sending the enemy back to the same place.

Velocidrome is only Drome family has infamous for its accurate hitboxes and its hip check like Jaggis.

Weather Phenomenon


Velociprey are a part of the Bird Wyvern classification. This species is led by the Velocidrome. Despite being a predatory species, Velociprey are low in the food chain. They may even become food for other large species of wyvern, although their speed and agility will discourage most of larger predators. They prey mostly on small herbivores such as Kelbi, Mosswine, and occasionally Aptonoth. Velociprey are weak, but together they pose a credible threat to hunters or even small wyverns. Rathian sometimes preys on Velociprey to feed her young, this indicates that some other predatory wyverns also prey on Velociprey for food. Velocidrome are in the middle of the food chain, feeding on Herbivores like Aptonoth. Though they can feed on weaker predator and herbivore species, larger predators are known to occasionally feed on them such as Abiorugu and Astalos.

From their highly developed brains, Velociprey can come up with a hunting plan quite quickly. The Velociprey will use a range of calls to talk to each other in order to cooperate properly. They usually surround prey, giving it little ways to escape, and attack by using their foot claws and hand claws. If their is a large pack, they can take down prey bigger than young Aptonoth. Inside of a Velociprey's beak is number of sharp, thin teeth. Though the teeth look delicate, they are surprisingly hard to break. Even bombs can't break a Velociprey's teeth. Velociprey have powerful legs for used running at high speeds after prey with claws used to injure prey.

Its speed and agility are its main strengths. Using these advantages, the Velocidrome will leap around in order to kill prey in a single slash of their hook-like toe claw. The Velocidrome is heavily set in its pack mentality and will rarely fight alone. To try to scare away potential predators, Velocidrome have colorful scales that act as warning colors. All Velocidrome have been seen spitting strange substances from their mouth. These Velocidromes have a strange sac that has variety of materials in them such as Farcasters and corrosive acids, which combines with their salvia, allowing them to spit a wide variety of substances at prey. The origin of this green spit of Velocidrome has the odd effect of a Farcaster sending the enemy back to position after eating an undescribable species of mushroom.


Velocidrome acts as the leader of the Velociprey, taking responsibility of the pack. The Velocipreys are territorial species who represents their leader for the made improves the hunting strength of the pack.

Distribution and Habitat

Velocidrome and Velociprey were found during Silk Road and same world exist as Eleanor of Aquitaine. Velocipreys was located in Maritime Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, China, Japan, South Korea, Siberia, Iberian peninsula, Britain, Northern Australia and Melanesia.


Velociprey can be tamed using fish, left by hunter for became ridable and some case, they grown up into Velocidrome and calls non-tamed Velociprey as allies for their battle purpose. Velociprey, however, can pet from the single egg and hatching in hatchery or incubator made by wyvernians and humans respectively.


coming soon


Chronological Appears

Monster Hunter Series

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
