Coastal Rukh

Megaloactiornis litorophilos

Coastal Rukh

“ There is another rukh; run scouts! ”

Darius III

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Odontopterygiformes

Family: Megaloactiornidae

Genius: Megaloactiornis

Species: Megaloactiornis litorophilos

Descendant: Pelagornids

Named by: Arnold Anderson

Year Published: 1892

Size: 9.7 m long in length (wingspan); 4.89 m long in length; 3.4 m tall in height; 500 kg in weight

Lifespan: 12 to 56+ years



Pantheon: Persian

Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, air, combat

Inflicts: Waterblight, airblight, confused

Weaknesses: Electric, nature, ice




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Coastal Rukh or Coastal Roc (Megaloactiornis litorophilos; Persian: رخ ساحلی; roḵ sâheli) is one of the mythical creatures and guardians introduced in Worldcraft: Elf's Heritage and Weather Dragons: Steal Scene of Gaugamela War.


The English form roc originates via Antoine Galland's French from Arabic ruḵḵ (Arabic: الرُخّ, romanized: al-ruḫḫ) and that from Persian ruḵ (Persian pronunciation: [/rux/]).

Physical Appearance

Coastal Rukh is the only member of the Rukh family to have sexual dimorphism. Males have a yellow-toothed beak, a red face, a yellowish crest, yellow long feathers, white feathers to black feathers, and a black-edged to red-tipped tail for breeding season. Females are the same as males except for a lack of long feathers on their cheeks, a yellowish to red face, a black-tipped yellow-toothed beak, a lack of a red tail, and different chromosomes. Both have white and black feathers, yellowish brown scaly legs without any flippers, grey claws, and pale white skin without any feathers, similar to Europeans.

Coastal Rukh is smaller than Brown Rukh and the size of a double-decker bus.


Male Coastal Rukh are dancers in the sky due to creating only tornadoes on his mouth or wings, including cutting clouds with his long red tail. While the female coastal Rukh is prima femme fatale, she backflips herself to confuse her enemies by the wind pressure; her tail is larger than that of males. Thiswas also inherited by Brown Rukh, another species of Rukh that possessed waterspout and wind by the amalgam powers, the clear air turbulence.


Weather Phenomenon


Coastal Rukh was a main middle of the food chain, despite its dreadful appearance, as it became an apex predator of the Arabian Peninsula. Rocs are an innocent and insensitive species; those people stole the elephant as their main prey. Roc hatches one egg in their large nest to protect them from poachers and mainly weaken the predator, but the predators themselves are unable to eat because of their large size, like elephant birds.

If the wedding bride with a bridal shower was started, either any species of rukh disturbs the wedding and kidnaps her as bride to their caring the egg without their parents. As the results of an ecologist called "Princess and Dragon," a related in Elder Dragon-Level Monsters that related "Abduction" moves, show, only a few birds or dinosaurs try to steal your girlfriend.


Male Coastal Rukh are territorial and protective animals for the mate, while the female is neutral and passive towards all if she doesn't make the nest. Both rukhs are hostile to elephants or larger enemies.

Distribution and Habitat

Despite the name, the Coastal Rukhs are migratory species, living in all habitats and in countries like Iran and the Kerguelen Islands.


The Rukh chick was neglected and left; however, there is a very low chance to feed it harmlessly with fish or fresh meat for feed and tamed.


Creation of Rukhs: 3000000 BCE

As biological airplanes, Project Pashneia aimed to produce rukhs from Pelagornis in the likeness of the deity that were incredibly tough but wholly submissive.

First Incidents between History and the Future (2860 AD)

In the first place, known as a better sustainable area for the migration of extinct animals and plants, Zowhringe (IPA: zɔˈʍrɪːŋ{ɟ}e) is a fictional country located on Planet Berbania, where all humans and Berbanian humans, as well as Dairks, are responsible for the conception of these fossilized remains that are reported to their government to prevent the usual anomalies.

Drift Incidents in the Future to Paleogene (2864 AD)

Pelagornis and its relatives returned from their portals, now captured for experiments, and kept pseudo-toothed birds in the zoo. They were not released into Berbania when the code was given the name PS-193. Some PS-193s brought up to Planet Reinachos and displaced the PS-193s into Pascua de Los Desierto, maybe the Persian diaspora called Rukh.

Zowhringese Paleontology Program Mass Incident, January 2865

The perfectly evolved bird called Great Tern (by Andres Tjimashong) and shown up to the scientists and elves are perfectly destined for this species by hybrid-like design. Unfortunately, the magnitude-7.5 earthquake struck this area where dinosaurs and other extinct animals were resurrected from fossilized remains by DNA samples and escaped all around the Zowhringe. Unlucky, whole extinct animals escape from earthquakes, and from birds to pterodactyls now released from research laboratories and sanctuaries, even Rocs escaped.

Miriel's Last Heritage Curses Zowhringe—End of January, 2865

According to the news, this enormous bird escaping an earthquake incident (made by Miriel, ancestor of Finduilas; mother of Miller Fifhtrasso the Half-elf), that was expanding into northern Berbania after the incidence of the earthquake, killed many people in the ocean liner by stronger easterlies than monsoon, including 18 native people in Tiqojarhan Beach, and was eaten by Roc.


" Where the graceful seabirds are all I want, but the gigantic bird with the Emperor's mustache and a combination of any bird species, if you never heard "

– Ignacio Erickson Shajharo (Qezhonian Consultant)

“ Even the people scattered around the Reinachos were Persians, Navajos, Albanians, or Arabs, I suppose. Their named species was Roc, the great seagull of the desert. ”

– Hajji Ashkii Peshlakai nee Alopay / Arabic: حاجي‎ ىَشكييَ ىَلوِپَي پيََشلكىَي (Keyah Asaakian Novelist)


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