
Limba Română / Лимба Ромынэ

Information - Informație

Family: Borean, Eurasiatic, Nostratic, Indo-European, Italo-Celtic, Italic, Latin, Romance, Eastern Romance, Balkan Romance

Region: Romania and Moldova, Delphia (WD)

Ethnicity: Romanians, Moldovans, Delphians


Time Period: 10th century - Present

Writing System: Latin (currently used), Cyrillic (for Transnistria)

Language Status: Safe (Romanian and Moldovan), Endangered (Transnistria and Delphian dialects only)

Standard Romanian dialect is not endangered according to the classification system of the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.

Transnistrian Romanian dialect is classified as Severely Endangered according to the classification system of the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.

Delphian Romanian dialect is classified as Critically Endangered according to the classification system of the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.

Romanian or Rumanian is a fictional language of Eastern Romance language spoken by approximately 22–26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language.

A variant Romanian dialect called Delphian Romanian (Română Tatrolaniă / Ромынэ Татролањэ) from Constellation Delphinus of Delphia, is considered an endangered language due increasing numbers of Delphian languages and this creole after independence of Delphia by Delphian Royal Family, replaced to English instead of Romanian, Ilocano, Spanish, French and Monegasque to younger generations to older ones.

This language was introduced in Worldcraft, Weather Dragons, No Way to Seaway, Equation, and mostly in Rewritten.

Pronunciations - Pronunţii



Cyrillic Alphabets - Alfabete Chirilice



Grammar - Gramatică

Romanian is a SVO order, much like most Romance languages except for their ancestor, Latin; but also have VSO for some reasons.

Phrases - Expresii

Words - Vorbă

Examples - Exemplu

Coming soon.

Users - Utilizatori