Eldritch Terrors

Mga Halimaw sa Ibang Sansinukob

Otherworldy Monsters

Eldritch Terrors are ancient inhuman, immortal, and world-destroying entities that predate time and space. According to Gaia and Yahweh, the eldritch terrors are unkillable and horror incarnate born salvage and hatred, these creatures are not only much rarest. The idea of horror with enough power to tear through all the realms.

All species curse the peoples lead war, natural disaster, societal collapse, or in the absence of an established system of criminal justice, there may be increased incidences of extrajudicial extinction.

All beings described as capable of bringing the entire world to destruction even. By that point, the Eldritch Terrors of five realms: Earth, Sawintir / Everrealm, Berbania, Reinachos and Delphia, had been in a decade-long war with a human rebellion, Guardians, and Elder Dragons led by two unwanted Norse deities, Quetzalcoatl and Chang'e, who sought to free humanity and animals from servitude to their "demons". Their history shrouded in mystery, the Eldritch Terrors ruled over Earth, Sawintir, Asgard, Jotunheim, Berbania, Lucretia, Pandora, Reinachos, Yuthol, Delphia, and Svartalfheim roughly Hadean to Cenozoic periods, before they were largely wiped out, alongside many of their creature and human creations.

After moon rabbit's demise by Dragon Gods like Typhon and Zeus fought, Chang'e give birth the mixed-caveman-deity name Adam was the first man. Created by Chang'e and Quetzalcoatl as ordered by many deities from the Earth, he was later given a partner, Eve, made from his rib of caveman, and blood of deity. They resided in the Garden of Eden, a utopian paradise together. After being left to their own devices, Adam was convinced by Even to eat the forbidden fruit, unbeknownst to him, she had been tricked into doing so by Satan, a deity of Muspelheim. They partook in disobeying God's Will and ate the fruit. They then went on to rebel against their creators. Following which, the two attempted to escape Eden through the use of their skills and used Extinction Beam against certain evil entities until faded to cease in history.

There are same species born in Ginnungagap, when in divided into ten: Darker, Unwanted, Stranger, Precursor / Enn, Perverser, Unknown, Returned, Endless, Void, and Dragon Gods.

Eldritch Terrors (Non-Dragons)

Dragon Gods

Precursors of Earth (Deities)