Dreadknife Nigrostra

Nigrodraco obscura ferrumala

Dreadknife Nigrostra

“ A living snake with a knife during half an hour of midnight, this is dangerous. ”

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Nigrodraconidae

Genius: Nigrodraco

Species: Nigrodraco obscura

Subspecies: Nigrodraco obscura ferrumala

Descendant: dark dragon

Named by: Yosef Andrei Normstorm Gmelin

Year Published: 1895

Size: 8.9 meters tall in height, 13.6 meters in length, wingspan estimated to 19.94 meters in length, 6,000 - 7,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Chibanian–Meghalayan) - 300,000 BCE–present

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark (Black)

Inflicts: Darkblight (Black), wither, bleeding




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Dreadknife Nigrostra (Nigrodraco obscura ferrumala) is a subspecies of Nigrostra introduced in Worldcraft: Moon's Desire. Unlike their relatives, this monster is now an Elder Dragon.


Nigrostra names are a combination of words from "negro," which means black in Spanish, and Teostra from the Monster Hunter series, because, however, it was not related to the accident.

Physical Appearance

The subspecies is the same as Nigrostra except for their sported spikes around the wings, waist, and wing pads. Despite being a subspecies, this dragon mutated from the past and actually due to mental issues. According to locals, this animal was associated with Grim Reaper, but all nationals are inaccurately connected with Death God. This creature kills both angels and demons in one swoop at midnight. However, the biologist explained how this dragon turned into an elder dragon.


Dreadknife Nigrostra had the same abilities as normal Nigrostra except for the new moves; their tail was very careful. Casting dark energy shoots either a mouth or a tail; this tail stings. Dreadknife Nigrostra can see it, even if it is invisible.


Weather Phenomenon

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Nigrostra was a top predator in whole regions without permission. Then hunts without black color/melanism as in case against non-black colored, are only in the following order: voles, ducks, swans, hamsters, stray dogs, chickens, pheasants, wildcats, polecats, minks, macaques, ants, bisons, cattles, sheep, deer, mammoths, elephants, stegosaurus, caecilians, frogs, salamanders, squids, jellyfishes, starfishes, anchovies, dolphins, porpoises, humans (except for Africans, Aeta, Moors, black people, Aboriginals excluding for Arrerntes, Papuans, Melanesians, and Congolese ethnic groups because it was taboo by witches), crocodiles (except for prehistoric crocodilians), and small dragons (except for have black color and/or melanism) as their main prey when non-black color as the coding. Nigrostras were threatened by all Elder Dragons, including Elder Dragon-Level Monsters like Ropen, Akkorokamui, Gaki, Poreskoro, Vritra, Basiliorgos, Kulshedra, and Navagunjara.

Nigrostra hunts alone to find their parents and only finds the mate. Each egg hatched three to five to two weeks ago, incubating for 16 hours without predators. Only hatches are at a mild temperature when the only way to hatch is neither too hot nor too cold, just right for the real temperature up to below 25°C.

This animal was an ancient predatory living killing machine from the Pliocene. All subspecies of Nigrostra except for the one that was mutated from their revenge. Their unnamed family is killed by unknown predators, including humans that store their own vengeance. One dragon, dripping its own tail with lava, was unharmed. Wetted by water and coated with iron particles, they will turn into a knife on their tail. Larger than a normal one and lacks bioluminescent markings on the wings.


Nigrostra is a nocturnal, neutral dragon that can only be seen in daylight. However, Nigrostra is extremely aggressive at 12:00 p.m. or during a full moon because they are unaware of the effects of sunlight.

Distribution and Habitat

Dreadknife Nigrostra was found on Earth and in Berbania. Being single is extremely rare. This species breeds in a wide range of temperatures and altitudes, preferring open terrain like farmland where structures serve as nesting places and where adjacent water or dark forest areas are present. In Europe and North America, it is largely a rural species, but it breeds frequently in North Africa and Asia.


The only way to tame this creature is with the egg of Nigrostra. If you steal the egg without the parents getting a chance to tame the baby, Feed the hatched Nigrostra using either raw or cooked meat. Another Nigrostra that kills the criminal for justice is easy to adopt, like feeding them kibble or meat as their pet.


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Known Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals

2020-2023 Colored Pencil Version

2020-2021 Version

2022-2023 Version

Foreign Languages

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