
Nessiteras rhombopteryx


“ Dragons and dinosaurs coexist with mankind in ancient myths. A princess by the name of Nessie gave Loch Ness, where the dragon resides, its name. ”



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Plesiosauria

Family: Plesiosauridae

Genius: Nessiteras

Species: Nessiteras rhombopteryx

Descendant: plesiosaurs

Named by: Robert Rines and Sir Peter Scott

Year Published: 1975

Size: 15.4 m in length; 2.1 m tall in height; 800 kg in weight

Lifespan: 30 to 100 years



Pantheon: Scottish

Time Period: Cretaceous - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, fae

Inflicts: Waterblight, faeblight

Weaknesses: Poison, leaf, electric

Casualties: ???

Based On: Loch Ness Monster

Conservation Status: 

Nessie (Nessiteras rhombopteryx) is one of the mythical creatures and a guardian character introduced in Worldcraft: Moon's Desire.


Since the 1940s, the creature has been affectionately called Nessie (Scottish Gaelic: Niseag).

Physical Appearance

Niseag is still alive in the present day for no apparent reason. Some researchers believe that this creature was a dragon that hibernated extremely long ago before the catastrophic extinction and survived. Niseag featured traits including tough, dark-green skin, a fish-flipper tail, a little hump, flipper claws, a horse-headed appearance, and even green eyes. Their teeth resemble those of leopard seals, but unlike leopard seals as an ecological niche, they can rip through both krill and human flesh.


Without good cause, Niseag is a semi-aquatic animal. Shoots their fae power as a result of the several druids that the plesiosaur randomly contacted a fairy princess. In actuality, while not enraged, arcane and polluted water beams are breathed. In an angered state, the breaths are combined with fae magic and a nitrogen and hydrogen peroxide explosion that, after being wet, explodes. Because it is in wrath mode, their eye patches change from dark green to light pink to green streak waves.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Recently, it was found that the only known predator of Nessie bulls and puppies is the Kraken. This predator is thought to become a highly deadly food supply for adult Nessie and other enormous sea monsters. Due to the abundance of salmon and other fish in Loch Ness, Nessie may flourish in waterways and may even use rivers and lakes to forage for food. Numerous colonies in and around Ireland's beaches are where the Nessie breeds.


Like many other guardians, Niseag was aggressively territorial, kind, overly protective, intelligent, and opportunistic, but he was also terrified of all saints and the fairy royal family. One of the non-Elder Dragons, Niseag, kidnaps any princesses.

This animal was an Elder Dragon-level threat.

Distribution and Habitat

Nessie was an endemic species in Scotland and Britain. Given that Loch Ness is home to a large population of salmon and other fish, Nessie might thrive in waterways and may even use rivers and lakes to hunt for food. The Nessie breeds in a number of colonies in and near the coastlines of Ireland.


Due to its ability to spew a greenish-pinkish white, fog substance into the water and air combined, which makes all neighboring species and races hostile, including nearby land creatures and races, taming the Nessie is by far one of the most challenging tasks in the game.

The Nessie's level generally seems to make a huge impact in the amount of resources needed to tame it. To keep a Nessie unconscious, you need a lot of medications because of how quickly their torpor decreases. It should be noted that biotoxin would be more effective at putting the creature to sleep, and given the location of most Nessie (deep ocean primarily), obtaining biotoxin (from jellyfishes or electric fishes) is at least somewhat feasible. Because it is immune to status ailments, you can utilize a seamount with a huge attack box, a Basilosaurus, or any whale, but be careful of your depth because they will continuously suffer damage.


Bereshit - 30000-10000 BC

Nessie was a descendant of Plesiosaurs and was produced as part of Project Pashneia, a scientific endeavor by the Terran branch of the Deities, primarily by Eostre and Phanes, to produce any creatures—animals, monsters, or people—in their own image.

Pre-Columbia - Pre-AD 565

Niseag first appeared during King Arthur and his kingdom fell due to Mordred, his son wanted killed by his son. Lancelot saves Guinevere and Mordred prevents his bad luck but Niseag is mad, spews elongated water to prevent her burning alive, Lancelot saves her and Morgause stops him from the tragedy.

Mordred finds his opponent, the plesiosaur, was an inaccurate dragon. He had a child move it to Germany for his new settlement until Sir Tristan found this thing. He was nearly killed by a single plesiosaur until retreated by a sign of the cross. Isolde noticed that this plesiosaur was easily pressured and caring.

AD 565

Niseag was afraid of the first saint named Saint Columba and the Picts found this thing until retreating into their home, the Loch Ness.


Foreign Languages

Coming soon
