

Kronous, Absolute Zero Infanticide

“ Out of nowhere, a massive, disproportionate beast emerged from Saturn's moon. It killing any newborns under this thing and rimming the entire continental area without authorization. ”

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: ???

Kingdom: ???

Phylum: ???

Class: ???

Order: ???

Family: ???

Genius: ???

Species: ???

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 20.4 meters tall in height; 60.69 meters long in length; wingspan estimated to 56.23 m in length; 205 kg in weight



Pantheon: Saturnian

Time Period: Holocene (Meghalayan) 3000 AD–present

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Pagophagia

Elements: Ice

Inflicts: Iceblight, Saturnian Freezed

Weaknesses: Fire, metal, light, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Extinct in the Wild (EW) – IUCN Red List

Kronous is the only native extraterrestrial species found on Planet Saturn in the moon Europa, setting in the future era of now, after the Worldcraft series is now ending. This creature wields ice to form a sickle in their tail, ripping soft and hard flesh. This monster was the fourth antagonist, now an anti-hero in Worldcraft: Extinction.


Kronous is the corruption name for Cronus, the god of wealth and agriculture in Greek mythology, who is known for eating babies and vegetables using his sickle as a weapon.

Physical Appearance

Kronous is the huge and otherworldly creature that gave life to the Europa moon after humans perished and a tragic love story came to an end millions of years in the future. Similar to moray eels and caecilians, Kronous possesses a second jaw in its mouth and a frictionless, non-stick tongue that can move through ice and produce smell and taste without a nose.

Kronous has three sets of flippers that can be utilized as limbs for swimming or flight. Kronous has pale blue eyes, and this monster has five sets of eyes that literally look like cuttlefish. Their ice still emits bioluminescent light.


The Europa moon is the home of the Kronous. Using their own magical abilities, they used ice as a weapon and a form of defense. In the past, when there was a chance that life existed on Europa on Saturn, and into the future, 300 million years from now, humanity still had magical abilities that they might use to teach the extraterrestrials from the Ionian Ring magic instead of science. Kronous works with ice magic to conceal himself as the sickle now. Old ice that is glowing from breaths makes it difficult to defrost.


Due to the existence of some unexplainable aliens from the Europa moon via Uranus who craft and use synthetic diamond weapons that deal massive damage, Kronous was terrified of diamonds, graphite, and anything carbon-related. This is because diamonds can be converted to carbon, indicating Kronus' weakness. These aliens also use them as weapons to inflict immediate and severe pain.

Weather Phenomenon


It has recently been discovered that this creature fills the ecological niche for this species that is expected to arrive in the future in the world of Europa moon, many unexplainable extraterrestrials after the form of a natural satellite as a now planet to eat. It is most likely an omnivore and can symbolically live between the ice cryolgae (ice algae) and the Kronous.

Due to its ability to completely destroy anything below absolute zero, this monster is essentially an Elder Dragon-Level Monster. Kronous, in contrast to Berbanians, Reinachans, Comieos, and Jotunheim ice giants, was unable to endure anywhere except for the Himalayas, where it is still possible to exist. According to some legends, this species lived in the chilly climates from Scandinavia to Antarctica due of its moist and delicate skin. Used the gas bladders to help with floating rather than landing (similar to the Wind Serpent Ibushi), and if the gas ran out, it resembled pinnipeds and moved like manta rays when swimming and walking.

Since long ago from now after the extinction of humanity, many indescribable aliens evolved faster than others, making massive explosion life during the future era after Holocene into unknown epoch and periods of the Earth Responsibly universe eras. Kronous was not from Saturn, rather than found in Jupiter in Europa moon actually fits this animal via migrate to Saturn and vice versa.


Kronous leads a solitary existence and is aggressively territorial toward anyone who enters its domain at the crash site.

Distribution and Habitat

Kronous was found in the future era of planet Saturn's moon Europa. Arrived at Drift Portals in extremely rare changes or during 100000th kills from a criminal in each month.


Kronous never tames, because is a deity.


Little is known about Kronous's earlier times, save from the fact that it is a futuristic creature from an unidentified timeline in the future that wasn't found until Rewritten Series.

2018–2019 Version

2021 Version (Digital Art)

2021 Version (Lines)

Main Theme Music


Foreign Languages

