Con Rit

Thalassoscolopendra ferox

Con Rit

“ The incarnate centipede, swam with hundreds footsteps of the seas. Evokes light and thunder under the protection for Poseidon and Amphitrite. Does it desire the cause of a myriad; of mimicry of the whale's tail, from small to the abyssal elongation myriapod. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Myriapoda

Class: Chilopoda

Order: Scolopendromorpha

Family: Thalassoscolopendridae

Genius: Thalassoscolopendra

Species: Thalassoscolopendra ferox

Descendant: Scolopendrid

Named by: Grace Alicia Bourbon

Year Published: ???

Size: 56.1 meters (tall) in length (or height); 1,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Eocene–Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, arcane, light

Inflicts: Watered, bursted, bleeding, confusion, paralysis, gnashed, stunned

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, leaf, dark, bug

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Con Rit (Thalassoscolopendra ferox; Vietnamese: 昆蝎 / con rết) is the mythical creature introduced in Worldcraft: The Center. Con Rết is the only aquatic centipede in the series, originating from Atlantis alongside lake monsters and sea monsters in this place for merpeople kingdom or Atlanteans.


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Physical Appearance

Con Rit is a gigantic amphibious centipede that resembles remipedes. It has a gray antenna with blue luminescent markings, steel blue mouthparts, blue to magenta and white limbs on between pincers, walking legs, swimming legs and flippers without any magenta gradients. It has segments that are blue and white, with iridescent marks on the above the back. Con Rit has a tail that resembles a whale’s tail.


Recently, the changes about Con Rit are. Their antennas with special organs resembles esca fins from anglerfish releases electric to light. Con Rit glows their pincers with arcane, electric, and light elements creating 5.3 magnitude earthquake slams into the epicenter. Con Rit breathes their mouth a large beam of water with paralysis and arcane. Con Rit had a superhuman strength with peak abilities even their iridescent contains poisonous, including bioluminescent. These pincers and legs can tear up to large boats like ocean liners, some individuals can create vortexes below water.


Weather Phenomenon

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Coming soon.


Con-Rit was hostile to all besides that social distance in a 20 meter radius away from you or something else. That rivalry of Haietlik and some others are apex predators in two realms. Like some centipedes and remipedes, Con-Rit are opportunistic and perfectionist things to eat leftovers from the deepsea.

Con Rit is a protector for the princess without any reason. These are docile creatures that never disturb us until we attack now and turn very hostile. Con Rit cares for the shoals of any fishes both freshwater to saltwater.

Distribution and Habitat

Con Rit was located in Indo-Chinese to Indo-Pacific regions, some individuals are reported in Greece away from Atlantis.


Due to this, it is tamed non-violently, rather than through the use of tranquilizers. Since it is a naturally aggressive creature, you must first apply Bug Repellant (only on the surface, toxics to crustaceans to insects like sea flies if it is in the water) in order to keep it from attacking you on sight. The Con-Rit will not be tameable if it is trying to attack another creature or is feeding on a corpse, so you must remove any such distractions from the area, or lure this centipede to a more secluded area.

Once you have the repellent applied and distractions dealt with, place the Rotten meat or tube worms, you wish to feed it in the right-most slot of your inventory. Then, carefully approach it until the button prompt to feed it appears - it will eat the piece of food you give it and a taming bar will appear. You must then wait until it becomes hungry enough to be fed again, and repeat the process, and now tamed. Because it can be simple minded and relatively easy to tame with you have trust attributes bond feeding with rotten meat or tube worms. It is an almost entirely military mount like war machine, useful mostly for attacking at a distance due to ranged class and social distancing.


Ancient Greece

The Atlantis and other sea cities are guarded by most fiercest sea creatures that are either huge or elongated, including the many finned sea serpents. The Greeks never deserve that the sea serpent is not a dragon, a centipede.

1883 A.D.

A dead specimen of an armored sea serpent was supposedly observed on a beach in Hongay, Along Bay, Vietnam. Witness Tran Van Con claimed that the carcass was 18 meters long, and was covered with 60-cm armored segments throughout its length. Attached to each segment was a pair of filament-like structures, each of them being 70 cm long. The body was dark brown above, and light yellow on its underside. The headless carcass was later towed out to sea. The alleged incident was reported 38 years after the fact to Dr. A. Krempf.

1899 A.D.

The ship HMS Narcissus was traveling near Cape Falcon, Algeria, when the sailors aboard sighted a "sea monster". Estimated at 45 meters in length, the animal possessed an "immense number of fins", which propelled it through the water with enough speed to keep pace with the ship. The creature was observed for 30 minutes.


The earthquake in the Abirosa and Nueva Joaquin was a powerful aftershocks, many people in the post Victorian era, a fictional ocean liner named S-14 Valor were all Abirosan and Lighruperinsials includes Ascunsian like Alfonso's great-grandparents from ocean liner. Triggered the waves and it was crashed by a legendary "sea dragon" allegedly in the tsunami, in fact all people unfortunately killed, drowned, starved and passed away by the legendary "Sea Dragon." However, few Alfonso's grandparents still may survive from their incident.

July 7-14, 2689

The Jewish immigrants warn the saying the "sea dragon" allegation against by old history, in the Nueva Joaquin Hills the photographer named José who saw alleged sea dragon in fact was a ferocious centipede from the sea, José said "Those dragon who hates cruise ship and even fishing boats create the tantrum replete with whirlpool, damn for it the Con Rit" the named after the legendary globster in the Algeria as well as Vietnam in fact not be record.

2994 AD

King Neptunus Aquatticus of Bieroka Ocean under their reign of Duchess Diana Villaroel of Ascunsia Kingdom before the Reinachos Genocide event at 2999 AD at Holocene Era. He and his wife was Queen Glenda Eudurasoth to visit his grandson, Prince Alfonso Aquatticus Villaroel; cousin of Arturo Villaroel and the only son of Marissa and Lorenzo (or Lawrence). During the conversation with humanity and the merperson after the fictional S-15 Valor incident, a fictional ocean liner where the tragedy begins according to the United Nations of Horatian Continent. When Duke Lorenzo Villaroel was here with his parents and Janette Villin in this ocean liner. Therefore the midnight in their celebration of their couple. At 2993 in 12:00 a.m. the Con-rit attacked and kicked out the ass to the ocean liner using the tail, the people are in the ocean liner are distorted and moved to make fall even when it straddles the ship it is still able to pass, but since it has a body of several kilometers in length, it would require at least 30 hour to pass it and constricted. From its body surface, an adhesive oil would seep out, and when it straddles the boat, it would spill a large amount of this oil on the ship, so if this is not scooped out, the boat would sink. That Con-rit consumed with vengeance by Roxana Maldado, the last surviving fallen angel that became an evil queen for her revenge and makes the humanity and others genocidal event into a mass extinction event. All people are eaten by Con-rit that commit to eat the human flesh, most people jump on the ship including Lorenzo. His parents and Janette are killed by Con-rit under Roxana. Lorenzo was unable to swim in the ocean because he was cold until he drowned. Con-rit eats Lorenzo to their revenge, but the mermaid who saves him from their tragedy attacks. Lorenzo was the only survivor when he was saved by a graceful mermaid. Marissa Aquatticus, the mermaid princess of her Aquatticuna Kingdom, brings Cadborosaurus; Morgawrs; Dobhar-chus; Selkies; and others still attack Con-rit to defend the couple to repel. However, Marissa's father watches Lorenzo cry for losing his lover caused by Roxana Maldado. That he thinks he and his daughter are sincere for their first couple, instead of the second couple again. When in the hut, Con-rit became near death until dead on arrival by a Dobhar-chu's gnash for good, Lorenzo and Marissa are married for the end and kissing at the view of his relatives and allies. Also has her son, named Alfonso but Lorenzo passes his ability to survive between the two worlds down-to-earth. Isabella Morrison and Archie Buenaventura, including Nicolette Thongameray will arrive soon and Fairytales migration has begun.

Return of étrangers - 3000-3017 AD

Aftermath of the Roxana's Con Rit was buried in the Nueva Sacramento Boreal Forest and displayed in Ascunsian National Museum in Narco Lirio, Nova Prairiville in Ascunsia Kingdom for the property. Another Con Rit attacks and abducts Briar Rose, and Varian is abducted by several Con Rits and starts a war against Eduardo and his allies.


" Those dragon who hates cruise ship and even fishing boats create the tantrum repletes whirlpool and with pincers like crabs, damn for it Con-Rit "

- José González nee Brodeur, the Photographer

" That's a Qinglong! "

- Fa Mulan


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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