
Listrura gyrinura

Listrura gyrinura

What's the difference between a politician and a catfish? One is a wide-mouthed, bottom-feeding, slime sucker - and the other is a fish.  ”

Preston Manning

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Siluriformes

Family: Trichomycteridae

Subfamily: Glanapteryginae

Genus: Listrura

Species: Listrura gyriunra

Descendant: pencil catfishes

Named by: Johann Julius Walbaum

Year Published: 1792

Size: 84 cm (2 ft 9 in) in length and weigh 2.3 to 7 kg (5–15 lb)

Type: Bony Fishes (Salmons)

Title: Red Salmon

Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Omnivorous 🐟🌿🦠

Elements: Water

Inflicts: n/a

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Listrura gyrinura is a new species of the little-known glanapterygine genus Listrura, which is often known as pencil catfish. It is recorded from the State of Paraná in Southern Brazil.

Physical Appearance

Listrura gyrinura is distinguished from all congeners, except L. Depinnai and L. urussanga, by having a deep caudal peduncle,deeper than the preanal region of the body, as the result of an expanded skin fold involving procurrent caudal-fin rays (vs. caudal peduncle slender, its depth about equal to preanal depth). Listrura gyrinura is distinguished from L. Depinnai and L. urussanga by having more vertebrae (51 or 52 vs. 45 or 46 in L. depinnai and 48 or 49 in L. urussanga), the absence of a process on the dorsal surface of the autopalatine articular facet for the mesethmoid (vs. presence), and the mesethmoid cornu being slightly posteriorly folded (vs. straight). Listrura gyrinura also differs from L. depinnai by the presence of a dorsal fin (vs. absence), and from L. urussanga by having the dorsal-fin origin at a vertical between the centra of the 31st to 33rd vertebrae (vs. the centra of the 29th and 30th vertebrae), the anal-fin origin at a vertical between the centra of the 32nd and 33rd vertebrae (vs. the centra of the 30th and 31st vertebrae), the absence of a ventral projection on the hyomandibula articular facet for the opercle (vs. its presence), and a shorter parhypural posterior process, its length about half or slightly less of the length between the anterior margin of the parurohyal head and the proximal limit of the posterior process (vs. about equal to that length). Listrura gyrinura is also distinguished from L. Boticario and L. camposae by having more ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays (31–36, vs. 28 in L. boticario and 26–28 in L. camposae).


The standing wave at the base of each waterfall is the key to their spectacular leaps because it aids in lifting the salmon into the air and allows them to conserve energy.


The autapomorphic presence of two pectoral-fin rays, a characteristic exclusive to trichomycterids, and the lack of a dorsal fin set Listrura boticario apart from its congeners. According to the few phylogenetically meaningful data at hand, the new species is sister group to Listrura nematopteryx. Listrura boticario appears to inhabit the same unusual microhabitat that is typical of other Listrura species.



Distribution and Habitat

Listrura gyrinura is only known from the type locality, a clear-water stream tributary to the Rio da Madre, a small, isolated coastal river basin. It was found close to the leaf litter over gravel sediment on the stream bottom. The habitat of this species may be considered highly endangered by mining activities that use explosives. About 100 m below the type locality, the stream is highly impacted by both mining sediments and rice planting.


The catfish can be tamed in a fish basket used for petting and put in your own artificial lake.


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