" The planet's first and most prominent extraterrestrial species. Because of their dark skin and great nighttime camouflage, they got their moniker. When such an extraterrestrial race is threatened by humans and magical beings who will attack us, stay away. "
– Raquel Thomas
Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information
Domain: Berbanuryota
Kingdom: Berbanozoota
Phylum: Hiravachordata
Infraphylum: Berbanaves
Class: Hiravaglires
Order: Phobiohominia
Family: Phobianthroidae
Genius: Phobianthros
Species: Phobianthros cinerus
Descendant: Ancient Corachu
Named by: Raquel Thomas
Year Published: 2645
Size: 1.9 meters tall in height; 1.95 m in length; 80.7 kg (177.9 lb) in weight
Lifespan: 120 years
Activity: Cathemeral 🌅🌃
Thermoregulate: Ectotherm
Muted Killer
Dark Gray Bald Alien
Gray People of Berbania
Berbanian/Hirawhassan 🇺🇳👽☯️
Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Calabrian–Meghalayan) 1.07 MYA–present
Alignment: various
Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★
Berbanian/Hirawhassan - Dairkian, Corachan, Tiqojarhan Dairkian, Inorthian, Ghesarian, Qezhonian, Dinojerullese, Thirenhan, Frojadghan, others (official language and majority)
Terran - Korean, English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Hausa, Malay, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Russian, Tamil, Sanskrit, Coptic, Yoruba, others (all co-official and minority in most countries)
Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿
75% subpop. - Dark 🌑 (majority)
25% subpop. - Fire 🔥, Water 🌊, Rock 🪨, Air 🌬️, Electric ⚡, Leaf 🌿, Ice ❄️, Metal 🔩, Light 🔆, Arcane ✨, Fae 🧚, Sound 🎵, Spirit 👻, Time 🕛, Aether 🌌, Chaos ☣️ (minority)
75% subpop. - Darkblight 🌑
25% subpop. - various
Weaknesses: Fire 🔥, Water 🌊, Rock 🪨, Air 🌬️, Electric ⚡, Leaf 🌿, Ice ❄️, Metal 🔩, Dark 🌑, Light 🔆, Arcane ✨, Fae 🧚, Sound 🎵, Spirit 👻, Time 🕛, Aether 🌌, Chaos ☣️
Casualties: Countless people, animals, dragons, fairies, elves, ogres, dinosaurs, and native extraterrestrial species (Pre-2498 CE)
Based On:
Gray aliens
Black people
African Americans
Do Min-joon from My Love from the Star
The Architects from Subnautica
Conservation Status:
Earth: Extinct (EX) – IUCN Red List (1556–3020 AD; Jineul Klarros was killed by the authorities of the Joseon Dynasty until 3020 AD)
Berbania: Not Evaluated (NE) – IUCN Red List
Dairk or Quithatee (Phobianthros cinerus; IPA: dɑːɪrk) is a fictional extraterrestrial species introduced in Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings.
Dairk's native name was Qithitwe, which means "swarthy people," and the exonym for Dairk's name is Dhajirke, a Dairkian word for "muted killer." Dhajirke is the Dairkian language Dhajo "mute" + jirky "hunter" or "killer," due to an individual being unable to speak any Terran languages such as English or non-Dairkic languages. The Spanish colonists allegedly carried out the slaughter because they feared an insurrection by the massive Dairk and Hirawhassan communities in Berbania, and the Gray People of Berbania killed them in return. A band of gray aliens from the Rio Grande Province of Inorthia, led by a certain Asisilo, perpetrated the attack against Caucasians and Hispanic Americans settled in Inorthian cities.
Physical Appearance
The color palette of the skin is black and gray. However, many ethical theories also hold that non-human animals have digitigrade legs as well as feet that are either human-like or not. While the Corachus have blue-gray eyes, Caucasian eyes are present in Dairks or certain populations that have hued, dark, or light versions of these eye colors. This nose also has air-breathing nostrils that resemble blowholes, much like Berbanian aliens. Except for their eyes, experts claim that they are devoid of their bioluminescent bodies. The Dairk population varies greatly in height in some populations, ranging from the smallest to the tallest individuals (very rare).
Even though some Dairks are light elements, Dairks are belongings of the dark. The Dairks are sophisticated, though, and they have experts in both black magic and technology. Dairks constantly undergo historical change, just as humans who live well beyond their light years, from the time of Ancient Egypt to the present.
Only Dairk and half-breeds display this strange form of bad magic, often known as dark magic, which historically referred to the use of magic or supernatural abilities for ill and self-serving objectives. The Dairks pray for their "Dark God" or "Black God" to manipulate the dark element, despite the Ancient Corachu, their ancestors, using the sound element. Although building a spaceship or their vehicle, the tank-buggy, is one of the hardest parts for the species that develops such technology. The races of Dairks, Corachus, Dermochlories, and Iljewars are clearly extremely advanced races—much more than humans—and they had the capability to create magic on their own and travel across galaxies, implying incredibly advanced spacecraft and propulsion technologies.
Dairks can survive in temperatures ranging from -39 to -29 degrees Celsius, just like humans can. When engaging in tasks ranging from the most basic to the most advanced socially, Dairks live either in groups or in solidarity with one another.
Actually omnivorous, humans and Berbanian extraterrestrial races eat both plants and animals. In the pre-Terran era, Dairk harvested otherworldly-looking plants, including starberries and toadbeans, as well as farming plumage-horn, an extraterrestrial rhinoceros with opulent feathers on its head, and cow-crown, a hexapod that resembles a cow.
During the Pre-Terran civilization, the main predators or adversaries faced by the Dairks were gigantic, incomprehensible extraterrestrials that resembled hyenas, crabs, cormorants, cheetahs, kakapos, hawks, or even dragons. The dairk uses Pre-Terran weaponry or dark magic for hunting or slaying with or without authorization under the government if they have strong fighting skills during battle against the life of violence.
Dairk's humor is strange by human standards, unlike elves and angels.
Distribution and Habitat
Dairks can be found in their communities all over the world, aside from the diaspora. Due in large part to their capacity to use technology to adapt to and alter their surroundings, dairks can be found in a wide range of ecosystems. Like all Hirawhassan native extraterrestrials, Dairk was a resident and indigenous life exclusive to Ursa Major.
Dairks cannot tame.
Dairks were formerly formidable hunters and fighters in both ancient and modern times; therefore, you are not xenophobic. How much respect do you have for yourself? You receive your tasks in return for achieving the goal. can exchange a variety of metals—coal, charcoal, or objects that pertain to the dark—for black iron or wrought iron. Urban areas are where there are significant concentrations of people; in the next 30 years, more than half of the world's population will reside in urban areas, remote regions, or other types of environments.
Dairks and other extraterrestrials of Berbania are the worst nightmares on Earth, responsible for having the most powerful magic and science altogether; there is no explanation yet as to where else they come from.
1200 AD
Dairks are a successful race now dominated on this planet; another race is Corachu, only in the Esmeralda Region. Hunt for alien species that offer these deities. In 1245, the war was over due to the overexploitation of some megafauna in this region. There were descendants of the ancient Corachi until it went extinct in 1300 AD. Dairks and Corachus survived, and Tiqojarhans survived separation and speciation.
August 1, 1245
In the Roman Calendar, the conflict of alien races was between two races at the civil war of Inorthia (the country before where Isabella, Archie, Nicolette, Arnold, Allison, and Rapunzel arrived). An attack with the strongest fauna and a wyvern-alien with deadly plasma energy were all brought to the end of this civil war in Inorthia and Qezhonia.
1490s–1559 AD
If the notes from South Korea were dated to the Goryeo dynasty or Joseon, one drawing was two Dermochlories, and one was either Dairk, Corachu, or Corairk.
During the History Davvun events, for the first time since the 1990s, conservationist hunters from South Korea conducted an investigation into the events. Steal some machines from the Templar Knights, and the Assassin Brotherhood wants to travel to the past.
Many Conservationist Hunters are Korean people and find the solution to Dairks, Dermochlories, and Corairk's existence in Korea, Russia, and Manchuria, China. The first documented Terran religion found in Berbania was Neo-Confucianism, or the indigenous name was Rurur, the Dermochlorian word for "Ru company" or 茹公司 "Rú gōngsī". Dermochlories and African Americans on the planet Berbania in Ursa Major continue to practice Neo-Confucianism today. As the setting for the Two Lights and Worldcraft books, the story revolves around Queen Arianna, Duke Jericho, and their children.
2015 AD
The Dairks explored the Tiqojarha to settle down in a new country, Kataqira, to investigate all native alien species that lived here before the rediscovered razorjet.
Étrangers Guerre/Distorter-Dairk War of Reinachos, 2105 AD
It was first confirmed that Dairks used futuristic theme interstellar vehicles to manage the travel into the Reinachos, where another connection between the Corachu and Tiqojarhan Dairks found the desert landscape without any sapient; in fact, Pascua Delos Desierto possibly landed in Nuaryah; the Democratic Republic with cities and towns is a Biblical Scene theme; their weapons and tools are like contemporary themes introduced by Distorters when they settled down. A dairk general to start an agreement with Kimiatos, but it still says nothing to trade for orichalcum and their topaz-like mineral. However, the distorters want to wage war between the Berbanians and distorters to ensure the war. However, the war is over, but the Berbanians are retreating to their planet because of an unexpected, unknown mutated amoeba called Whishang, or, in fact, Kuçedra. The war is over and has ceased to end.
Arrival of Terrans, 2427 AD
Humans and magical creatures (elf, fairy, ogre, dwarf, troll, etc.) arrived. When the extraterrestrials start to settle down there from the Berbanians, but if something unexpected happens, the aliens will exist. However, the Romance speakers want to wage war between Romance speakers and Dairk Corachu on this planet against the New Roman Era. They didn't agree with the Paladins of Earth and the elite armies of Berbania due to the crisis of resource depletion and the murder of King Philip XXI.
Berbanian Great War, October 25, 2498
Before Ilocanos; Tagalogs; Indians; Bengalis; Russians; Indonesians; English people; Americans; to Jews arrive, the Spaniards; French people; Portuguese people; Romanians (mostly Catholic instead of Eastern Orthodox for supplant); Italians; Catalans; Basques; Scottish people; Irish people; Cornish people; Welsh people; Manx people; Bretons; Hungarians; Mexicans; Hondurans; Guatemalans; Venezuelans; Argentinians; to Brazilians were Catholics for achieving their own sacred religions on planet Berbania. It was considered active against Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Judaism, Taoism, Shinto, Kemeticism, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Anitism, Javanese religion, Maori religion, Bahai Faith, Native American religion, and Berbanian/Reinachan pagans (Dairkian and Corachan indigenous religion) As was the case in Latin American, Western Europe, and Northern Europe, forced conversion was common and any refused to ceased it and decline against United Nations and Great Britain for Ursa Major's expeditifusal to submit to Church authority of Celtic and Romance-speaking people was seen as both rebellion against the Pope and sedition against the Spanish Crown (Celtics and Romans Alliance of United Alliance Planet Earth) and the Roman Empire's legacy, which was punishable by death to extraterrestrial's demise to extinction of half extraterrestrial life and most native Berbanian life and monsters as a genocide of most Berbania Endemic Life.
Legendary beings and animals, such as the Italo-Celtic tribes from the Spanish Crown—along with all of the great nations of the Latin American-Canada alliance—formed two rival military coalitions, the Terran and the Berbanians. The main protagonists in a conflict that directly affected more than 10 billion people from more than 40 countries muddled the distinction between civilian and military resources. Additionally, they made use of all of their industrial, scientific, and commercial resources.
The battle was significantly influenced by aircraft and tanks, which made it possible to strategically bomb cities and use the only animals still used in warfare. Tens of billions of people or extraterrestrials perished in this battle, which was by far the bloodiest conflict in Berbania's history, due to genocides (including the destruction of Berbanian vegetation and the extinction of the Garralo tribe), famine, massacres, and disease. Following the defeat of the Berbanians, the cities of Dairks, Corachi, Dermochlories, and Tiqojarhan Dairks were occupied, and war crimes trials against the kings and emperors of the Berbanians were held after the war had ended.
Corachu, Dairk, and indigenous alien species band together to battle native Berbanians (700,234,071), and there are 2,349,910,570 Terrans. Other than that, all fairies and elves will stay away from the lethal dark forces, which are a combination of light and earth and are not a part of the classical elements. All races were slatemented and surrendered, and extraterrestrial captivity is now outlawed until October 5, 2719 AD. The extraterrestrials are now being reclaimed by the Spanish and Celtic coalitions.
Epic Comeback for Berbania/Death of King of Spain (2715–October 5, 2719 AD)
A high-ranking member of this exoplanet's new Templar Knight affiliate, the Dinojerullese Templar Order, is Lord Marco de Navarro. De Navarro opposes and persecutes the Berbanian or Hirawhassan native aliens as part of the Italo-Celtic Christian Inquisition, influenced by Magno de Santos, Grand Master of the Inorthian Templars and papal candidate.
Mokangcha de Tailor joined the Berbanian Conservationist Hunters in 2705 AD during the Santo Domingo War in the Dinojerulla Anarchist State. He was tasked with defending Prince Quinorrodat of Santo Domingo against the Templar Order and Assassin Order, which are the antagonists of the Conservationist Hunters (also known as Monster Hunters). As part of the Hunters, Mokangcha de Tailor discovered his mother's death at the hands of his father, Jose de Tailor, an Assassin Mentor and Templar Order Grand Master. Arriving to catch Mokangcha, who convinces his father to flee, is Jose, escorted by Isaac Rikkin, CEO of the Abstergo Foundation, a former Templars subsidiary and deemed the Templars' worst enemy. Mokangcha and Jose become the first native extraterrestrials and first true extraterrestrials, as well as the first non-eukaryotes outside the planet Earth to join either the Conservationist Hunters, Assassin Order, or Templar Order.
Mokangcha and Janise ambush a meeting between Rikkin and Jose; they kill Rikkin's men and recover the Berbanian ancient artifact and a Hephaistos' prototype old sword, but Rikkin captures Janise. She chooses to die to protect the artifact and a sword, and she stabs Rikkin and herself on Hephaistos' blade, allowing Mokangcha to kill Jose. He was killed by a member of the Assassin Order, Johan Solaikio, a Sami and ancestor of other characters in the Worldcraft series, to obtain the artifact and a sword.
Because of humanity's hatred for extraterrestrials, as Johan and Sofia Solaikio vow revenge, the Assassins and the Templars depart, and the Conservationist Hunters start to mass suicide themselves to be hunted by the Assassins and the Templars, swearing once again to protect the Apple from the Hunters. Johan and Sofia were captured by Dairk Conservationist Hunters, and both were sentenced to death for murdering a rival, which led to their execution.
Berbanians and other extraterrestrials from Berbania have now been totally conquered by the Romans and Celts. Consequently, the majority of them have received warnings to rebel in their country, Spain, against the Spanish and their allies in order to reclaim their homes on Earth.
The Italo-Celtic people and the pope are opposed by the Dairks, Corachus, Dermochlories, Tiqojarhan Dairks, and their allies from the faunas of Ursa Major, using their superior technology such as interplanetary travel, directed-energy weapons, and active camouflage. Genocide, the entrance of alien species from Berbania, and many extraterrestrial attacks claimed the lives of tens of billions of Celts, Romans, and speakers of Romance languages.
The war between the native extraterrestrials and the French, Spanish, and other peoples was resolved by Guerrero Whipharo, also known as Dairk King of Dinojerulla, the final alien ruler in Berbania. Many Ilocanos and Jews desired to travel to Berbania following Guerrero's death, and the first royal family to do so was Jorelavo, who was half Ilocano from Marcos and half Monegasque from the royal line. At Mississippi State, they made a deal to stop the conflict and the extermination of Italian-Celtic tribes.
2018–2020 Version
2023 Version
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