

" Our world. "

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbour and support life. Alongside with Delphia; Berbania and Reinachos as Midgard, is one of the Nine Realms, and exists on the middle level of the Yggdrasil along with Jotunheim.

The planet served as the main setting for the universe of Earth Responsibly.


The Modern English word Earth developed, via Middle English, from an Old English noun most often spelled eorðe. It has cognates in every Germanic language, and their ancestral root has been reconstructed as *erþō. In its earliest attestation, the word eorðe was already being used to translate the many senses of Latin terra and Greek γῆ : the ground, its soil, dry land, the human world, the surface of the world (including the sea), and the globe itself.


Whether you believe it or not, Planet Earth is not a constellation in itself. As seen from Earth, constellations are collections of stars. The Earth's Sun, on the other hand, may seem to extraterrestrials as a member of a constellation seen from their planet and prove it was a component of Constellation Sagittarius.

The Earth is also connected to other realms and planes of existence, including Berbania, Reinachos, Delphia, Sawintir, Agarathos, and others which used Hellmouth, Drift Portals, Bifrost, or by using the Astral Portal from Doctor Strange. Upon the development of specialized hyperdrive, individuals who were equipped could travel faster than light by entering hyperspace, drastically cutting the travel periods between two star systems. Recommend using spacecraft to travel up to 1 light years for travelling to the Earth.

Natural Satellites

Planet Earth has one moon. We call it "The Moon" because for a long time it was the only one we knew about.


An oblate spheroid is what Planet Earth is. This indicates that, while not exactly round, it has a spherical shape. The imaginary line circling the world horizontally in the middle, known as the Equator, is where it has a somewhat larger radius. Earth's poles also have a modest flattening in addition to its center bulging. Calculating precise surface positions requires the geoid, which depicts the model shape of the Earth.

The remaining 70.8% is covered with water, mostly by oceans, seas, gulfs, and other salt-water bodies, but also by lakes, rivers, and other freshwater, which together constitute the hydrosphere. The stunning "blue marble" photograph focuses on the Indian subcontinent and eastern Africa. The Great Lakes of east Africa may be seen, as well as the paler blue of the Indian Ocean. Near the point where east Africa and the Arabian Peninsula converge, the world's longest river, the Nile, can be seen winding its way to a fertile green delta. Additionally, it is easy to see Madagascar, which is located off the southern coast of Africa, and Sri Lanka, which is located off the southern coast of India.

In the modern age, this phrase is not considered literal as it is considered that the five oceans (the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic, and the Southern/Antarctic) are the main seas of the world. Although Kingdom of Arendelle and Kingdom Corona (both of which have previously been established to be set in the same universe due to cameos from Wendy, Peter, Alice, Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff in Tangled and Frozen) are confirmed to be set in the Planet Earth.

The Southern Isles and Arendelle are depicted on a map in Frozen Fever events, and you can see how much they resemble Norway and Denmark, respectively. The North Sea, which is also between Norway and Denmark, is also referred to as the sea between Arendelle and the Southern Isles under the name Nordsoen.

The crust is covered by a series of constantly moving tectonic plates. New crust is created along mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys, where plates pull apart from each other in a process called rifting. Plates slide above and below each other in a process called subduction. They crash against each other in a process called faulting.

Tectonic activity such as subduction and faulting has shaped the crust into a variety of landscapes. Earth’s highest point is Mount Everest, Nepal, which soars 8,850 kilometers (29,035 feet) in the Himalaya Mountains in Asia. Mount Everest continues to grow every year, as subduction drives the Indo-Australian tectonic plate below the Eurasian tectonic plate. Subduction also creates Earth’s deepest point, the Mariana Trench, about 11 kilometers (6.9 miles) below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The heavy Pacific plate is being subducted beneath the small Mariana plate.

Plate tectonics are also responsible for landforms such as geysers, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Tectonic activity around the Pacific plate, for instance, creates the Ring of Fire. This tectonically active area includes volcanoes such as Mount Fuji, Japan, and earthquake-prone fault zones such as the west coast of the United States.

We have life on our home planet, which also shields us from outer space. Our own planet, Earth, is a world unto itself. Earth, the third planet from the sun, is the only place in the known cosmos where the presence of life has been established. Since then, the combination of Earth's distance from the Sun, physical properties, and geological history have allowed life to evolve and thrive. In the history of life on Earth, biodiversity has gone through long periods of expansion, occasionally punctuated by mass extinctions and tragedies worldwide until the single peace offering. Humans increasingly impact Earth's surface, hydrology, atmospheric processes, and other life or preserved to conservate prevent their animals into extinction.

Earth's physical environment is often described in terms of spheres: the magnetosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere.

Flora and Fauna

Originals live on planet Earth. The amazing evolution process that has occurred throughout the history of life has produced various plants, fungi, bacteria, animals, and monsters, among other organisms. Therefore, a group of plants and animals that are unique to a certain geographic place and some of them can be found in fossil records are referred to as flora and fauna by biologists into Biosphere.

These rare, powerful wicked animals, known as Elder Dragons, have existed since ancient times but are currently in danger due to a combination of human activities and other factors. The Assassin Order, however, discovered that Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to construct contemporary animals, mythological beings, extinct animals, and even humans—all of them developed by primarily Eostre—was responsible for the creation of the animals. Other Deities, fairies, and angels quickly realized the advantages of the docile beings and compelled them to a servile slave workforce, despite the fact that it was originally intended for mankind to adore their creators as gods.

A third program, running concurrently with Project Pashneia, sought to enhance aurorium-powered magical abilities throughout all spheres. By inserting a neurotransmitter into the brains of Project Pashneia's creature inventions (including hybrid or demigods), submission to the Deities' Apple of Eden was made possible. Many animals are intelligent, but some are dumb and cannot be tamed; intelligent animals are bonded by a human being who rides on creatures and tames them in various ways.


The interrelated international economic transactions on Planet Earth that take place between many nations are referred to as the global economy. These economic operations may affect the participating nations favorably or unfavorably in terms of resources, money, food, property, and other factors.


Earth have various rules: monarch and republic.


Hadean Era - 4567.3 ± 0.16 – 4000 bil BCE