Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

“ You’ve taken your first step into a larger world. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Other Names: 


Born: 57 BBY, Stewjon

Died: 0 BBY, Death Star, Alderaan system (Star Wars only) / 3023 AD (Rewritten only, later resurrected)

Species: Human

Nationality: Stewjonian

Age: 56

Gender: Male


Religion: unknown

Language Spoken: English, Spanish, Dark Elvish, Delphian, Romanian, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: Lightsaber

Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): Satine Kryze

Relative(s): unnamed parents



Likes: Lightsaber, Ahsoka, Anakin, Padme, his friends, protection, mastering, spaceships, food, memes

Dislikes: Sith, any Sith Variants, stupidity, failing, Delphian demons

Inspiration: himself

Obi Wan Kenobi is the legendary Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a noble man and gifted in the ways of the Force. He trained Anakin Skywalker, served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars, and guided Luke Skywalker as a mentor.

Kenobi was introduced in Equation 3 as main tritagonist.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Kenobi was a human male who stood at 1.82 meters and weighed 81 kilograms. He had fair skin, gray-blue eyes, and auburn hair which had turned white in his later years.


Kenobi was a very capable lightsaber duelist, one of the greatest swordsmen of his time. Throughout his training years, he had learnt several forms of lightsaber combat, especially Form III. Kenobi was able to duel Grievous to a draw in their third and fourth encounters, and was able to overpower him in their second duel and ultimately killed him in the final round, albeit with a blaster rather than his lightsaber. 

Though Kenobi focused largely on lightsaber combat, he was also very skilled and powerful in use of the Force. He was trained in the use of the mind trick, making use of it whenever he wanted to avoid physical confrontations. He was also capable of using telekinesis to push or levitate objects, or to crush them, as seen when he destroyed two commando droids to recover his lightsaber after a difficult hand-to-hand fight with enemies.

Despite his dislike of flying, Kenobi was an excellent pilot. During the Clone Wars, he led many attacks from the cockpit of his Jedi starfighter or his Jedi interceptor, proving to be an outstanding pilot when navigating through an asteroid field in pursuit of Jango Fett's ship and evading his seismic charges unscathed.

Obi-Wan Kenobi proved himself to be a great military strategist and a highly studious man, demonstrating good knowledge on galactic history and conventions of war against in Earth Responsibly: another tribes of Dark Elves, Delphina's allies, Balaur and others. 


During much of his time as a youngling, Kenobi was known to be rebellious and willful, described as breaking the rules laid out by the Jedi left and right. However, throughout much of his early apprenticeship to Qui-Gon Jinn, Kenobi possessed strong fondness for rigid rules and a largely by-the-book attitude when it came to matters such as the Jedi Code. He felt as if he never truly understood his master and yet nevertheless wished to please him and earn his respect. He also had trouble understanding his master's hobbies and interests, such as study of arcane Jedi prophecies.

Over time, Kenobi lost some of his youthful audacity and assumed the role of a more cautious and conservative mentor to Anakin Skywalker, who was in many ways his opposite in personality. Kenobi often thought out plans and strategies rather than leaping into action. He would usually place his hand on his chin or stroke his beard as he thought. This was a common trait of the Jedi Master, one that his apprentice Anakin Skywalker did not practice very often.


Kenobi arrived when he was arrested by a group of Dark Elves in Svartalfheim. He escaped with fellow men and women to Rivera siblings and other good Dark Elves from unknown final enemies, the Hraesvelgr and Bean Nighe.


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