White Slime Siren

Limusirenus albus

White Slime Siren

The white variant of the species has more unique chromosomes than a normal relative.



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Family: Sirenidae

Genus: Limusirenus

Species: Limusirenus albus

Descendant: salamanders

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2026

Size: 30 cm long in length; 27 cm tall in height; 450 g in weight


Title: Slime Salamander

Pantheon: Avalonian

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water

Inflicts: Watered, slime

Weaknesses: Fire, nature, electric

Casualties: n/a

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Least Concern

White Slime Siren (Limusirenus albus) is the fictional species of siren salamander introduced in Worldcraft: The Center of the Ocean.


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Physical Appearance

White slime sirens are blind animals without eyes, white skin that very sensitive to light, very small limbs, pink lips, six small gills, and very long tail. Their size was estimated to 30 cm in length, 27 cm tall in height, and 450 grams in weight. This animal was semiaquatic and cave dwelling species.


With the exception of sucking water into their mouths to eat their enemies alive, their olive slime siren has the same ability to produce slime that resembles that of a nagfish.


Because the gods and goddesses created this animal, a shaft of sunlight, moonlight, or any other light source that touches anywhere on its skin will cause lasting areas of redness, probably a type of sunburn, and they cannot regenerate their tail or limbs, causing death if there is too much light.


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If handled or touched, the white ones are completely safe. Given their small size and tendency to avoid humans and other animals, these small creatures are somewhat solitary. They also stay away from light because of their delicate skin.

Distribution and Habitat

This animal was exclusive to caverns in Asia, Europe, North Africa, South America, and even Solomon islands as endemic species, they lived mostly limestones from tropical rainforest to temperate deciduous forest. The white slime siren was Sawintir in origin and only found in caverns far away in the territory of Avalor Kingdom as endemic species.


Despite being untameable, this animal was tamed through jerky meat as an instant pet and used as a warden unable to escape with thickest slime.


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Foreign Languages

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