
Nothoballaenodon novazealandensis


In Aotearoa and Hokkaido, two of the three nonviolent islands, a mythical dragon emerged. Never hurt someone without cause until they are punished as a first warning on the throne of the Ring of Fire, deep within the ocean.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Aquanodraconidae

Subfamily: Nothoballaenodoninae

Genus: Nothoballaenodon

Species: Nothoballaenodon novazealandensis

Descendant: water dragons

Named by: Cynthia Taylor

Year Published: 1979




Size: 18 - 44 meters in length, 4,666 kilograms in weight

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene Epoch (Middle Age, Age of Exploration, Colonization, World War II, to Future Era)

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Water, ice

Inflicts: Waterblight, iceblight, frostbite

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, sound, earth, metal, bombed


Based on: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) - IUCN Red List

Taniwha (Nothoballaenodon novazealandensis) (Kanji: タニファ) is one of the mythical creatures. Considered an Elder Dragon by people and native in Aotearoa and Nihon as Wani. This dragon was introduced in Life for Bogatyr and Mahabharata, and Nunukia: Musket Wars. As part of a Japanese dragon than a Polynesian dragon because of their way of combining whales or sharks.


Taniwha (Hiragana: タニファ) is from Maori word means for this dragon, than a shark translate in Old Maori language and shared with other Polynesian languages. In Japan as Wani dragon (Kanji: 鰐) means crocodile from Old Japanese.

Proto-Austro-Tai *(m)baŋiwak ("shark"; "crocodile", "monitor lizard"), posited by Paul K. Benedict and proposed by him to give rise to the Tai word, as well as Japanese 鰐わに (wani, “crocodilian; shark”), 魚うお (uo, “fish”).

Physical Appearance

Taniwha was described as having a grotesque form with tuatara or crocodilian scales on the back, whale fluke, Maori tattoo markings on the detail head, gill-like appendages that resemble shark's gills but didn't function as fish's breath, short horns jagged from eyelashes, fin ears, two fangs present, five short spikes on the shoulder, five pairs of prehensile spikes during enrage when rise up, a metallic blue skin tone (to a brownish color that turned camouflage for mistaken for a driftwood), shark teeth on the upper fangs, leopard seal's teeth on the lower fangs for filter feeder, and the eye color of taniwha was blue eyes like Europeans.


Taniwha is capable of breathing water when the ice, upon impact, is enraged; in the subtropical regions, breathing cold water causes frostbite. Can camouflage it to form a driftwood for disguise, and the spikes will shut off, and the spikes will be shut off and made mistaken for the whale. Taniwha can float themselves with their own aura to guide a wind; if the aura exhausts, they will now be swimming or walking normally instead of flying.


Weather Phenomenon

Taniwha is capable of cooling the water level and even controlling the cool temperature for their home.


Taniwha was an ambush predator and a top predator in Aotearoa and Japan, without any reason. Taniwha hunts pinnipeds, tunas, snakes, dolphins, sharks, gulls, krill, squids, bats, wetas, and even moas (this flightless bird is now extinct by overhunting for the iwi), but humans to patupaiarehe or namahage are the only main prey for the sacrifice.

Taniwha was formerly the top predator on the shoreline of its prior ecosystem, but because of its current way of life, it is unable to easily catch some larger prey. Fish, lobsters, and even isopods are among the deep-sea prey that Taniwha now specializes in hunting.

Taniwha is semi-aquatic and lives both terrestrially and marinely, forging dolphins or skuas away from the sardines. If taniwha never harm Maoris and even Pakehas (Europeans, Asians, and Eurasians), only non-Pakeha and non-Maori residents will be messed up into the unstoppable and killed under the tapu.

Pania, or Tamatori-hime, was a princess who was abducted by Taniwha itself. Many rich women are also missing in action because of their natural beauty; even the children are actually Pakehas (Asians and Europeans only), and Japanese people also abducted due to the rules of tapu.


Taniwha was very aggressive towards non-New Zealanders and non-Japanese people; no one else can eat whole.


Mysterious, aggressive, vengeful, intelligent, black-hearted, prideful, resourceful, overprotective, ill-tempered, sneaky, scary, abusive, calculating, overprotective, blasphemous, persuasive, dangerous, powerful, manipulative, irreligious, genocidal, betrayal, ruthless, murderous, ferocious, violent, reckless, clever, hungry, thirsty, voracious, savage, cruel, destructive, greedy, carnivorous, fatherly, motherly, intimidating, arrogant, mogul, articulate, malevolent, comical, selfless, bold, fearless, brave, religious, edacious, perfectionist

Distribution and Habitat

The formidable, 200-year-old species, the Taniwha, has grown enormously over the years, either totally relocating to the land or the black sea, or vice versa, due to its vast size. The Taniwha are said to live in the deepest part of the water. The South Island to Hokkaido is the only real place to hunt one down if one gets the chance to travel in it.


Taniwha likes sweet potatoes and eels. If you need palm leaf wrapping as a gift and feeds, only place near Taniwha's nesting site and now tamed.


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