
Anurognathus ammoni


“ Jurassic ambush and cutest pterosaurs for our majesty? ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Pterosauria

Family: Anurognathidae

Genius: Anurognathus

Species: Anurognathus ammoni

Descendant: Anurognathid

Named by: Ludwig Döderlein

Year Published: 1923

Size: 35 centimeters tall in height; 50 centimeters long wingspan in length; 

Type: Reptiles (Pterosaurs)

Title: Nightjar Dragon


Time Period: Late Jurassic (155-140 million year BCE)

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Insectivorous/Carnivorous

Elements: Dark, normal, air

Inflicts: n/a

Weaknesses: Rock (50% immune), electric, ice, time, light, fae, combat

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Zegemelkermaus (Anurognathus ammoni) is the extinct species of anurognathid from Germany and nearby countries in Jurassic period. These are one of the cutest pterosaurs in the world. Possible to be nocturnal and can live in the flocks, much like birds.


Zegemekermaus is the portmanteau word in German for Ziegenmelker and Maus, which means "nightjar mouse". The genus name Anurognathus is derived from the Greek αν/ an- ("without"), оυρα "oura" ("tail"), and γναθος "gnathos" ("jaw") in reference to its unusually small tail relative, and the specific name Ammoni honors the Bavarian geologist Ludwig von Ammon.

Physical Appearance

Anurognathus had a short head with pin-like teeth for catching insects and although it traditionally is short tailed, include its elongated fifth toe and short metacarpals and neck. There wings are leathery with pycnofibers and resembles nightjar or swift bird. Anurognathus have large eyes and may be a nocturnal pterosaur.


Anurognathus  was having an amazingly keen sense of smell, able to detect insects at night from hundreds of feet away. Despite never utilizing it for combat, it has some Dark Element energy stored in its body, hence it often being Dark-elemental.


Anurognathus’ lifestyle was similar to flying insect hunters like bats, nightjars, swifts, swallows, and martins in present-day. Zegelmelkermaus’ predators includes theropods or other large insects in ancient Bavaria, the modern Bahamas-like environment. Studies of anurognathids showed that their wing membranes were covered with furry filaments or pycnofibers to keep it warm.


Anurognathus is quite content to ignore animals and survivors; and flied away.

Distribution and Habitat

Anurognathus was native in Germany and nearby countries; both past and present due to their pycnofibers.


Anurognathus was fed by yours with insects or mice after five times.




Foreign Languages
