Wooly Sawhead

Xipharhinopteryx friguconmona

Woolly Sawhead

The woolly one was a close friend of two species found in the taiga biome. Because of its bigger size and similar fit, it competes with Highland Falaqalku.

– Dominique Llorente

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Vesperosauria

Order: Chiropterosauria

Suborder: Volanosauriforma

Family: Volanosauridae

Subfamily: Volanosaurinae

Genus: Xipharhinopteryx

Species: Xipharhinopteryx friguconmona

Descendant: Varanopidae

Named by: Thomas Henryson

Year Published: 2780

Size: wingspan up to 3.4 meters long, 1.95 meters tall in height; 90.3 pounds in weight

Type: Synapsid

Title: Wooly Hacker


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, water, ice

Inflicts: Bleeding, iced, watered, spitted

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, electric, sound, fae

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Wooly Sawhead or Woolly Sawhead (Xipharhinopteryx friguconmona) is one of the fictional species of synapsid introduced in Worldcraft: The Center.


The combination of the words saw (act like a Carpenter saw) and head, or forehead, is called a sawhead. Owing to the long rostrum's toothy edges and beak-like structures.

Physical Appearance

This animal has thick brown hair ranging from head to tail, brown skin with a white belly, dark teeth and claws, including spurs, and a short nail-shaped tip.


Sawhead used their saw rostrum much like a carpenter's saw by stabbing or sawing, causing bleeding. Unlike the two of them, they can spit iced water to freeze foes.


Wooly Sawhead is in the middle of the food chain. They are omnivorous and consist of fruits, fungi, mistletoes, turnips, blueberries, mulberries, bamboo shoots, and even small animals like worms, fish, voles, lemmings, moles, rats, and others. They spotted a tree with dozens of sawheads perched on its branches in the herds called "Murderer of Sawheads."

Unlike many of them, the Sawheads have normal thermal sight, or thermography, used for seeing enemies behind the wall to detect heat. All three species of sawheads have deadly rostrums with sets of teeth that can cut or saw off flesh, paper, clothes, armor, ice, glass, and even plants. The wooly sawhead is a very special animal; it possesses its own ice sac on their throat, causes freezing foes, and performs the piercing attack move to impaled. The main predators of this animal were varieties of fauna in Horatio, like synapsids, wolves, falcons, and other dragons.


Unlike the normal one, this animal was fierce and protective until it provoked.

Distribution and Habitat

The Wooly Sawhead was a native species to the northernmost reaches of the Horatio region on Planet Reinachos. It descended from Sawintir under taiga-like environmental conditions. It has mountainous terrain and the polar, taiga, subpolar, and tundra regions.





The synapsids emerge from evolution and unique wildlife conservation except for the dinosaur species: Deinonychus. The voliantens are flying bat-like synapsids. Also looked up there are just studied by scientists in conversation and protected by Royal family members.

September 8, 2987


Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals


Foreign Languages