
Ichthyopteryx herodii


“ Until rediscovered, this animal was long gone in history, but it was unexpected. Beware of this dragon in the lake or deep ocean. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Ichthyopterygidae

Genius: Ichthyopteryx

Species: Ichthyopteryx herodii

Descendant: water dragon

Named by: Alfredo d'Esposito

Year Published: 1990

Size: 12.45 meter tall in height; 54 meters long in length and wingspan estimate to 67.3 meters in length; 9,000 kilograms




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🐟🥓💦

Elements: Water

Inflicts: Waterblight, drowned, paralysis

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Flossepfiz (Ichthyopteryx herodii) is the one of the Elder Dragon introduced in Weather Dragons and Worldcraft: Chaebol's Revenge.


Flossepfiz is the combination word from German and Dutch for "river bank fish," despite the name "river." Because not always in rivers but also in water formations worldwide and used by Aos Si and in Avalon and Agartha. From Planet Earth, it is called "Tarantasio," and dragons lived in Italy were considered "murderers of the sea.".

Physical Appearance

The adaptable dragon Flossepfiz lives in semi-aquatic environments. In contrast to the majority of Elder Dragons, this species uses its hands, feet, ears, tail, and fins for both swimming and flying.

They countershaded like manta rays and stingrays due to the dark blue to white belly and black stripes on their skin. Using the fin-like appendages at the knees and elbows to help with swimming. Ten-horn Flossepfiz sets have the appearance of actual fins. On the back, Flossepfiz are finless, giving them the appearance of a stingray with no sail. Flossepfiz have sets of multicolored bioluminescent markings on their ears, tails, and wings, much like comb jellies.


Flossepfiz mastered water elements in general and used three massive water beams. This attack consists of two parts: the beams themselves will strike the ground, and then the areas where the ground was struck will explode with water. Flossepfiz slapped their tail or flapped their wings to create a tsunami, or a waterspout pushed enemies at the back.

Flossepfiz filed through the air up to 150 kilometers above sea level. Can shoot water balls to impact the ground, causing large waterspouts to fly back into the twister. Flossepfiz have sets of deadly fangs with an unknown kind of something from their sac, causing one of the creatures infected to pour water on their mouth and drown. Because it flies through the air and spends less time on land by flapping wings both underwater and in the air.

Flossepfiz can shoot their saliva into the sky, causing temporary true rain until it flees. Once a Flossepfiz dies, the rain it made will dissipate within seconds.

Weather Phenomenon


Because Flossepfiz dominates its environment, even other predators on land and in the air prefer to avoid it. The Saurischian Wyverns, as well as a Flossepfiz to Rathalos and other creatures, would undoubtedly be seen as a threat to a Flossepfiz since they are the only actual competitors of the Flossepfiz aside from one another. Even for the well-defended larger one, Flossepfiz's control of the water element makes it a fearsome enemy in the aquatic ecosystem it inhabits.

Like other Elder Dragons, the dietary habits of a Flossepfiz are unclear, making it difficult to determine where it belongs in the natural hierarchy. Young Flossepfiz's only known predators, including huge squids, sharks, dolphins, mosasaurs, and others, were recently found to exist. Flossepiz is equipped with strong fins, wings, webbed limbs, and a tail fin that is made for swimming with both strength and grace in the water. Flossepfiz can stay underwater for longer periods of time without needing to surface for breath. It will swim up quickly when it wants to breathe, then jump out of the water.

Flossepfiz is fairly unusual in that it can fly even with very little wing movement and glide through the air like a manta ray does in the water. Flossepfiz also appears to be capable of blocking out the sun with its body, resulting in instantaneous darkness. It should be emphasized, though, that this power was only seen when it was first discovered.

This beast is an extremely unusual elder dragon; different ocean creatures may be seen on its body. It has wings like a manta ray, and the tips of its wings may discharge electricity like an electric eel. It possesses huge, needle-shaped teeth resembling those of deep-sea fish, and the membrane of its wings and some of its face flash with a bioluminescent light that pulses with the colors of the rainbow. Additionally, it has combs on its wings that resemble comb jelly, which enhances its bioluminescence. Its capacity to create, regulate, and absorb water, however, is its most renowned quality.


Unlike all of this class, this animal was timid and passive until provoked. This dragon was patrolling in Gerundo Lake between Milan, Lodi, and Cremona, as well as Lighrupiresal during thunderstorms, in the Flandheroa region of the Venhalos continent, and in most Agarthan regions.

Distribution and Habitat

Flossepfiz was located in Sawintir, Reinachos, Earth, and Agartha. It was reported by the royal family that they fought in the Mediterranean Sea or in Gerundo Lake during thunderstorms.


You wait for the landing of Flossepfiz before mounting its back. You won't fall, but if you give it some meat or fish meat, it will take off. Now look at the third person. After the initial feeding, wait a little while before feeding it once again.

To tame a Flossepfiz instead, survivors must steal one of its eggs. These eggs must be fed any kind of milk, which can be obtained from a variety of sources, to the hatchlings after they emerge.


Project Pashneia, sponsored by Amphitrite as her goal, was a scientific venture by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any creatures, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. Flossepfiz was the versatile and living weapon created by this project.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages