
русский язык / russkiy yazyk / russkij jazyk


Family: Borean, Eurasiatic, Nostratic, Indo-European, Balto-Slavic, Slavic, East Slavic, Russian

Region: Russia, other areas of the former Soviet Union states

Ethnicity: Russians, others

Speakers: 150 million - 110 million

Time Period: 10th century - Present

Writing System: Russian Cyrillic

Language Status: Safe

Russian language is not endangered according to the classification system of the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.

Russian is an East Slavic language mainly spoken across Russia. It is the native language of the Russians, and belongs to the Indo-European language family. It is one of four living East Slavic languages, and is also a part of the larger Balto-Slavic languages. Besides Russia itself, Russian is an official language in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and is used widely as a lingua franca throughout the Caucasus, Central Asia, and to some extent in the Baltic states. It was the de facto language of the former Soviet Union, and continues to be used in public life with varying proficiency in all of the post-Soviet states.

Russian has over 258 million total speakers worldwide. It is the most spoken Slavic language, and the most spoken native language in Europe, as well as the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia. It is the world's seventh-most spoken language by number of native speakers, and the world's eighth-most spoken language by total number of speakers. Russian is one of two official languages aboard the International Space Station, as well as one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is not endangered language according to UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger due to probably switched Russian to non-Russian languages in former Soviet states.

This language was introduced in Worldcraft, Weather Dragons, No Way to Seaway, and Rewritten.

Pronunciations - Произношения



Grammar - Грамматика

Russian is a SVO and SOV grammars and unlike some Slavic languages, also mostly are SVO for documents or written for essential use. While on SOV grammar is only for communicating with Indo-Iranian languages, like all Balto-Slavic.

Words - Слова

Phrases - Фразы


Sample Texts - Примеры текстов

Summoning Zmey Gorynych

Using the ouroboros and unknown ingredients for this species and awakes using Russian and Ukrainian. These ritual texts are used from Winter Soldier or Bucky Barnes from Captain America Civil War.

Desire, Rusty, Seventeen, Dawn, Furnace, Eight-Headed, Worst, Homecoming, One, Arise Serpent Gorynych!, Ready to answer for the awakening. Irresistible!

Users - Пользователи