
Aurodraco cambrianica


“ A golden dragon hails from Wales. However, scorching this mouth of melted glorious periodic table burns like a sun. It is impossible to explain. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Pyrodraconidae

Subfamily: Aurodraconinae

Genius: Aurodraco

Species: Aurodraco cambrianica

Descendant: Igniobus' relatives

Named by: John McFarland (Fictional)

Year Published: ???

Size: 16.5 meters tall in height, 42.6 meters length per wingspan, 35.0 meters in length including tail, 11,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous and mineral eating

Elements: Fire (Orange, later Yellowish Orange), metal, light, aether

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange, later Yellowish Orange), poison, metalblight, bleeding, stun, gnashed, heatwave, blindness, sundered

Weaknesses: Water, electric, ice, fae, chaos



TROQA (Morrison Era)

Based On: itself from Arthurian Legend; from El Dorado

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Aurotaryan (in PAPRIN) or Aurostra (in TROQA) (Aurodraco cambrianica; Welsh: Y ddraig aur / Aurodraig; Middle English: Gilden Dragoun / Gildrako; Old English: Gyldowyrm) is the last known guardian in Jejirique, one of the mythical creatures and Elder Dragon introduced in Worldcraft: Ragnarok.


Aurostra names are combined words from "aurum," which means "gold" in Latin; in Spaniards, they are called "oro" and "Teostra" from the Monster Hunter Series, the last word comes from the Ancient Greek ἄστρον (astron), meaning 'star'. Due to their textures like gold, they are actually real gold adhered by a volcanic activity or in supernovae in the exosphere. Aurotaryan is a compound word from Welsh: aur and tarian, which means "gold shield.".

In Welsh, Y Ddraig Aur means "the golden dragon," named by Owen Glendower, who fought with Uther Pendragon. The dragon is also known as Ōryū or Huánglóng, which translates to Yellow Dragon.

Physical Appearance

Aurostra is a real European dragon made of pure gold that is actually made by a volcanic activity; scales are adhered by unknowns and probably converted to saliva. Scales are actually like snakes in general, with four fingers on their wings and spikes jagged in the edges of the wings, up to five from big to small. Their wing membranes are actually tempered glass-like, given to reflection like a mirror, and lined up by distorted waving in their membranes.

The jagged dorsal plates on their backs have metallic gold, but real gold is pyrite. Their cheeks are spiky, they have long chins, loosening their gold, and their claws are larger than those of other dragons. They have jagged-edged spiked keratin in their elbows and near the hips, have thorns only in their near the scales, and the belly, which is pyrite-containing and metallic, has a long sword-like tail that can actually be severed. The tail will stick to the ground when severed, unlike most earthlings. Their teeth appear like crocodiles, and the eye color of Aurostra is hazel.


Aurostra breathes gold or pyrite occasionally; poison is the worst for humans and fairies; she is immune to merfolk. Shows their own parts of the body shine and takes up to five seconds to roar and shine in one flash. Aurostra's breaths consist of the melting gas of gold and pyrite as a natural diet and act like microwave radiation, which is harmful to your body. However, for druids and scientists, there is no evidence that they pose a health risk to people from gold and pyrite. Aurotaryan, like Gochdraig and its relatives, is able to swim in magma to travel if he needs to because the bio-volcanic combustion inside of Aurotaryan can withstand the highest temperatures of magma via digging or burrowing.

Its thin, lance-like, shield-like tail is highly flexible, and it can jab at enemies and defend itself because it is invulnerable to bullets and magic projectiles due to their higher IQ. It has razor-sharp lance-like tails, which are sufficient to rend and cut most materials, even stabbing and melting if increasing the temperature of heat. In the Pre-Worldcraft series, pre-future Aurotaryan can emit massive quantities of liquid nitrogen from her body, which allows her to slow down the melting of ice in Antarctica and the Arctic, stabilizing global sea levels in the process.



Aurostra's natural element weaknesses are water and ice, as well as pure-seal to cease Aurostra's pyrite-gold aura.

Weather Phenomenon

Drought; sun dog; sun halo; fake UFO sightings; and more.


Aurostra acts like a sun that shines in the morning to grow plants through similar photosynthesis occurring in this body. Other enemies are Alicantos, Chilean and Mapuche golden birds from Chilean mythology who love golds or silvers (based on their representative minerals) to hoard gold, even from karat gold actually stealing from their dragon, as in European fairy tales (as in Norse mythology called Fafnir). Both Drakolossia and Aurostra are Britons in their pantheon during Arthurian Legend, beaten up by various different species of dragons.

Aurostra is a carnivorous dragon as well as a metal eater; depending on their poisonous diet, which is how their abilities are fed, they consume gold or pyrite. If they consume anything else, however, it is meat since, unlike their kin, they have molars that are attached towards the end of their teeth. It has also reportedly traveled to human towns in the past, present, and future in order to devour meat, pyrite, or gold reserves. Its sole known predator is Y Ddraig Goch, king of all dragons who participated in an ecological competition known as a turf war.

Due to primarily living underground and in the mountains, this animal has an intelligent appearance (despite having a peanut-sized brain, unlike lizards), which is not seen in other classes. Despite the protection those adaptations provide, some parts of its body are vulnerable to attacks due to their lack of those features. This animal has two wings on its back that allow it to fly, but because it spends most of its time on the ground, those extra appendages are thought to be losing their original function.

It also has thick, muscular limbs to travel through the caverns it calls home or dig itself underground. Inside of its wings are small algae used for storing and spreading gold-pyrite particles to produce a microecosystem, which is a byproduct of its diet, around its environment. It is often seen wearing gold and other mixed, unknown native minerals. Inside its chest are special organs used for regulating this body temperature and storing gold-pyrite elements, which, for some reason, act like microwave radiation with ions. When it raged, reaching well above 6666°, it caused the metal on her to soften and melt.

This dragon was special, no match for the three great pantheons: Latin American (Aztecs; Tupi; Guaranis; Quechuas; others); Norse (Norwegian; Swedes; Danes; Icelanders; Faroese; others); and East Asian (Han Chinese; Uyghurs; Vietnamese; Khmers; to this diaspora); however, this was considered Welsh. However, this monster was very ancient, according to Princess Eilonwy.


Aurostra is an elder dragon that likes to keep to themselves. It is also extremely silent until it loses a lot of the gold that is around it. This animal will become angry quickly since it is as ugly and selfish as the villain, especially if the threat dares to attack it with wealth. It will become hostile and ignore most creatures once her or his gold coat is sufficient because it knows it is a formidable monster that cannot easily be matched by others.

Distribution and Habitat

This animal prefers to live deep underground or in harsh environments that are extremely dry, like deserts or mountains on planet Earth, such as Wales. Some individuals were found in Reinachos (in the future) and Sawintir (in the past and recent).


Aurostra cannot be tamed in the wild, both adult and baby, but you want to steal it and hatch your eggs in an incubator with a nest of dry plants and gold. This animal was very exclusively tamed while you and this monster were on the crust and near the Moho discontinuity as chthonic animals and fed with kibble from moles.


With the encouragement of Morrigan, Project Pashneia—a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own—created this creature known as Aurotaryan, which was the ultimate weapon.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals


2021 Version

drawing 2019

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2024 Version

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
