
Sanguinaophilos carolinica


The Murphy, North Carolina, home of the ferociously leech with eyes murks the bayous to marshes. Then can't pursue, with their vengeance of the blood navigation as a contact tracer against you. In the Tlanusi'yï, the home broke apart to the piece of jaws from head to tail. ”



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Annelida

Class: Clitellata

Order: Arhynchobdellida

Suborder: Hirudiniformes

Family: Macrobdellidae

Subfamily: Macrobdellinae

Genus: Sanguinaophilos

Species: Sanguinaophilos carolinica

Descendant: leech

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 5.9 meters tall in height, 700 kilograms in weight, 34.6 meters in length



Pantheon: Cherokee

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous and Hematophagy

Elements: Dark, water

Inflicts: Bleeding, lifedrain, impaled

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, leaf, light, swarm, fae, combat, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered

Tlanusi (Cherokee syllabary: ᏝᏄᏏ) is one of the mythical creatures and guardians introduced in Worldcraft: Fairytale's Ending. As a first-ever mythical creature and the only Cherokee guardian far away from conquistadors than Britons.


Tlanusi (ᏝᏄᏏ) in Cherokee language means leech.

Physical Appearance

Tlanusi was a giant leech, like most species of leeches that have eyes because of poor eyesight unlike their sister, an earthworm. Have black eyes, have dandelion colored lines, ashed gray waving lines vertically, black and smooth color skin. The underneath have whitish gray with red bullseye markings. Tlanusi have yellow markings on each segment.


Tlanusi bites to chase it down and attempts to attach themselves to the creature. Drains a lot of blood, because this leech has a high IQ and spits blood until exhausted. Tlanusi was a blind leech with eyes can a feature made up for by an excellent sense of smell and loss of hearing, being poor eyesight. Combined with diseases, this saliva contains hemoglobin and the blood of the leech makes it a ranged weapon. Their tail is like a large suction cup with teeth manners of leeches, which they use to hang from the ceilings of caves to assist in their ambushing tactics. This tail may also serve a secondary purpose, can Tlanusi store blood before assassinating you or animals.



Tlanusi leeches are hermaphrodites, meaning that they possess both male and female reproductive organs. Can reproduce through reciprocal fertilization, in which both animals become impregnated at the same time. The female forms a tough, gelatinous cocoon around the egg mass and attaches it to a hard object or buries it in the mud. They live in moist areas of swamps or rivers because their skin is very smooth and their habitable range is very limited. In polar regions of the world, can Tlanusi die by hibernation.


Tlanusi is a territorial creature that defends this habitat or place. Because this hearing cannot detect prey, it will quite literally remain deafness to their presence. Any animals and dinosaurs, Elder Dragon-Level Monsters, or a princess (any royal family/married survivor or person) will be retreated in the caverns or aquifers without distribution. Baby leeches are playful things and drain nectars until the blood.

Distribution and Habitat

Tlanusi was located in North Carolina, USA, and the Hybornia countries where the lakes or ponds are available to Tlanusi. In the Sawintir realm, this leech is always in the caverns underwater.


It was possible to tame a Tlanusi though this is very risky as its saliva could possibly kill its keepers if it simply drooled on them. Only the Cherokees though it can be tamed, only knocked by heavy projectiles like catapults or cannonballs and now unconsciously, feed them with blood or nectar of any flowers (except azaleas which is poisonous).


Coming soon.


See also: ???

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages