Crawfordsville Monster / Air-godwyrm

Magnudeuvermis americana

Crawfordsville Monster / Air-godwyrm

“ The legendary creature found in Crawfordsville, no matter what, will exist as an agent of Crom Cruach. Blue-skinned evil worm-like extraterrestrial from Berbania planet as its original homeland. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: incertae sedis

Kingdom: incertae sedis

Phylum: incertae sedis

Class: incertae sedis

Order: Magnudeuverma

Family: Magnudeuvermidae

Genius: Magnudeuvermis

Species: Magnudeuvermis americana

Descendant: ???

Named by: Gregory Peter de Hoya

Year Published: 2003

Size: 34.2 m in length; 20 m tall in height; 6,000 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene (Meghalayan) 1000 BCE–present

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Air, electric, arcane, light, dark

Inflicts: Arcaneblight, lightblight, electricblight, stun, confused, blindness, dizziness, suffocation, cursed

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Crawfordsville Monster or Air-Godwyrm (Magnudeuvermis americana) is one of the mythical creatures introduced in Worldcraft: The Actress and the Sky. The longest known mythical creature and cryptid from the series is in Berbania.


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Physical Appearance

Crawfordsville Monster is a large Berbanian skyfish (unrelated to our Earth's counterpart, the mollusk) that has only one red eye. This blood was purple in a certain color scheme. Only a single eye in this mouth is a main weakness. These black teeth were sturdy and tough as bulletproof glass. Seven flippers on each that support levitating themselves with wings as flippers. Each plate of 20 or 22 hard plates can get gravity, which means plates in a very close area where holes can shoot directly a light-plasma ball. The main fur is similar to the feathers on the end of this tail.


Crawfordsville Monster releases the power of enigmatic electrical and light energy, which causes the entire body to shine at the adversaries, rendering them more blind than others, and to shoot plasma energy from unique organs into these holes, acting indirectly like cannons and causing an impact to explode.

Weather Phenomenon


Two ice deliverymen reported seeing the Crawfordsville Monster, which they described as a "horrible apparition" that circled a nearby house. According to the accounts, the creature appeared to be disoriented and feeling pain, as the witnesses claim that it "squirmed in agony" and produced a "wheezing, plaintive noise." Some claim that they could feel its hot breath as it swooped close to them. On September 6, 1891, the monster flew all over town, and more than 100 people saw it.

This creature eats lots of killdeer every single day, including humans, as prey.


A peaceful and amiable extraterrestrial, the Crawfordsville Monster is eager to see more. Even when battling several adversaries. As it largely overlooks survivors while traveling to the town or environment in its arduous life, it appears to care nothing about them.

Distribution and Habitat

Crawfordsville Monster can survive in many environments but prefers mountains and volcanic areas due to the high amount of minerals there, rarely wandering around Indiana State and the Tiqojarha continent of Berbania.


The creature is tamed by attacking the magic pimples on its wings while dealing as little damage as possible to the alien itself, as the amount of damage you do will affect its health after the tame is complete. These nodes will only spawn if they are struck by lightning from the air godwyrm. The tail pimple cannot be made vulnerable to lightning strikes until the wings have been cleansed.

After all the pimple-like nodes have been destroyed, the air-godwyrm will stop moving and become claimable. After claiming it, it will follow and not wander.


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Main Theme Music

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Foreign Languages

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