
Terrahiruda mongolica


“ The living legends rumor before Mongols reconquest. The worms tried to devour any trespassers in their territory with teeth and paralysis. The legends allegedly exist. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Annelida

Class: Clitellata

Order: Neohirudina

Suborder: Hirudiniformes

Family: Terrahirudidae

Subfamily: Terrahirudinae

Genus: Terrahiruda

Species: Terrahiruda mongolica

Descendant: leech

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 5.9 meters tall in height, 700 kilograms in weight, 34.6 meters in length

Type: Segmented Worms (Leech), Mythical, Guardian

Title: Death Worm

Pantheon: Mongolian

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Earth

Inflicts: Earthed, paralysis

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered

Olgoi-khorkhoi (Mongolian: ᠥᠯᠭᠥᠢ ᠬᠥᠷᠬᠥᠢ/ᠥᠯᠭᠥᠶ ᠬᠥᠷᠬᠥᠶ; олгой-хорхой) is the one of the mythical creature introduced in Worldcraft: Scorched Earth.


Olgoi-khorkhoi in Mongolian word for "large intestine worm". In 1983 a specimen of Tartar sand boa (Eryx tataricus) was shown to locals who claimed to have seen "olgoi-khorkhoi" and they confirmed that this was the same animal.

Physical Appearance

Olgoi-khorkhoi is a large terrestrial worm that is related to leeches. Dull brown to brown tipped tail resembles sand boa, pale brownish underbelly, yellow edged holes on the neck for releasing paralysis and eyeless. Three mouths with sharp teeth and can spin and burrow through earth and sand. These hair-like segments are used to detect prey or predators in combat.


Olgoi-khorkhoi used their strength, as well as can echolocate with their brain from the special organs much like dolphins and bats combine for vibrating in the sand detects miles away from. Their pits are actually opening the electricity, the only segmented worm's mysterious evolution, to discharge its own electricity and shocks nearby deals paralysis, and the tail only can be grounded to static at the sand or soil.


Coming soon.


Olgoi-khorkhoi are very territorial species who dares for their own territory. Small individuals run away from larger ones.

Distribution and Habitat

Olgoi-khorkhoi was the endemic species in Mongolia, now extinct in China in the Middle Ages by the non-scholars.

In Worldcraft Series: located in Pascua Delos Desierto at mostly sand areas and in badlands. In Rewritten Series: located in sandy areas worldwide, even in islands brought by conquistadors via Mongolians are slaves.


Olgoi-khorkhoi cannot be tamed, due to low intelligence.


Coming soon.

Foreign Languages
